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Re: Cambridge Azur 640

Most of their receivers have a compressed sound that makes the top rolled-off and the bass punchier, which results in a "louder" perceived and "smoother" sound from sources that are not ideal. Much in the same way that tube amps can compress a signal. I think that in the case of the SS units that "shaping" may be more acurate. I don't know that that is really true of the Integra line though as the only demo that I have heard (which was a professionally set-up system to give the absolute best presentation, using special material and highly paid salesmen (spokes people even), in an acoustically optimized space) actually had me wishing the demo was over sooner rather than later. I can't say anything really positive about the experiencee, so I'll just stop there...
A lot of people find the standard Onkyo fare to be rather warm and easy to listen to and I actually can recommend it for a low budget system. So as you put it, "It all really boils down to matching up the pieces to get the effect you want." and I would say that the pieces that we are discussing should do the job at your price. You know what your speakers sound like to you in your space, so you will have to find what you feel works best. We can only help to describe some general characteristics of the amps and the specifics related to your system will have to come from you. You obviously know what you like so you should not have a difficult time finding a suitable amp.

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  • Re: Cambridge Azur 640 - KT88 14:18:11 12/18/04 (1)

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