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RE: Lots of flip-flopping from conservatives on this issue. But how's that connected to a 60 Minutes program?

the mixed conservative message is only because their funding or brain power doesn't allow them to consider such a reality.

I had a good time with the Russian people , but the governmental culture clearly has no decency, killing dissenters, invading other countries, is no problem for those guys.

I once took a ship load of foreign aid rice to Bangladesh. right on the unloading pier, the distinctive handshake symbol of American aid was spray painted over to represent the rice was from the USSR.

They think such actions are clever instead of a moral problem. although the USSR no longer exists I wouldn't put anything past their Putin run government.

Back in the commie days I happened to cross paths with a Russian sailor , a rare sight because they were never allowed off the ship, and this guy only got off because he had a dental emergency . But to get off the ship, he first had to be authorized by the ships political officer,( who did no other work but to report about the crew.) regardless of need, along with his two required escorts.

And if anyone defected to the west, their entire family and close relatives would be "harmed". I didn't press for details. Such is life under authoritarian rule , and I certainly hope those who advocate for such rule here in America never gain such power.

Edits: 04/02/24 04/02/24

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  • RE: Lots of flip-flopping from conservatives on this issue. But how's that connected to a 60 Minutes program? - beach cruiser 21:24:33 04/02/24 (0)


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