Headphone Heights

RE: New Stax model SR-X1 coming soon

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I stay away from Head-Fi. I think most of the users are equipment collectors & not music lovers. They quibble over the smallest nits & pick at them. They need to spend more time listening to music.

I did just check it out, and I am very impressed. They look terrific. Robust, well-built. Truly nothing boxy strapped to your head. Excellent price. I love my STAX very much, but they look wacky & are VERY fragile. The X1 does not look wacky in the least. I am not in the market currently, (if I were, it would be for a pair of L700), but I could see the X-1 blowing the market wide open if it sounds good. My experience with one of those "mini" engerziers was not good, but that is how you keep the price point for a system at below $1000. They should toss in the stand & cover. They are both required, in my experience.

Thanks for letting us know.

"'Cause when love is gone, there's always justice./And when justice is gone, there's always force./And when force is gone, there's always Mom. Hi Mom!" Laurie Anderson, "O Superman (For Massenet)"

Edits: 02/12/24

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