Headphone Heights

RE: Headphones & Equalizers

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'); } else { document.writeln(' '); } } else { document.writeln(' '); } } else { document.writeln(' '); } } // End -->
Hey 42,

Glad you are digging that piece. I always have that in the chain and yeah its not an eq exactly but damn it helps the sound a ton. I will adjust slightly based on headphones and recordings but mostly just set and forget. It especially useful in the bass and damn man I have 2. One single ended and one balanced. For the price its hard to beat.

FWIW I tried some eq in software and an external digital eq and sadly I never liked them as much as the bbe and the boosts I am doing with hardware in the analog domain. Its just easier and I should understand eqs, but user error comes in...

Cut to razor sounding violins

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