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I have Grado RS-1s and...

... the "best" (translation: "most listenable") little amp I've found to drive them with is the portable original Meier Audio Porta Corda battery powered amp (w/ crossfeed circuitry).

No Kidding !

I also use a Cavalli Audio Liquid Spark AC powered amp to drive them. It is a much more powerful amp than the Porta Corda is and adds a bit more of a dynamic touch, but for overall "musicality" I have found nothing that betters the Porta Corda w/ "crossfeed" engaged. Grado's own RA-1 battery powered amp comes pretty close to the Porta Corda w/ crossfeed, though.

Most Grados don't require a lot of power, but they do like an amp specifically designed to feed low-impedance 'phones (Remember that little factoid and you'll probably do just fine).

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  • I have Grado RS-1s and... - peppy m. 13:51:40 01/08/22 (0)


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