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Re: Funny stuff....

"to pretend that a $300 receiver is going to give you SOTA sound is stretching it."

Please re-read my reply. These are not my sentiments, conversely, it is my area of contention exactly! Folks have claimed this reciever to be superior to 2-$8K work of well regarded electronics, and that is NOT my take at all, not by a longshot, simply stated. As we can see by the thread topic, some folks have been lead to believe that this $300 panny could be in the league of the HCA-2, eVo2 or other well regarded amps, due to the over enthusiastic reviews, which bothers me a bit as I don't like seeing people being mislead. I believe you share some of my feelings here, or at least your realize, as you put, that " some might step the boudaries of the extent to which the unit's capabilties are." My gripe exactly. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Follow Ups
  • Re: Funny stuff.... - Nietzsche 12:14:44 01/05/04 (1)
    • Agreed!nt - NEAR SOTA 13:55:15 01/05/04 (0)

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