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PAS3 with PC-7A, Chassis Vibrating

Posted on June 9, 2024 at 18:35:33

Posts: 3
Joined: June 9, 2024
I'm working on a friends PAS3 with CAE PC5A, PC6A and PC-7A boards. This was upgraded at CAE several years back. Over time it's developed a mechanical buzz. As soon as you turn on power the cabinet starts to vibrate. The buzz is audible with nothing connected to the inputs or outputs, inputs shorted, and hooked up in the system.

If the covers are off you can barely hear the vibration. As you install the top cover the vibration increases, and installing the screws doesn't help.

- Replaced the quad cap, no help.
- There were no 10 ohm resistors left over from a previous rebuild of the input/output terminals. I corrected that, no difference.
- one of the large Wima caps has a crack in the case but it seems to be doing its job of blocking DC and passing AC.

Voltages on PC-7A
CD - 250.4VDC, <0.2mVAC
CB - 287.2VDC, 122mVAC
CA - 317.8VDC, 907mVAC
16 - 250.4VDC 0mVAC
14+15,18+19 10.85VDC, 300mVAC

Any ideas on troubleshooting this further? My gut is saying it's one of the transformers vibrating but I don't have spares to replace with.
PC-7A is two systems on one board, filament regulation and B+ regulation. I was thinking of disconnecting the filament regulation section and substitute with the original Dynaco circuit to isolate that section as the problem.


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RE: PAS3 with PC-7A, Chassis Vibrating, posted on June 9, 2024 at 19:34:49

Posts: 3
Joined: June 9, 2024
With no tubes installed, cover on, there is a small amount of chassis or transformer vibration. The vibration increases each time after installing the 12AT7, then the pair of 6922 tubes.


RE: PAS3 with PC-7A, Chassis Vibrating, posted on June 19, 2024 at 16:35:42

Posts: 3
Joined: June 9, 2024
Mystery solved. I removed the HV inputs from the Dynaco transformer which removes all of the power supply except for the filament circuit. The chassis still vibrated with power on. Replaced the Hammond transformer on PC-7A and the preamp is dead silent through tube amplified system driving K-Horns.


Sorry, but I didn't see your posts until today, posted on June 22, 2024 at 06:17:32

Posts: 10183
Location: Greenville SC
Joined: February 25, 2007
This place is a ghost town, and I often forget to check it.

My suggestion would have been the transformer, but you already figured that out. Congratulations!


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