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Jeez give me a break!

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously this is WAY too funny!

I've listened to inmates on this board moan for YEARS asking Magnepan to make a premium version of their speakers. And I have mentioned more than once the reality of doing such a thing. It is going to be EXPENSIVE! Beyond material costs there are all kinds of other over head costs. Additional space for inventory, additional SKU numbers in their accounting systems, etc., etc.

Well now they have done it and yes just as I said it is expensive. This is a real company building real products not DIYer's, hobbyist that have hours, days, weeks to tinker around and modify their speakers.

And costs for materials have exploded. As an example Cardas binding posts costs have exploded since COVID. I am paying 4 times the price I paid 10 years ago. I can't beat up Cardas the price of Rhodium, as an example, has exploded it is more valuable than gold. I am sure all their other materials costs have gone up significantly as well. I could give you dozens of other examples for my material costs since COVID.

Those that moan about all of this show a lack of understanding about the realities of manufacturing and the huge increase in material, transportation costs.

Edits: 11/27/23

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