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dCS threatened to sue the reviewer over negative review...

Posted on July 14, 2024 at 17:57:38

Posts: 8601
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Joined: October 16, 2007
Accordingly, dCS, demands that you either revise the published reviews of dCS products to make them accurate or terminate the publication of these reviews to avoid further economic and reputation risks to dCS. Here's the review...

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Topic already found, posted on July 14, 2024 at 18:11:33

Posts: 39092
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April 5, 2002
on Digital Drive.


RE: dCS threatened to sue the reviewer over negative review..., posted on July 15, 2024 at 09:26:25

Posts: 17
Location: San Miguel de Allende
Joined: December 14, 2013
Do not back down...this is pure bullying from a Corporation. You have not targeted them nor have you tried to defame them. In a court (as I understand it is "what would a reasonable person think" is what the Court will go by. I do not think a court would even except a frivolous suit as this. Check with a lawyer and see what they say.
Let this blow up on the internet, and hopefully DCS will suffer from their bullying. People deserve to know how they run their business.


RE: dCS threatened to sue the reviewer over negative review..., posted on July 15, 2024 at 09:41:12

Posts: 507
Location: Chesnee, South Carolina
Joined: October 11, 2008
Remember Noel Lee of Monster Cable? That sob sued everyone he possibly could.


I was thinking about that too. What an ass he was - nt, posted on July 15, 2024 at 10:29:33

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RE: I was thinking about that too. What an ass he was - nt, posted on July 15, 2024 at 10:31:48

Posts: 17
Location: San Miguel de Allende
Joined: December 14, 2013
Yup, and I still boycott anything made by Monster.


RE: I was thinking about that too. What an ass he was - nt, posted on July 15, 2024 at 10:42:54

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Location: Chesnee, South Carolina
Joined: October 11, 2008
He sued a mom and pop miniature golf business because they called it Monster Golf. What a prick, he finally got what he deserved.


RE: I was thinking about that too. What an ass he was - nt, posted on July 15, 2024 at 10:46:57

Posts: 47562
Location: Maidenhead Grid Square DM79
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February 2, 2002

Same here. Stopped buying Monster brand audio stuff a long time ago.


And don't forget Bose, posted on July 15, 2024 at 11:42:06
Brian H P

Posts: 1433
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Joined: December 18, 2012
Sued Consumer Reports for a less-than-stellar review of the 901 speakers way back in the when. So CR mostly stopped reviewing audio gear, and nobody will review Bose products.


RE: And don't forget Bose, posted on July 15, 2024 at 11:58:16

Posts: 507
Location: Chesnee, South Carolina
Joined: October 11, 2008


It's not a good year to name anything "Olympic", posted on July 15, 2024 at 12:14:59
Industry Professional

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Joined: August 12, 2022
They WILL come after you.


We are inclusive and diverse, but dissent will not be tolerated.


I disagree., posted on July 15, 2024 at 13:05:02
John Marks

Posts: 8022
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Joined: April 23, 2000
As I explained over at Digital, CU's reviewer had a problem with the pair of 901s' lateral localization of stereo images--along the wall behind the speakers.

Then, an Editor (who had not heard the speakers) decided that he had to make the review punchier, and he changed that to:

"Worse, individual instruments heard through the Bose system seemed to grow to gigantic proportions and TENDED TO WANDER AROUND THE ROOM..."

Which is IMPOSSIBLE with two stereo speakers at the front of the room, in front of the wall behind them.

A casual reader of the review, a reader without a lot of technical knowledge, very well might have concluded that the reviewer perceived that musicians or singers were wandering around the room, at times appearing from the sides or even behind the listener.

Which of course is total nonsense.

The reviewer accurately reported his experience of a lateral, two-dimensional, left-to-right phenomenon, and the stupid editor trying to make the review more sexy or whatever changed that to a false statement of fact. Three-dimensional fact. Big difference.

The trial court got that right, and for whatever reason, SCOTUS blew it.

But please remember that SCOTUS approved of FDR's concentration camps for Japs (as they obviously thought of them), and, Oh yeah, slavery was perfectly fine. So, let's everybody keep our expectations low.

The Psalmist wrote, "Trust not in Princes," and I think that that applies also to Judges.

The take-away from Bose v. CU is that when SCOTUS has an agenda, the facts are not going to get in the way.

I graduated from law school in 1979 and I followed that case in real time, very closely. Honestly, my expert opinion was that CU's editor had left CU open for Punitive Damages.

The farking editor materially and negatively changed the review of a loudspeaker that he had not heard.

Oh, BTW... that's why I resigned from TAS.



Interesting story, posted on July 15, 2024 at 13:14:03

Posts: 15421
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I owned a pair of Bose 901's. It worked perfectly for the type of listening I was doing, big sound rock-n-roll bands in rooms with non-specific seating areas. As soon as I got into Jazz, they were a dud with their inability to do stage presence and imaging.


RE: I disagree., posted on July 15, 2024 at 13:28:02
John Atkinson

Posts: 4049
Location: New York
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>The reviewer accurately reported his experience of a lateral, two-
>dimensional, left-to-right phenomenon, and the stupid editor trying to
>make the review more sexy or whatever changed that to a false statement
>of fact. Three-dimensional fact. Big difference.

Indeed! Gordon Holt reviewed the Bose 901 for Stereophile in 1971 (link
below). Didn't get sued :-)

JGH's conclusion:
If we were to judge the 901 in terms of the best sound available, then, we
would say that it produces a more realistic semblance of natural ambience
than any other speaker system, but we would characterize it as
unexceptional in all other respects. It is ideal for rock enthusiasts to
whom sheer sonic impact is of paramount importance, and for classical
listeners who want the next best thing to ambient stereo without the cost
and the bother of rear-channel add-ons. However, we doubt that the 901
will appeal to perfectionists who have developed a taste for subtleties of
detail and timbre.

>The farking editor materially and negatively changed the review of a
>loudspeaker that he had not heard.
>Oh, BTW... that's why I resigned from TAS.

Then contributed to Stereophile for many fruitful years!

John Atkinson
Technical Editor, Stereophile


RE: dCS threatened to sue the reviewer over negative review..., posted on July 15, 2024 at 13:31:13
Todd Krieger

Posts: 37422
Location: SW United States
Joined: November 2, 2000
Unfortunate, but not unprecedented..... This is the reason why "negative" reviews of audio products are quite rare..... And why positive reviews should not be the sole basis for purchasing an audio component.

The only time negative reviews were more common was during the early days of the Absolute Sound.... I believe a now defunct amplifier company called BRB litigated a negative review, and such practice has been curtailed since that time. (I recall Bose and Monster Cable also litigating over negative press.)


Thanks for the clarification, posted on July 15, 2024 at 13:46:15
Brian H P

Posts: 1433
Location: Oregon
Joined: December 18, 2012
Crucial details sometimes get lost as stories get passed on.

Still doesn't mean the 801s image worth a damn. A big artificial soundstage, superimposed on whatever's in the recording, is their thing. Some folks like that. Now Dolby Atmos can do it better, and you only have to buy 12 speakers.


I Watched the Review Video......., posted on July 15, 2024 at 13:56:29
Todd Krieger

Posts: 37422
Location: SW United States
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The only way I would have posted a negative review of an expensive audio product like the dCS Bartok is if several people tried the unit and had similar findings, and also tried another sample or different firmware revision...... And then sent the negative findings to the company first..... It could have been a production flaw or software bug.....

I won't mention names, but the only > $3,000 DAC I tried in recent time, I wasn't impressed with it...... Sounded "boring".....

I otherwise have no comment over the review or litigation.....


Thanks, John, posted on July 16, 2024 at 07:59:26
John Marks

Posts: 8022
Location: Peoples' Democratic Republic of R.I.
Joined: April 23, 2000


It's all over, posted on July 19, 2024 at 09:17:49

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Basically, dCS apologized and also fired an employee who had apparently made false claims about meetings with Cameron (aka GoldenSound, the reviewer) that never occurred. They withdrew any threat to sue.

The speaker manufacturer Tekton had also threatened to sue a YouTube reviewer named Erin. I didn't have the patience to read through an 82-page thread on another website about this, but in summary the threats "fizzled" and Tekton removed the speaker from its website, I'm told.


it is no wonder then, posted on August 11, 2024 at 10:17:16

Posts: 15435
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Joined: June 9, 2000
that Bruce Brisson severed his partnership with Noel Lee and formed the company-MIT Cables, one that provided truly superior products.


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