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re-evaluating headphone blahs with some DSP

I have a few fairly hifi phones: a couple PSB, a Senn 650 and a Grado. I never cared much for listening to the phones at home, only used them for walks. Phones always sounded somewhat claustrophobic to me. No "air" or sense of spaciousness. And the sound not coming from in front...

Anyway due to an increasing interest in surround sound, dolby, etc. I grabbed a Senn dsppro from the Bay.

I don't have many multi-channel or Dolby CDs but I read the dsppro manual and it has a digital time delay function.

Damned if I don't like the phones a lot more when listening through the dsp! The time delay function adds a sense of space, air, and room size. The dsp has a defeat switch so it is easy to A/B.

And the dsp is much more like listening to speakers in room. I may be using my phones a lot more!

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Topic - re-evaluating headphone blahs with some DSP - LtMandella 19:47:45 12/24/22 (9)


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