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Re: Accuphase Transport

Happy New Year Chris!
"Hope the 'babies' aren't keeping you up at night and you've been able to enjoy the festive season?"

>> You bet they are...:-) I am not sure what day it is, not to talk about holidays..:-)

"Just a quick query about your modded SACD1000 after reading your thoughts over on that other digital forum I don't post on anymore (the one with the moaning old......persons)."

>> I am sorry I don’t see you there. I’ve had enough too, but I can't really leave the “good guys” there...:-)

"I've previously posted about how DADs should have been the Hi-Rez format which would have rendered both DVD-A and SACD redundant before they were a glint in their respective inventors' eyes, and the couple I have sound superb albeit originating from Chesky which wouldn't know how to make a poor recording if they were blindfolded and had wax poured into their ears."

>> I absolutely agree with you. I will yet have to hear anything that even comes close to DAD.

"However I wasn't sure if the modded SACD1000 would play these as I was under the impression the video circuitry was disabled and thought perhaps the accompanying 96/24 analogue output might be somehow tied up with the video circuitry."

>> You bet it plays DADs. Get ready with a bag of fresh diapers...:-) You might also need a candle or two...:-)

"Can you clarify this please and also clarify that the video circuitry is disabled for those like myself who simply want the very best in stereo sound from SACD and CD?"

>> I will have to disappoint you here. The video is not disabled. I have tried the “baby” with and without video (lifted the power supply pins of the part of the DSP that takes care of the video. There is no audible difference I could hear.

"By the way, what did you have for Christmas dinner?
If it was turkey did you buy it frozen or fresh/ready to pluck?"

>> Damn, you’re a psychic, but the turkey was for New Years Eve...:-) It was half-and-half...:-) My mom is a great cook though!

"I'd have thought the latter as you do seem to enjoy ruffling a few feathers now and again. :0)"

>> Man, it would have been much nicer if you were in the neighborhood...:-)


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