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Old Topic Show threads PAS3 with PC-7A, Chassis Vibrating tvavt1
6-9-2024 18:35
  Display thread 3 6-22-2024 06:17  Go to last post
by 1973shovel
Old Topic Show threads Dynaco stero 416 no relay operation jp.pezz
2-26-2024 07:56
  Display thread 0 2-26-2024 07:56  Go to last post
by jp.pezz
Old Hot Topic Show threads PA060 filament current? zacster
3-22-2020 07:20
  Display thread 15 1-18-2024 09:13  Go to last post
by understudy
Old Topic Show threads design considerations outbackdave
1-2-2024 06:07
  Display thread 1 1-2-2024 12:15  Go to last post
by JonM
Old Topic Show threads AVA Dynaco Super Pas 3 rectifier keeps going bad JHugh
11-22-2023 20:01
  Display thread 3 11-30-2023 12:18  Go to last post
by 1973shovel
Old Topic Show threads Rumble & hum mwagn_1
7-15-2023 13:33
  Display thread 0 7-15-2023 13:33  Go to last post
by mwagn_1
Old Topic Show threads can't get knobs off a Dynaco 400 scop@duck.com
7-10-2023 10:49
  Display thread 0 7-10-2023 10:49  Go to last post
by scop@duck.com
Old Topic Show threads Dynaco PAS - which model hdlesser@gmail.
12-31-2020 09:30
  Display thread 5 4-26-2023 20:46  Go to last post
by hahax@verizon
Old Topic Show threads Is asymmetrical clipping normal for an ST-80? wallewek
2-13-2023 15:17
  Display thread 1 2-17-2023 15:32  Go to last post
by wallewek
Old Hot Topic Show threads Steady state buzz in Dyna PAS. viridian
12-12-2021 19:14
  Display thread 11 1-17-2023 12:01  Go to last post
by xaudiomanx
Old Topic Show threads stock PAS into CAE upgrade Mk3 jothk@hotmail.c
11-10-2022 12:52
  Display thread 1 11-13-2022 07:59  Go to last post
by 1973shovel
Old Topic Show threads Dynaco PAS-4 preamp magiccarpetride
8-17-2022 12:38
  Display thread 2 8-26-2022 03:17  Go to last post
by Story
Old Topic Show threads NEW PSVANE Tubes Can't bias and blew rectifier. omnibusspresss@
7-21-2022 20:58
  Display thread 0 7-21-2022 20:58  Go to last post
by omnibusspress
Old Topic Show threads PAS3 noise from phono input. fishy
6-17-2021 08:46
  Display thread 8 4-7-2022 05:29  Go to last post
by 1973shovel
Old Hot Topic Show threads Was: Re: PAS Transformer Replacement sbalfour
3-20-2011 17:49
  Display thread 12 4-7-2022 04:51  Go to last post
by 1973shovel
Old Topic Show threads Dyna PAM1 pc board Teknofossil1958
2-18-2022 06:21
  Display thread 1 2-19-2022 07:02  Go to last post
by 1973shovel
Old Topic Show threads Dyna PAM1 pc board Teknofossil1958
2-18-2022 08:16
  Display thread 0 2-18-2022 08:16  Go to last post
by Teknofossil19
Old Topic Show threads 680 ohm risistor choice? gravityfeed
4-5-2008 18:04
  Display thread 2 7-28-2021 08:20  Go to last post
by 1973shovel
Old Topic Show threads MK III bias dremfl@sbcgloba
3-16-2021 18:30
  Display thread 2 3-27-2021 13:53  Go to last post
by dremfl@sbcglo
Old Hot Topic Show threads Made the biggest difference ever xaudiomanx
2-9-2018 08:11
  Display thread 17 3-5-2021 18:45  Go to last post
by Mushroom Soup
Old Hot Topic Show threads Direct input to ST-70 hvlee
4-3-2020 15:53
  Display thread 24 3-5-2021 18:38  Go to last post
by Mushroom Soup
Old Topic Show threads Pas mod vs Daniel II SuperB
2-5-2021 23:33
  Display thread 0 2-5-2021 23:33  Go to last post
by SuperB
Old Topic Show threads Ping Joe Curcio: Amp for Stacked Quad ESL 57 pushpulltriode
1-24-2021 04:01
  Display thread 0 1-24-2021 04:01  Go to last post
by pushpulltriod
Old Topic Show threads Can I damage Dynaco Pas by heavily clipping the phono stage roby1
1-22-2021 21:59
  Display thread 0 1-22-2021 21:59  Go to last post
by roby1
Old Topic Show threads HELP WITH DYNACO PAS sercar
7-14-2009 04:54
  Display thread 10 12-5-2020 18:06  Go to last post
by scottonnob

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