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TU-8340 review in Kankyu Okoku Vol 83 Winter 2017

Here is the review of TU-8340 from Kankyu Okoku Vol 83 Winter 2017
管球王国 Vol.83 2017 WINTER (in Japanese)

The translation is in point form
 photo power_zpswo2xzyui.jpg

- Semi-automatic bias adjustment,
- Supports various beam power tubes
- Connections can be switched between UL and triode modes

- The changes in the soundstage when tube rolling are clear to make it reliable for tube evaluation

- L/R independent semi-con active filter is used for high voltage circuit

- Different operation for ECC81/12AT7 of the first stage and second stage, overall NFB

- Guarantees stable different operation amplification for 1-2 stages
using rated current IC.

EL34: In UL mode- the soundstage is deep with well controlled decay.
Music is articulate and detailed with a lifelike soundstage. The soundstage has a
dynamic range with more volume available

In Triode mode- there is less volume available- but the sensitivity, bass elasticity of rhythm instruments improves with a more dynamic, richer and more natural soundstage.

6L6GC: 3-dimensional sound stage with a clear, open sound and lower bass.
KT150: Even larger sound stage with very delicate presentation

This model is very reliable even as a tube rolling/tube evaluation machine.

The intention of this project has been fulfilled

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Topic - TU-8340 review in Kankyu Okoku Vol 83 Winter 2017 - vkung 14:11:07 01/30/17 (0)


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