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Do any of you own FiiO earphones?

I discovered this Chinese manufacturer a couple of years ago and became very interested in their products, especially FiiO digital players and FiiO IEM earphones. When I first discovered FiiO they made IEM earphones using multiple drivers in each earpiece. Some of their expensive earphones have as many as five and six drivers in each earpiece. Normally, they have one dynamic driver and several balanced armature drivers. They sound very good and they're also quite comfortable. However, just recently, they came out with some expensive single dynamic driver earphones that seem to sound even better than their multiple driver systems. I'm just curious if any of you own FiiO earphones.

I recently bought their new EM5 earbud style single dynamic driver earphone and although it sounds slightly better than their multiple driver earphones, it's not as comfortable as their IEM style earphones. However, they just came out with an IEM single dynamic driver earphone and it seems to be the best of both worlds. The cost is only $300 for either of these and they sound spectacular to me. If any of you own FiiO earphones, I'd like to know what you think about them.

John Elison

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Topic - Do any of you own FiiO earphones? - John Elison 19:39:04 02/26/21 (10)


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