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Assembly --- TU-8340VK

 photo TAKMAN REX 50G_zpsxjxslgbh.jpg

Blend the Takman REX 50G as per the above photo

Here are optional Mundorf Supreme Silver Gold Oil coupling caps..
It is really good with TU-8340VK
 photo cap_zpsjzptj7ig.jpg

Mundorf Supreme Silver Gold Oil

 photo AMRG Takman REX 50G_zpswpjxonr2.jpg

Takman REX 50G 2% Carbon Resistor + AMTRANS AMRG 1% Carbon Resistor

 photo 1_zpsdyyexun6.jpg

 photo 2_zpst7epu99a.jpg
 photo 3_zpswloffpx4.jpg

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Topic - Assembly --- TU-8340VK - vkung 22:53:06 12/12/16 (0)


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