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Had both in my system for the past week . . .

And liked the HCA-2 better. Better tonality, less sterile sounding, more fun, more musical, easier to settle down and listen to. It also rocks when you want it to.
The XR45 had a distinct "clarity" to it, that was interesting to listen to (in the lows and mids), but lacked air and ambiance in the mids to highs. This may be a function of it being down 3db at 2.2Khz but I am only speculating here.
Having said that, I preferred the Blue Circle BC28 Hybrid amplifier I have been auditioning to both "digital" amplifiers. The sound of strings, piano, cymbals, brushes etc was so much more natural with the BC28. The XR45 was worst here with the HCA-2 somewhere in the middle.
The XR-45 had been burned in for a steady 2 weeks play and had an upgraded power cord.
I ran the BC28 and HCA-2 with various combinations of a Meitner pre-amp, PS Audio PCA-2 pre-amp and direct from a DVD/CD player with digital volume control. I also used a Sony XE-670 SACD Player and a Meitner iDat DAC.

At under $1,000 the XR45 is darn good. I would take it above the NAD C370 I previously owned. If I had more to spend, I would prefer the Unico integrated (that I had previously), and the HCA-2 and BC28 I had here last week. My friend who owns the XR45, prefers the HCA-2 over the XR45 as well (in a direct comparison).

Of course system synergy is key, as well as musical taste and the usual other audiophile criteria.

I would'nt be to taken with the hype that the XR45 is "all digital". There still has to be a conversion from the redbook digital scheme to the digital switching amplifier module. It is not an exact science by any stretch of the imagination and that is why you don't see everyone doing it. It is often easier to convert to the analog domain and feed that to the amplifier module.

good luck with your decision.

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