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Re: Accuphase Transport

>> I will have to disappoint you here. The video is not disabled. I have tried the “baby” with and without video (lifted the power supply pins of the part of the DSP that takes care of the video. There is no audible difference I could hear.<<

No disappointment here Alex and in fact it's a massive bonus when it comes to organising my equipment rack; if the video is comparable to my Toshiba SD-900E the Toshiba is up for sale as no doubt the sound will be better on music videos when listened to in my prefered stereo set-up.

Catch you later Alex. I might not be in the neighbourhood but I'm with you in spirit. :0)

Best Regards,
Chris redmond.

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  • Re: Accuphase Transport - chris.redmond2@bushinternet.com 02:25:06 01/03/04 (1)

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