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Connecting 2 DACs to one streamer.

Posted on May 27, 2024 at 08:06:36
Jim D.

Posts: 866
Location: FL
Joined: October 26, 2000
I'd like to know how to configure a streamer with one USB output to drive 2 DACS for the purpose of doing an A/B comparison on the fly with easy switching. Right now I'm having to connect/disconnect the USB cable which makes it cumbersome to do a good comparison. FWIW, my streamer is an opticalRendu and I'm comparing Holo Audio and Chord dacs.



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RE: Connecting 2 DACs to one streamer. , posted on May 27, 2024 at 09:33:17

Posts: 18449
Location: Minneapolis - St.Paul Area
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May 16, 2021
Not sure that this is possible....

but what I have done when comparing 2 DACs. Is to use 2 separate Raspberry Pies. --- And Synchronize them with PiCorePlayer and have the DAC outputs into the same Pre-amp. So, they are both playing and it is a simple matter of switching the pre-amp from one DAC to the other.

I have about a dozen Raspberry Pies as they are inexpensive and use them throughout my house.


RE: Connecting 2 DACs to one streamer. , posted on May 27, 2024 at 11:32:42
Jim D.

Posts: 866
Location: FL
Joined: October 26, 2000
How about using this? Would require 2 switching events, one with USB switch and one switching sources with preamp. Still not on the fly.

I tried raspberry pi route, with your help actually. I got it to work but in the end it required too tweaking and fiddling with software for my tastes. I like plug and play :-)



RE: Connecting 2 DACs to one streamer. , posted on May 27, 2024 at 11:47:35

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Location: Minneapolis - St.Paul Area
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May 16, 2021
If you are still talking about one streamer, I'm not sure why you need to switch the pre-amp..... The problem as I see it, is the streamer software that you are using (And I have not a clue as to what you are using for software to stream with) might have to identify the DAC before it can stream.

In my case, I use PiCorePlayer and it has to have a DAC connection with the USB, before you can even Start Squeezelite and Start Streaming. So even if the USB switch would work and you got it to Stream with DAC 'A', and then throw the Switch for DAC 'B', Squeezelite would stop, and the software would have to identify DAC 'B' and you would have to change the Settings for DAC 'B' and then restart Squeezelite.

In my case (PiCorePlayer) this would be a 'No Go' for me.... Maybe the software you're using is Magical and can do this on the fly? -- I dunno? You could try it and let us know.


RE: Connecting 2 DACs to one streamer. , posted on May 27, 2024 at 12:05:29

Posts: 1861
Joined: March 31, 2008
You might try some software sending the same audio to multiple outputs e.g. 2 USB DAC's
The Well Tempered Computer


RE: Connecting 2 DACs to one streamer. , posted on May 27, 2024 at 14:18:21
Jim D.

Posts: 866
Location: FL
Joined: October 26, 2000
You have to switch the preamp to change between sources (2 different DACs) if you want a fast switch. I will ask the maker of my streamer which is the opticalRendu. The 2 DACs I'm comparing are Holo Audio. The DAC is automatically recognized when I start up.

Thanks for the response in any case.



Currently running 3 DACs from one streamer. , posted on May 27, 2024 at 18:33:37

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If you can use connections other than USB to the DACs, I am currently using a Singxer SU-6 DDC connected by USB to my Sonore streamer and then 3 DACs connected to the DDC - two by coax and one by AES/EBU. The SU-6 also has toslink and I2S connections - all are hot simultaneously.


RE: Connecting 2 DACs to one streamer. , posted on May 27, 2024 at 19:08:05

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Location: Maidenhead Grid Square DM79
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"If you are still talking about one streamer, I'm not sure why you need to switch the pre-amp....."

Because he has....

One streamer but TWO DACs with TWO sets of analog outputs to his preamp.


RE: Connecting 2 DACs to one streamer. , posted on May 27, 2024 at 19:13:11

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Location: Minneapolis - St.Paul Area
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May 16, 2021
Yes, I confused myself.


A one-in, two-out USB switch? , posted on May 27, 2024 at 19:16:06

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Lots of cheap ones available on Amazon.


RE: Connecting 2 DACs to one streamer. , posted on May 27, 2024 at 19:32:52

Posts: 47562
Location: Maidenhead Grid Square DM79
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Your USB switch idea -might- work but it depends on whether the opticalRendu will quickly re-recognize the newly switched-in DAC w/o rebooting. But yes, you will have two switching events: The USB switch AND the preamp.

The more elegant solution would require two identical streamers each with a USB output. The software player will also help immensely in making millisecond A/B switching a reality.

I've used Roon software with two DIY Raspberry Pi streamers each driving a different USB DAC. Roon will allow you to play the same tune in perfect sync through both streamers to each DAC at the same time. You can then simply switch the preamp between DAC A and DAC B while the music is playing.

The other issue is level matching. If your preamp can precisely level match their inputs that will also help considerably as each DAC under test might not have exactly the same output level. I had a Benchmark LA4 preamp when I was experimenting with this and it I could easily level match inputs to within 0.5 dB.

For this example I don't have two identical streamers but a Mac Mini going to one USB DAC [SMSL D400EX] and one of my DIY Raspberry Pi streamers feeding the other USB DAC [PS Audio NuWave DSD DAC]. You can see the details below.


RE: Connecting 2 DACs to one streamer. , posted on May 27, 2024 at 19:48:13

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Location: Maidenhead Grid Square DM79
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February 2, 2002

Easy to confuse stuff like this. I had to think it through a bit.


This was my Original Suggestion - 2 Raspberry Pies in Sync .......nt, posted on May 28, 2024 at 09:03:15

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RE: Connecting 2 DACs to one streamer. , posted on May 28, 2024 at 18:52:42
Jim D.

Posts: 866
Location: FL
Joined: October 26, 2000
Thank you for all the responses. Using two Raspberry Pi streamers seem the most cost effective way to do from what I'm reading. I think I will just do it the old school way, for a while at least.



He could try two inexpensive WiiM if those support USB out - nt, posted on May 28, 2024 at 19:28:27

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No, the WiiM Mini just has Optical Ouput ....... nt, posted on May 28, 2024 at 22:10:33

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Do the other WiiM models have USB output ?, posted on May 29, 2024 at 09:18:50

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I haven't followed WiiM as my Raspberry Pi have been fully sufficient here.


RE: Do the other WiiM models have USB output ?, posted on May 29, 2024 at 09:34:43

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The raspberry Pie is a Superior Streamer, because of its flexibility with features. The WiiM is for very non technical types. The WiiM would be a 'Down Grade' from the Raspberry Pi.

None of the WiiM Models have USB output. And none of the WiiM models have USB input with the exception of the WiiM Amp.


Unfortunately the "Easy Button" of budget streamers has no USB. Thanks -nt, posted on May 30, 2024 at 07:07:58

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