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RE: Tube headphone amp suggestions

I'm very late to this party, but I must recommend electrostatic headphones. You can buy a used STAX system for less than $800. That's the earspeakers & amp/energizer. The resolution & speed are unbeatable. I've had very good luck on eBay, but make absolutely sure the line voltage requirement is the same as your country's voltage. Japan's is 100V, and you'll find a lot of excellent deals from Japanese sellers, so beware of compatibility.

Another thing to remember is bias voltage. Make sure your amp/energizer supports the bias requirement of your phones. A little research will explain this more succinctly than I can at the present moment.

I was very skeptical before I listened for the first time. After I did listen, electrodynamic headphones sounded like mud. I had been using Beyerdynamic DT-990 with a Crack amp. Now, I use STAX exclusively for all my music listening. Apartment living is not really conducive to my music over speakers.

There are tube & hybrid amp/energizer choices out there, both STAX & otherwise.

Good luck.

"'Cause when love is gone, there's always justice./And when justice is gone, there's always force./And when force is gone, there's always Mom. Hi Mom!" Laurie Anderson, "O Superman (For Massenet)"

Edits: 12/21/22

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  • RE: Tube headphone amp suggestions - sisterray 11:11:26 12/21/22 (0)


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