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mineral wool pipe insulation as prefab bass trap?

Posted on January 31, 2011 at 08:15:58

Posts: 2451
Joined: July 17, 2000
I need some bass traps that do not require much of my time. I was looking at a local supplier's web site and see that mineral wool pipe insulation comes in 3' lengths with wall thicknesses from 1" - 4" and up to 20" inside diameter.

I was thinking 1" wall thickness, 20" inside diameter, filled with fiberglass and capped at each end. The supplier said there are no acoustical property specs available for the pipe insulation, but they do have some for the rigid panels which are quite good. Any thoughts on using these prefab cylinders as bass traps?


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Sounds like a plan, posted on January 31, 2011 at 09:10:59

Posts: 8801
Location: Tustin, CA (Orange County)
Joined: March 10, 2001
I'd be concerned with how rigid they are from a standing up perspective but they assuming they do that, should be fine!

Rather than fiberglass, source some "Ultratouch". Recycled Denim, much less problematic and dangerous than fiberglass.

Bass is supposed to sound big. 6.5" is not a woofer size.


rigidity not an issue, posted on January 31, 2011 at 09:44:11

Posts: 2451
Joined: July 17, 2000
These pieces would be more than capable of standing up on their own. And they can be trimmed with a utility knife. 20" is special order - so I need to ensure this is a good choice before moving forward.


Jon Risch posted on this years ago, posted on January 31, 2011 at 11:02:47

Posts: 4424
Location: SF Bay Area
Joined: November 25, 2002
There are DIY instructions for doing just that on the Web in various places.

These types of rigid pipe insulation are very tempting because they are rigid, are of the right material and sizes. So they make constructing a bass trap pretty easy by comparison to the original Jon Risch recipe.

Jon says they're not as effective.

I've wondered if you could increase this by using them to approximate his design more easily. For example, get two nested sizes of 1" thick walls, but leaving a 2" cavity between the walls. Fill that cavity with compressed fiberglass that is not rigid. Drill a set of large holes in both rigid walls using a 2" or larger hole bit. Use wooden end caps top and bottom.

That should approximate Jon's functional design, I think. But to be honest, since I don't find the rigid stuff locally, I haven't actually done this myself!


RE: rigidity not an issue, posted on January 31, 2011 at 11:20:03
Ethan Winer

Posts: 1709
Location: New Milford, CT USA
Joined: December 3, 2003
> 20" is special order - so I need to ensure this is a good choice before moving forward.

Yes, 20 inches is not only a good choice, it's clearly the best choice. Anything much smaller will not work well enough or absorb to a low enough frequency.



RE: mineral wool pipe insulation as prefab bass trap?, posted on January 31, 2011 at 12:15:34

Posts: 527
Location: ohio
Joined: August 24, 2003
I have noticed contractors using this stuff at the paper mill I work at and was thinking the same thing but I do not know where to purchase it, where are you buying yours?


RE: Jon Risch posted on this years ago, posted on January 31, 2011 at 15:02:00

Posts: 1290
Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Joined: October 7, 2002
I can't imagine drilling large holes into rigid fiberglass!


sure - here are instructions, posted on January 31, 2011 at 16:17:14

Posts: 1648
Location: Manila
Joined: June 6, 2003
This is exactly what I am using. I stacked two 3' lengths of 18" diameter tubes (capped on both ends and covered in muslin) for a total of 6' height in all four corners and they made a noticeable and positive difference in a relatively small (12 x 15) room. There is a good tutorial at the link

While you're at it, you can also make wall panels from rigid fiberglass sheets. I found these effective too. I should have gone with larger panels but household aesthetic considerations pointed toward the versions you see.

There are certainly more effective ways to accomplish these treatments but it would be tough to beat the cost and convenience of these two methods




Oh, I can imagine it; just haven't tried it! LOL nt, posted on January 31, 2011 at 18:43:14

Posts: 4424
Location: SF Bay Area
Joined: November 25, 2002


Not Recommended, posted on January 31, 2011 at 20:28:39
Jon Risch
Bored Member

Posts: 6661
Joined: April 4, 2000
March 1, 1999
What you propose has been tried before, and it doesn't work as well as even something as simple as the Super Quick & Dirty Bass Traps recipe.

The problem is, the high initial density of the pipe insulation does not allow enough air flow, the amount of resin seem to be too great, and the density and thickness tend to prevent the air pressure differential from the inside of the cavity to the outside of the cavity from equalizing rapidly enough to work in the audio band.

If the ends were NOT capped or leaked air, and the center is filled with loose fiberglass, then due to sheer amounts of loose fiberglass, and the absorption of some energy by the pipe insulation, they do something. But it is not optimized for space, cost or widest bandwidth.

I have posted on this before, see:
The problems with steam pipe insulation for bass traps:

For more DIY info, see:
Common Problems In DIY Bass Trap Construction:

the original post where I reveal the latest Super Quick & Dirty easy bass traps recipe:
and petew's post where he goes into detail on what he did.

Jon Risch


Original DIY Bass Trap Recipe - Updated, posted on January 31, 2011 at 21:07:37
Jon Risch
Bored Member

Posts: 6661
Joined: April 4, 2000
March 1, 1999
by Jon M. Risch,

Many audiophiles don't know it, but for the price of one not so fancy
interconnect, or about $200 dollars, you can acoustically treat your
room with excellent absorbers, including 4 wall panels AND a set of
4 bass traps. A full blown acoustical treatment with floor to ceiling
bass traps in front, and 6-8 wall panels, along with some basic
diffusion for the rear wall will run around $600, with a significant
chunk of that in the retail bargain diffusors.

Equivalent cost of the minimal retail options exceed $2,000, and
may not work as well. A full blown treatment using retail options may
reach $3,500 or more, and will not work any better. Read on for

Sonex vs. Fiberglass
An equivalent thickness of fiberglass (building
grade) will perform similarly to Sonex, but with slightly better low
frequency absorption. Since fiberglass comes in thicker versions,
such as 6 1/2" and 8" thick, you can get correspondingly better LF
absorption than 4" of Sonex. So far, so good.

But when I tried to find a suitable covering, then I ran into problems!
It seems most all fabrics are woven way too tight to allow the sound to
readily pass through to the fiberglass! Even some velour that was being
sold as "sound absorbent covering" had a large amount of reflectance
at high and middle frequencies. It is not just a matter of allowing the
sound waves through the cloth and into the fiberglass, but how much
of the sound reflects off the surface of the cloth, and back into the room.
At middle to high frequencies, many cloths have a fair amount of
reflectance, even some speaker grille cloth's.

I eventually found a solution and recipe for do-it-yourself sound
absorbing panels/coverings:

A rock wool panel (these run about 1" thick) for the very back, spaced
off the wall/ceiling as much as 6-8 inches (or as much spacing as can
be spared, the more the better the LF absorption), then a thickness of
fiberglass of any brand (the thicker, the better, use 8" thickness
if budget and space permits), then a layer of fairly loose polyester
batting (available at fabric stores and Wal-Marts for use in blankets)
to provide a protective layer that doesn't adversely affect the
absorption of the fiberglass (the entire absorptive layer COULD consist
of this material, but it would be cost prohibitive, on the other hand
no itch!), and then a layer of burlap as an outer covering. Colored
burlap is available in 36" widths from fabric stores and most
Wal-Mart's. Light colors work well with the layer of white poly
batting just underneath the burlap, although the darker colors are OK.

In actual anechoic testing, I found the burlap to have the least
reflectance and allow the most absorption by the fiberglass.
(Note that speaker grille cloth also works well, but is not as durable or as good at hiding the polyester batting as the burlap).

Practically speaking, it works best if a simple, minimal wooden frame
is constructed from 1X2's or 1X4's (depending on the thickness of
fiberglass), with the rock wool panels glued/stapled to the rear of
the wooden frame, with vertical frame members spaced about
14" apart (the width of the fiberglass) and the fiberglass WITH
PAPER BACKING stapled at the edges to the middle side edges of the
vertical frame members (I usually ran a 10" strip of poly batting down
the middle of the strip {roll} of fiberglass between the paper and the
rock wool panel, in order to prevent possible flapping paper noises
against the rock wool). Then staple the poly batting over the
fiberglass, stapling to the vertical frame members (hence the need to
adjust the wood depth dimension to the fiberglass), and finally, using
brass tacks every 6" to affix the colored burlap along the vertical frame
members, and across the top and bottom. These can be on the back
along the top and bottom, so brass is not necessary, and cheaper
tacks, nails or staples could be used there.

If you want to be sure the wooden frame does not reflect too
badly, wrap the bonded fluffy polyester batting around and along the
side of the wooden frame, and cover this all with burlap too. Some
adjustment of spacing between frames may be needed at the two
sidemost sections to accommodate this, depending on how you have
laid out the burlap and polyester.

When this is all finished, you have a nice looking sound absorbing
panel with scallops every 14" or so that run vertically, that can be
semi-permanently located, but can leave with you as needed. Portable
versions with sturdier frames can be built of course, and put on
rollers or wheels for adjustable studio or listening room use.

DO NOT double up on the burlap layers, as performance suffers! Also,
remember to treat the burlap with fire retardant, wear gloves and at
least a cheap respirator mask when handling/cutting the fiberglass,
and to lightly vacuum the outer burlap surface to get up any loose
fiberglass particles. Once covered in burlap with the poly batting
layer to prevent fiber or particle escape/contact, these panels provide
excellent performance at minimal cost and no health hazard.

I have been asked about the need for the rock wool/series 700 panels
on the rear of the fiberglass and frame. Are they absolutely necessary?
No, but a typical absorbing panel, using 6 1/2" fiberglass AND the
rigid panel glued to the rear will be effective down to below 100 Hz.
Using only the fiberglass will result in a panel that is good down to
around 200 Hz. Wall spacing is important too, if the panels are placed
flush against the wall, then effectiveness in the LF can be halved
compared to even just 4" of spacing.

Recent checks on 700 series pricing and availability has lead to the
discovery that, to the consumer, the only size that is readily available
is a 2' by 4' panel, in 1", 2" or 3" thickness's. In some area's of the
country, rock wool panels are still available, but not everywhere.
Due to the cost associated with these smaller panels, I now
recommend straight 8" fiberglass for maximum effectiveness at LF,
without the rigid panels glued to the back of the frame.

If you use at least 6" thickness of fiberglass, then the rock wool/OC
panels are not necessary to obtain adequate low frequency

Rough Costs:
NOTE: Costs are strill from 1998, costs at the beginning of this artcle were updated.
Fiberglass (faced) - 6" thick, 15" by 39 feet at $12.50 roll

Burlap - Dyed, with minimum levels of insect and fire protection,
available from Wal-Mart, $1.48 a yard by 36" wide.

1" X 2" white spruce 8 foot long, 92 cents each

1" X 4" white spruce 8 foot long, 98 cents each

Polyester batting, bonded fluffy loose pile, approx. 1/2 to 3/4
thickness, 45" wide, $2.17 yard

Brass plated nails, approx. 50 for 86 cents

#9 Brass Upholstery Nails, 30 for 81 cents

Tube Liquid Nails 29 OZ, $4

Tube RTV Silicone Rubber, 10 OZ, $4.50

Staples: $2 for 1,000, 9/16"

OPTIONAL: Owens Corning 705 semi-rigid fiberglass panels,
2' by 4', by 1", 12 to a carton for approx. $92, not including S&H.

Rough Total for a 4 foot tall by 30" panel: $12.50 each, minimum
investment of materials for 4 panels, for $50 total.
4' X 45" panel: $17 each, minimum investment of 4 for $68.
Some materials left over.

ASC Wall Panels are $398 for eight 2" thick by 8" wide by 48" tall
panels, good only down to about 500 Hz.

SONEX part 2

RE the Fire Marshall:
> >cover it with fabric, nicely down, and tell the fire marshall its a wall
> >hanging (a work of art, like a painting- also not fire resistant) and not
> >an acoustical treatment. oh ya, and good luck.
> ....a fabric known as FR-701 panel fabric from
> Guilford of Maine. It is fire-rated, and acoustically transparent
> (for all practical purposes).

My experience has been that many fabrics that seem acoustically
transparent may not be, and may cause significant reflections as
the sound tries to enter the absorbing material. If ASC actually
uses the stuff, it might be OK, but remember, many of their products
are not designed for 100% absorption, but a controlled amount of

> Could anyone comment on when it would be appropriate to use the other
> versions of (Owens Corning) 700 series panels, such as the 705 which
> is 6 lbs. cu.ft. or the 1.58 lbs. cu.ft. for the 701. I gather that
> the bass absorption is slightly better the denser the panel. But how
> significant a difference between the versions?

The higher the density, the better the bass absorption, however, the
reflectance goes up proportionately in the mid and high frequencies as
the density goes up, with the lightest panels being the best in the
highs, and the heaviest best in the lows. For use behind the wall panel
absorbers, or as simplified and minimal bass absorbers as outlined
below, I recommend at least 705 or 706. When used as the only absorber
material, I would use 703 or 704.

> I would appreciate suggestions on how to best mount the 2x4' panels to
> the wall? Isn't absorption quality best when the panel is tight to
> the wall. Are there any good non-permanent solutions?

Maximum bass absorption does not occur when almost any absorber is flush
against the wall, but is spaced out from the wall by some minimum
amount, with better absorption as the spacing increases to some
relatively large distance. Many acoustic materials are specified for a
minimum spacing of 2" or 4" in order to meet specifications.

> Finally, does anyone know where to get specific plans for designing
> and building bass traps?

Both "The Handbook for Sound Engineers", 2nd Ed. Glenn M. Ballou and
'The Master Handbook of Acoustics", 3rd Ed. by F. Alton Everest
have some info on construction details of bass traps. However, the use
of classic bass traps, also known as Helmholtz resonators, has pretty
much been superseded by broadband resistive bass control ala ASC type
tubetraps. Homemade resistive bass traps are not that difficult to make,
and can be made almost any reasonable size.

> Thanx for the advice, I just might try to make my own based on the cost of
> new ASC stuff. I am a little unclear on how you assemble the first panel
> you described. Let's see if I got it, build a frame. . .no problem, then
> use the rock wool on the rear of the panel. . . no prob. . .but I'm not
> sure how you affixed the paper of the fiberglass.

It gets stapled to the inner rear edges of the frame partitions spaced
roughly 14" apart. When completed, your acoustic sandwich is now, from
back to front:
Rock wool panel, polyester batting, paper of fiberglass roll, fiberglass,
polyester batting, burlap. From side to side: Frame edge, wrapped with
tacked down burlap, stapled fiberglass paper, previously described
acoustic sandwich, stapled fiberglass paper, tacked down burlap over
frame divider at frame spacing (approx. 14" centers), stapled fiberglass
paper, acoustic sandwich, stapled fiberglass paper, AND either another
frame divider or the other outer edge of the whole frame. This should
clear up the construction details for you.

Not DIY:
RPG has come out with a new inexpensive product called ProFoam.
At $50 for a basic set of 6 two foot by two foot contoured foam sheets,
they offer those who would rather not DIY an option. Be warned that they
are not even close in LF absorption to the DIY panels, as the DIY panels
are good down to below 100 Hz when constructed according to recommended
thickness and materials, while the ProFoam is only absorbing the midrange
on up, from about 500 to 700 Hz on up. This can skew the tonal balance of
a room severely, which is usually the problem when a sound absorbing
material that is not thick enough is used, or it is used at the wrong
locations. For $100, you get twelve 2'X 2' squares, enough to place them
doubled up back to back to increase the apparent thickness, and provide
some automatic spacing from the walls, which increase the LF absorption
down to about 350 Hz. Note that this is still only three patches of absorption
2'X 4' to the side of each speaker and on the back wall between the
speakers. If you just can't or won't build them your self, then at least
double up on some of the RPG ProFoam's, Level Two for $100.
These are plain gray in color, white and colors cost over twice the price.
Sold by Audio Advisor, 1-800-942-0220

Bass traps are usually either of the resistive absorption type
(ASC tube traps), or of the Helmholtz resonator type. The bass
traps described in earlier posts by others do not correspond to either
type, and based on the construction described, might be considered
more correctly high frequency absorbers and low frequency diffusers
(the round shape).

While they would provide some benefit, even at low frequencies, they
would be much more effective if they were constructed to fully absorb
low frequencies as much as possible.

Since Helmholtz resonators are very much room and frequency specific,
the more general purpose and portable approach would be to roll your
own homemade tube traps. These can be built in several different ways.

Method #1: Duplicate the ASC tube traps (1st generation). This can be
done by doing the following: Obtain some rolls of "hog fence" wire,
preferably not rusted. This is the rolls of animal fencing that run
about 3 feet wide (it utrns out that 4 feet and five feet tall are also
pretty common), and have rectangular openings between galvanized
steel wires, with the openings about 3/4" wide by 3 or 4" tall.
Chicken wire, the hexagonal looking stuff, is not stiff enough.

Decide what size trap you wish to make: you can duplicate the commercial
sizes for the approx. same cutoff frequencies, or make an extra-large
version to really soak up those low, lows. Realize that sizes over
approx. 16 to 18" get unwieldy and more difficult to assemble, and a
16" diameter by 3 foot trap will soak up a lot of bass if properly
constructed, to below 80 Hz.

Once you have a size, cut out 3 circles of wood from 3/4 plywood or
particle board approx. 3 1/2" to 4" smaller than that diameter, and
2 circles of wood that exact diameter. Glue a smaller circle one each to
the center of the two larger circles, and keep the 3rd smaller circle for later.

Take the relatively stiff "hog wire", cut 1 1/4" from one end, and bend
it around the two smaller circles of wood, with the large wooden circles
uncovered by wire on the outside, and free at either end, while including
the third smaller circle of wood near the middle of the cylinder of wire.
The third circle will provide support for the middle of the roll, and
allow the fiberglass to be compressed properly without buckling the wire.
If making a 4 or 5 foot tall cylinder, then use two internal spacers.
These internal support discs need to have holes in them, so as to allow
pressure to equalize from one cavity to the other. For a 16" diameter
trap, and a nominal support disc diameter of 12.25", two 2.5" holes
or one 3.5" hole are the minimum. If you cut out the center so as to leave
3" of wood around the edge of the disc, this would be approx. a 6" hole.

Use staples and/or liquid nails to affix the wire grid to the edges of
the smaller wooden circles. Now take 6 1/2" thick unfaced fiberglass,
and loosely wrap it around the wire grid, with none hanging past the
ends of the caps. The fiberglass should be laid in so that none is
overlapped, and no gaps are showing. Use adhesive or glue to help seal
any gaps, keeping the adhesive away from the surface, and more toward
words, no holes, gaps or seams should be present. Butt the fiberglass
up against itself firmly, and make sure it covers the inner circle of wood.

Now for the hard part: take another layer of 'hog wire" and wrap/staple
glue it around the edge of the larger end circles compressing the
fiberglass uniformly between the two wire grid layers. It is this
compression of the fiberglass that makes the closed end cylindrical
trap so effective. Too much compression, and it begins to reflect the
low frequencies partially, too little compression, and it does not fully
absorb the bass frequencies. If 8" thick fiberglass is compressed to 2",
it starts to be too much compression, and is very difficult to assemble.
The outer layer of hog wire can now be covered with polyester batting,
stretched around the outside, without any gaps or seams. This blunts the
raw edges of the hog wire, and seals the fiberglass fibers inside.

Now, if you wish to duplicate the ASC devices, get some very limp
plastic film (like the plastic bags dry cleaners use for covering the
clothes). Plastic drop cloths for painting are usually thin and limp
enough. Place the film on one half side of the now cylindrical
assembly, then cover with burlap. If you orient the burlap seam with
respect to the partially reflective side (the side with the plastic film
on it), you will always know which side is the partially reflective one.
Hot melt can be used to seal the burlap seam, or some sort of
sewing or stitching used.

Burlap can be made fire retardant either by using a commercial
fire-retardant chemical treatment, or for DIY, a 1/2 saturated solution
of borax or calcium chloride will provide good fire retardancy. Note
that dark colored burlap will probably show white streaks from these

For those who are using burlap and wish to fireproof it there is a
company called Flameseal ( in Texas
which makes a spray-on product to fireproof fabrics, its approx.
$30.00 per gallon.

The end result is a 3 foot tall XX" diameter cylinder. The end caps
can be finished in Formica, etc., and for height, stack two up.

Additional comments and instructions are available at:
on building the full-blown wire fencing versions.

2. Quick and dirty homemade tube traps

Obtain some sheets of 1" thick rigid high-density fiberglass panels, or
better yet, rock wool panels. If the panels are only medium density,
double up on them and size accordingly for the inner/outer panels.
Determine a size based on an equilateral triangle (side panels of 24"
or smaller recommended, make them sub-multiples of the sheet width,
e.g.,24",16",12")and once size is determined, cut the panels to size
(these can be 8 feet tall if the panels come 8' by 4', but a full 8 feet
will probably be too unwieldy). The shape can be a right triangle so
as to fit in a corner better, size the panels accordingly. For a full
use of a 48" wide panel, 14' on the sides, and 20" across the hypotenuse.

Glue (silicone rubber or liquid nails) these together at the edges
forming an equilateral triangle or a right triangle, and cut 3/4"
wooden end caps in the appropriate size/shape to cap the ends and glue
the triangle of panels to the end caps. To take some of the "edge" off
of the acute angles, wrap a single layer of 3/4" minimum loosely spun
bonded polyester batting around the fiberglass panels (this also aids HF
absorption), and then wrap with fire-retardant treated burlap. If you
want some partial reflectance/diffusion, wrap a limp plastic sheet
around one corner of the triangle and half way across the two sides.

Either one of these will easily outperform the previously posted cardboard
tubes filled with fiberglass and covered with carpet, and at a lower cost,
providing a broadband absorption over a wide and extended LF range.

Recent checks on 700 series pricing and availability has lead to the
discovery that, to the consumer, the only size that is readily available
is a 2' by 4' panel, in 1", 2" or 3" thickness's. In some area's of the
country, rock wool panels are still available, but not everywhere.
For quick and dirty DIY bass traps, the 1" thick 705 panels will work, and
a carton of 12 panels will make 4 triangular bass traps four feet high,
roughly equivalent to 12 to 14" diameter round bass traps made using
hog wire.

Rough Costs, based on a 14" outer diameter trap:

Fiberglass, unfaced - 6 1/2" thick, 15" wide by 39 feet long approx. $13.50
(Enough for approx. 4 traps, 2 and a half once around strips stacked up)

Hog Wire, 14 gauge - 36" by 50 feet, $17 Enough for approx. 6-7 traps

Particle Board - 4'X 4' sheet 3/4" $7 (enough for approx. three 14" traps),
4'X 8' $13 enough for 6 traps

Polyester batting, bonded fluffy loose density approx. 3/4 to 1" thick,
45" wide, $2.17 a yard.

Burlap - Dyed, with minimum levels of insect and fire protection,
available from Wal-Mart, $1.48 a yard by 36" wide.

Tube Liquid Nails 29 OZ, $4

Tube RTV Silicone Rubber, 10 OZ, $4.50

Staples, 9/16", $2 for 1,000

One small can brown or black paint, $5

Alternative Approach: Owens Corning 705 semi-rigid fiberglass panels,
2' by 4', by 1", 12 to a carton for approx. $92, not including S&H.

Rough Total per trap, minimum of 4 14" diameter by 36" high traps,
some materials left over: $19 each.
Minimum investment approx. $77 for four, with materials left over.
Costs to do 6 or 8 is slightly less per, due to better materials usage.

ASC Prices: One 11" diameter by 4 foot tall tube trap: $248 retail, four
tube traps: $992

Latest Super Quick & Dirty Recipe
The triangular versions I outline were just a way to do a quick and dirty version for the less labor
inclined and/or impatient amoung us. They are not quite as effective as the round animal fence
versions, which duplicate the effects of the retail bass traps quite well.

The middle support disc also helps reduce any tendency for an internal resonance developing, and
while not strictly necessary for the triangular versions (the panel flexing of the OC panels was a part
of their design), it wouldn't really help that much.

If one wanted to use the triangular version, then if an internal divider was tacked into place leaving
air gaps along the sides, then they would break-up any internal waves, and not keep the panels
from flexing. A section of the fiberglass board would do nicely.

New Quick & Dirty Recipe

Thanks to my less motivated friends, I have a new recipe:
buy three rolls of 15" wide fiberglass (virtually any thickness, as the rolls are longer for the thinner
stuff, and the total diameter ends up about the same, it can be faced or unfaced) insulation, stack
them on top of one another, leaving them in the plastic bags, and wrap burlap or grill cloth around
them. For better HF absorption, wrap polyester batting around one side or the entire sides. You can
use something like duct tape to hold the three bags of fiberglass together, and to tape the polyester
batting into place, etc. How involved you wish to get is up to you. They should be placed in the
corners, as for all bass traps.

This will work almost as well as the wire fence version in my recipe, at perhaps 70-80% of the bass
absortion, with no resonances, or problems. The cost is greater, at about $50 each, if you wrap them
in polyester batting, and cover in burlap. However, they can be in the corners in a matter of minutes
instead of hours/days, and for a lot less labor. If you only get enough for two in the front corners to start,
then you can later use these same rolls to make up wallpanels and the full blown bass traps using the
wire animal fencing cylinder versions. If you plan to do this, make sure you get the appropriate number
of faced and unfaced rolls, and mix them symmetrically on each side of the room.

Additional information on the Super Quick & Dirty versions are available at:

Burlap, or virtually any other cloth can be made fire-retardant by soaking
it in a commercial fire retardant sold for the purpose. For those who
are using burlap and wish to fireproof it there is a company called
Flameseal ( in Texas which makes a
spray-on product to fireproof fabrics, its approx. $30.00 per gallon.

If you are interested in a DIY treatment, there are two possible
alternatives: borax and calcium carbonate. Borax (get the pure stuff,
not with soap) is readily available, and calcium carbonate is the super
ice melting salt that comes as little white round balls of salt.
The only problem with these is that on dark colored fabrics, they will
leave white streaks/residue that is visible in the concentrations needed
to be effective. If light colors of burlap are involved, then it is
not nearly as much of a problem.

Or, you can just use the Guileford fabric, but be aware that it is VERY

A NOTE ON ROCK WOOL (Mineral Fiber)
Apparently, rock wool is no longer readily available throughout the
country, as the primary manufacturer has quit making it. A near
equivalent would be an Owen Corning 706 or 705 panel, which
should work almost as well. Owen Corning 700 series panels are
now readily available to the consumer only in 2' by 4' size.
Cartons of 12 panels in the 1" size.

More Details on Taming Room Acoustics
Q: I visualize them as similar to rather thick Roomtunes panels
that looks like Vandersteen speakers! Am I right or wrong?

A: Essentially. The looks can vary a little, depending on the type
of burlap, the colors, the tacks/nails/studs used to tack down
the burlap, etc. Other cloth than burlap can be used, but at a
possible (very likely) performance penalty. Speaker grille cloth
probably wouldn't be too bad, and would allow some choice in weave
and colors over the burlap.

Q: How tall should the panels ideally be? I understand that the
width is about 15" w/c corresponds to the width of the fiberglass.

A: For use as spot absorbers, the panels can run the height of the
wall, or as a minimum, only the middle 4 feet. I would recommend
a minimum of two widths, or about 30" wide to be as effective as

Q: Is cotton batting a good replacement for polyester?

A: No. Cotton batting is usually too dense, and will cause excessive
reflectance. It also tends to settle, lump up and in general,
become a pain to deal with.

Q: How many panels are needed to effectively treat the whole
room? Is it necessary to fill the entire backwall with them?
I certainly hope not!

A: It is not necessary to fill the room with them, or even the back
wall. Look at ads for Roomtunes, ASC tubetraps, etc. or contact
these companies and request their literature, being sure to ask
about actual use of the product in a room and placement details.

Q: How should these panels be placed? I know they should be
at least 6-8" away from the wall but where behind the speakers?
On the space between the speakers? On or near the corners?

A: The usual minimum game plan is to use a 30" wide by 48" tall by
4" deep or more panel directly behind each loudspeaker (all panels
spaced from 2" to 6" off the walls), then one each on the mirror
points on the side walls. The mirror point on the side walls is
the point where a mirror flat against the wall reflects the
speakers image to you at your normal seating location. Two
panels for the rear wall IN THE CORNERS if not using tube trap
type bass absorbers, angled at 45 degrees. These rear corner
panels would be most effective if they were floor to ceiling,
and they could be only 15" or so wide, instead of 30".

Next step up in treatment would involve a pair of panels on the
ceiling at the mirror points, possibly a center panel (normal
size) in the center of the rear wall. If the floor is hard
with no carpeting, then removable/portable panels on the floor
at the mirror points (spaced appropriately) would help a lot.
These can be smaller sizes too, about 15" wide by 2 feet for
better portability and ease of storage when done listening.

DIY resistive bass traps would be a third step, with at least
one 3 foot tall cylinder of at least 10-12" diameter in each
corner. Better bass smoothing and absorption can be had if they
are made 14-16" in diameter, and two are stacked in each corner,
or at least two stacked in the front.

Anything beyond this requires a true acoustic analysis of the
room as a whole, including all the surfaces, etc.

Q: Since I have small monitor type speakers that have no
deep bass to speak off (and no serious bass problems) that
means that I can get away with closer spacing of the panel
against the wall, and relatively thin panels say 3-4" thick
only for midrange/treble absorption especially at the front
wall (wall closest to listening position). Is this correct?

A: Yes. Use of less than full band wall absorbers will shift
the tonal balance though, and make the room/speakers sound warmer.
This may not be a bad thing in your case.

Q: How can a panel of this size be placed half way up the wall,
4 or so inches away from it. Special hardware? Long,
beefy bolts with spacers?

A: You can easily add legs to the rear of the frame, of
sufficient height to get them off the floor, some 1X1's or
1X2's, and then glue/nail some 1X2's with the desired length
for wall spacing to the back/side of the frame.
See ASCII diagram below.


| |X|
| |X|
| |X| | |X|
| |X|
| |X|
| |~
| |
| |
| |<2' leg

-About Diffusors-

RPG started it, SysDevGrp carried the concept to different
price points and Auralex made it even more affordable. Some
acoustics experts insist that a soundly designed listening
room must contain some scientifically designed sound
diffusors. QRD (Quadratic Residue Diffusors) diffusors were
introduced by RPG, then the Art Diffusors by SysDevGrp, and
then T'Fusor by Auralex.

Placing a diffusor array at either the speaker end, middle of
the wall, or the listening end, middle of the wall can
sometimes make a room bloom into a really great listening

For a retail solution, Auralex has the T-Fusor for about $220
(includes S&H) for four 2 foot by 2 foot panels that are 5 1/2"
deep. This will create a 4 foot by 4 foot diffusor area on a
wall, and would be considered a minimum amount of diffusion to
provide any real improvements. They are plastic molded sheets,
meant to have the rear filled in with fiberglass or polyester
batting to combat the hollow plastic sound that would
otherwise result from a thin sheet of plastic. Careful use
of some of the expanding foam sold for filling/insulating gaps
and cracks would probably be superior to these loose fillings
for stiffening and damping the plastic walls of the diffusor.
For comparison, a 4X4 foot square of QRD diffusor would run
over $700, and a 45X45 inch square of Art Diffusor, Series E
runs $500.


Other related posts at AA:
covers fabric, and cheap retail wall panels.

Covers the differences between the original and the SQ&D traps.

Common Problems In DIY Bass Trap Construction:

the original post where I reveal the latest Super Quick & Dirty easy bass traps recipe:
and petew's post where he goes into detail on what he did.
PeteW's directions of building classic bass traps w/wire.
Andrew Chasin's description of his build-up:

Comments on effectiveness of JR DIY Wall Panels:

How to measure the effect of a bass trap:

Pic of Wall Panel:

pics and diagrams.

Pics of Bass Trap construction

Copyright Jon M. Risch 1997, 1998, 2011 all rights reserved,except
transmission by USENET and like facilities granted. Any use or
inclusion in print or other media are specifically prohibited. The
informational content is not warrantied in any way or form, and any
use of said content are at the reader's own risk, the author shall not
be held responsible in any way for any damages or injuries arising
from the content of this post. Common safety practices are
encouraged at all times. Do not fold, spindle or mutilate.

Jon Risch


I use this, works well., posted on January 31, 2011 at 22:55:36

Posts: 3714
Location: S.W. Washington state, USA
Joined: November 17, 2001


RE: mineral wool pipe insulation as prefab bass trap?, posted on February 1, 2011 at 08:17:38

Posts: 2451
Joined: July 17, 2000
I was concerned about the density and it's ability to allow air flow. As far as cost goes, the 20" pieces are nearly $16 per FOOT, so $50+ with tax per piece. The corners I am treating are 5' tall, leading up to a sloped ceiling. I would need 7 pieces. Throw in some filling for each 5' tall trap and the cost is around $400, possibly more.

I had some free time yesterday, so I made the 30-mile trek to the distributor and picked up 8 pieces of the 2' x 4' x 4" thick Fibrex mineral wool batts - $84 including tax. I put two in each corner and it made a noticable difference.

I would still like to put round traps in the corners and complement them with the panels. The room is roughly 17' x 19', nearly square, so it needs a lot of help. I will re-visit the D&D recipe and continue to research other DIY options. I'm confident I can find something for less than $100 per corner.

Thanks for the replies, and thanks to David Aiken for his emails on my particular room and response situation.


RE: Jon Risch posted on this years ago, posted on February 1, 2011 at 08:36:17

Posts: 2451
Joined: July 17, 2000
What about cutting them into three 1' sections, separating with wooden dowels, filling the cavity, then wrapping in fabric?


See Jon's post above, posted on February 1, 2011 at 09:16:37

Posts: 4424
Location: SF Bay Area
Joined: November 25, 2002
He detailed years ago the practical design considerations. Now he has an updated easier design for the panels. Check with Jon directly on these ideas; he's the expert!


Being disabled and lazy, too, I opted for the simplest., posted on February 2, 2011 at 11:32:33

Posts: 12561
Location: SoCentral PA
Joined: December 19, 2007
I simply used two rolls of Owens fiberglass, still wrapped, and placed them in the front corners of my room. Covered with cotton blankets, they do a reasonably decent job although I'm sure a bit of wood, framing, and design would sound better.

Removing them reveals they do more good than harm.

Music. Window or mirror?


RE: Original DIY Bass Trap Recipe - Updated, posted on November 2, 2014 at 07:37:53
Posts: 1
Location: KY - Kentucky
Joined: November 2, 2014
We live in a house near a middle school about 250 yards away that has outside refrigeration compressors that emit a low frequency hum that seems to be resonating in my garage and other parts of the house. I've stimulated the great room of the house at around 30 hz and it pretty much excites the whole range between 10 and 60 hz.

I like to tinker and after reading some of the posts it seems I might be able to calm down some of the resonating in the house by installing CHEAP tube traps in the garage area first. If that shows promise, I might try to make some more stylish traps for inside the house.

Do you think it would be worth a test to stack 3 rolls of Manville insulation in the corners of the garage and just leave them in the wrappers?

Unfortunately I can apparently hear these low frequencies much better than most humans. It's a curse to hear it. I guess this is what some complain about near big windmills. Perhaps keeping the house for resonating will help.


RE: Original DIY Bass Trap Recipe - Updated, posted on May 7, 2024 at 19:52:09
JC Tyler

Posts: 1
Location: Ontario
Joined: December 23, 2020
I'm looking for some feedback on an idea I have modifiying the Jon Risch design.

I'm looking into using Rockwool Safe'n'Sound in the shape of a tube, supported by hog wire on the inside and outside to give it shape. I'm thinking of using the Rockwool Safe'n'Sound. I will have some left over from an absorber build I'm currently working on. There will be 4 tube bass traps, each about 9' tall in a 10' tall room. The tubes will be 1' in diameter. The rockwool will be wrapped in a breathable polyester sheath, and I'm thinking about using some spray adhesive and sheath on both sides of the rockwool, then sandwiching it between the hog wire Finally, to make it look good a breathable color fabric will be spray glued onto the outside of the hog wire and added on top.

Instead of solid caps I'm thinking about going with plywood rings on the ends and in the center for rigidity, and keeping it a hollow tube. I'd like to know if there was a preference for the hog wire thats used, for strength and rigidity. They will be uncapped at the top . I watched several videos and one build with Eric Valentine. He achieved good measurable results leaving his tubes uncapped. (The Eric Valentine Link


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