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RE: Isn't it what I said ?

Actually, I attacked Trump as a person. He is an abomination.

I attack the hypocrisy of the so-called "family values" types who all lined up to get behind a racist misogynistic bully who has zero family values. Going from Obama a wonderful family values president to a steaming shithole of a man in Trump just calls out the abject racism and deplorable kkkristians out there.

Biden was nobody's real choice to be president. They were never going to let a Bernie Sanders win because he's FOR the 85% of Americans who live in the country - scoff - fat fracking chance the elites wanted him.

Biden was merely the "anti-Trump" vote. He got a record of votes because people saw what a cluster-fuck of a fat-ass boor Trump was. They could have run a potato for president. What Biden is though is an experienced government bureaucrat - boring. But after being irritated daily by Trump's poop-tweeting a steady diet of lies at all hours - boring is a wonderful respite. I don't have to read some Trump policy that is cruel for the sake of cruel every day to appease little small-man syndrome pussies who always support strong-man Mussolini wannabe leaders because they can be "tough" on the back of their president.

You say things that are partially true because I think you think that only Republicans and Christians are Americans.

"Those gun wielding nutcases are a backbone of America."

Yes, but most of those gun nuts are KKKristian Trumpian Republicans. You should actually look at the kinds of people at the Trump rallies - if there was ever a reason to be Pro-abortion just look there. Jesus Christ those people should be sterilized!

As for violence - it solves problems. I am not your typical woke liberal on this - no one stopped Hitler with flower power. The HK Students didn't get China to back down with protests. Nor even semi-violent protests.

You get shit done with guillotines - notice how the French government responds to the people (is afraid of the people) because government remembers Marie Antoinette.

The problem with complaining about Biden is that I have seen him speak - other than his known speech impediment and a few gaffes he is cogent and his state of the union made all those Republican loons like MTG and Bobert look like complete idiots. The fact is he's not a great speaker - age and speech impediment issues aside he is still a billion times the speaker of that completely incoherent mess that Trump was.

So it's really laughable when anyone on the right makes fun of Biden after seeing Trump mangle the English language for 4 years. But again - Biden was an anti-Trump vote so it actually doesn't bother Biden voters if people call him Branden etc - I didn't vote for the guy so why would I care?

I disparage religion and marriage only to the point where someone wants to inflict it on me.

I know you can't understand this because you are religious but imagine if you can Islam took over the west and told you to live under Sharia Law or else you will be killed. You would not like that.

Well, this is not different from scientists/atheists who do not want to be told how to live OUR LIVES because your book tells you how to live yours. Richard Dawkins was a relative unknown until 9/11. He was so upset over it that he began getting on religion because those people so believed that flying the planes into the buildings would please Alla. These beliefs were instilled into them by religious texts and religious leaders that they truly believed they were acting Godly through killing and trying to control others. They will throw gays off buildings because of their "beliefs" never once thinking "gee what if I am wrong."

I am a freedom kind of person. If you want to smoke a plant that grows on this planet - be my guest - if it kills you - well we warned you. If you want to have sex with only one person your whole life - fine - if you want to have 4 women and everyone is an adult and can make an informed choice fine by me. Doesn't hurt anyone. If you're gay then great - more women left for me.

People have the right to change their minds - maybe you're a Sam Malone bagging women your whole life and you meet the right one and decide marriage is a good choice. Plenty of people are in open marriages too - a concept some geezers here may not get but it means that you can have sexual relations with women outside your marriage. I know couples like this. I know a married couple who are both into BDSM - they are each Dominant - they have subs to play with - to tie up and spank etc. It is their "turn-on." And out of all the couples I know, their marriage has lasted the longest and is still going!

Their marriage may make no sense to me - but it works for them. If people could stay the fuck out of other people's business and not be some morality police for others people would get along better. But nope - religious people always have to butt in and tell everyone to live EXACTLY the way they do. And then they try and create laws for everyone else to follow. They cause the problems and they cause the violence because I want to take their fat heads and smash them when they try to force 10-year-olds to carry a baby - those fucks should be lined up and shot - and those fucks are ALWAYS some holier than though Christian type (who usually gets caught diddling a little boy).

All these Religious weirdos against transgender people - but look who is always caught diddling little boys or caught in same sex scandals - always the Christian pastor or Catholic Priests - those are the people we need to worry about not drag queens. But hey - projection.

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