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Single Ended Triodes (SETs), the ultimate tube lovers dream.

Re: So is obtaining a lifetime supply of 45's

That's a good question. If run 45s the way they were designed to operate, a pr. of 45s should last a good, long time. Early on I'd buy about 50-60 tubes thinking that I would need to replace them frequently. I have yet to replace a tube in any of my equipment. 12ax7s, 6sl7s, 300Bs, 6dj8s, etc... I got into tube testers just to be neurotic and check my tubes occasionally. Remember, in the old days, this stuff was made to last forever.

I would think that if you have 2-3 nice prs, that you'd be set for a long time. It sometimes amazes me that people will spend 3-4k for a piece of equipment and concern themselves over 150/pr for output tubes. People should listen to whatever amps being considered within the context of their own systems. Then decide what is best based on personal tastes. Some people like single ended 300Bs, others like push-pull 2a3, yet others will prefer 45s or 10s. It's all speaker dependant and personal taste dependant. Me...I love them all.

Hell....the 1626 does great things for me. That's a 2 dollar tube!!

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