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Geshelli J2S DAC

Posted on May 13, 2024 at 11:12:07

Posts: 8142
Location: So. California
Joined: January 24, 2001
Hi, y'all.

Anyone have the Geshelli J2S DAC with the 4499 chip. It's supposed to be an audio bargain. The Cheap Audio Man over on YouTube thinks very highly of it. The price is great, should it prove worth putting in a system.



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I know an Inmate who has one, posted on May 13, 2024 at 11:42:37

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He also has the AK4493 version of the J2, which I bought shortly after he did.

I'll let him know about your post, and hopefully he'll stop in to give you his 2 cents on the AK4499 version with socketed op amp(s). He's also managed to somehow wedge the Sparkos SS2590 Pro op amp in there, by the way.


Inmate who has one, posted on May 13, 2024 at 12:47:57

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Thanks. I hope he stops by.


RE: Inmate who has one, posted on May 13, 2024 at 18:38:19
Mick Wolfe

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I don't know if it's me or not, but I do have the Geshelli J2/S. It started out as the original J2 with the AKM 4493 chip. It was in and out of both my systems but eventually gave way to the original Denafrips Ares. (sorry CheapAudioMan) It sat around with a few of my other audio castaways for several months. Then one day I heard about the introduction of the J2/S version with the new AKM 4499 chip/Sparkos op amp combo.
A couple days went by before I decided to call Sherri at Geshelli to see if my J2 could be fully upgraded to a full "S" version. Plus I really wanted to save the cedar case I'd ordered with the J2. Sure enough it could upgraded, so I sent it off within a couple days and the turnaround was surprising quick. Not cheap, but worth it.
Now the sad part of this tale is that I haven't had a great deal of time to listen to it as I've been concentrating on my vinyl set-up. This all said, the brief sessions I've had with it were very impressive as it easily surpassed the original J2 on all fronts. Bottom line is I'd have no trouble recommending it at this price point...between $700-$800 last I looked.


Ares II, posted on May 13, 2024 at 18:46:40

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I've heard good things about the Ares II. It's a whole other category, since it costs almost three times the cost of the J2S the way I would configure it.

What about the soundstage? I'm a soundstage freak. Love 'em wide and deep.

Thanks for your comments.


No. All cheap audio men on YT are idiots looking for clicks , posted on May 13, 2024 at 20:34:49

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Save the planet from " giant bargain" junk


It was OK. I had one...., posted on May 13, 2024 at 20:56:00

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To my ears the Denafrips Ares II was warm and smooth in the mids but lacked dynamic punch and was short on detail. It was a bit congested too on more complex music. Super nice though on simple female vocals and the like. I sold mine last year.

I still own my long time favorite PS Audio NuWave DSD DAC. It's probably about 8 years old now.

My SMSL D400EX DAC lower right

In recent model DACs I prefer the SMSL D400EX USB DAC which is what I have been running since May 2023. However, I still own and love my old PS Audio NuWave DSD DAC. There's another SMSL that folks seem to like for its heftier bass punch but I don't recall the model.

IMHO there are dozens of fantastic sounding modern DACs in the $1000 range if you're willing explore beyond the old guard audiophile brands and megabuck recommended components you see in the stereo rags.

But on a cautionary note as someone else mentioned, many YouTubers are looking for clicks and eyeballs with their overly sensational claims. Over time you'll learn who on YouTube to trust a little more. But in the end it is up to your ears and your preferences.

P.S. I -believe- it is Inmate Todd Krieger who owns a Geshelli DAC (I could be wrong) but he has other higher-end DACs. Hopefully he will chime in.


Anyone influenced by YT "reviews" deserves to be disappointed! nt, posted on May 14, 2024 at 08:42:06

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RE: Ares II, posted on May 14, 2024 at 09:39:04
Mick Wolfe

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As I've said, a fully tricked out J2/S is going to come in over $700 vs the AresII at around $1K. So not 3X the difference. Yes, the Ares II would be roughly 3X the cost of the original J2 with the AKM 4493 chip. That said and to be clear, I found the original Ares (not the II version) to be superior to the J2. The J2/S is a different animal however.
In regard to soundstage/depth. That's something you'd have to audition in your system to determine. Personally, that's something I don't prioritize in my set-ups.


RE: Ares II, posted on May 14, 2024 at 12:35:33

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You're right about a fully loaded J2S but my needs make the cost about $550, not including tax and shipping. So the price difference is greater with what I would get.

The consensus seems to be that the 4499 chip totally transforms the J2 into the J2/S. From what I've heard, I wouldn't consider just the plain J2.

I'll have to keep an eye out for the original Ares. The version II seems well regarded but not much of a bargain compared to a number of DACs at a much lower price, including the BitFrost and the J2/S.

Thanks for the information.


RE: It was OK. I had one...., posted on May 14, 2024 at 12:45:40

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Other folks mentioned similar traits for the Ares II, which has steered me away from it.

The PS Audio DACs are well regarded by many. If a good used one comes up, it will be given consideration.

Because used gear can't be auditioned, I have been looking more at new DACs. I actually prefer finding audio equipment that is not one of the "name brands". More offbeat has a lot of appeal. Much of my gear consists of brands that are not as well known.

I'll take a look at the SMSL. The link is appreciated.

I like gear that is as neutral as possible. Are you familiar with any DACs that seem to be more neutral?

Your pictures show a Schiit Vigar. I'm giving some serious thought about trying one. I auditioned it at the Schiit showroom but had a difficult time evaluating it. Too many variables. What do you think of it?

Thanks for the many details and the great pictures.


YouTube reviews, posted on May 14, 2024 at 12:49:54

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I'm just trying to find some way to sort through all the options out there. It's getting so much harder to find high-end dealers that still have reasonably priced components, which is why I have been hanging around YouTube. Written reviews are also sought whenever they're available.

Nothing ever takes the place of my own ears. They are the final arbiters of any purchase.

Thanks for the warning.


YT "reviews" , posted on May 14, 2024 at 12:53:57

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I'm willing to listen to other opinions, which is why the Asylum gets visited. But it's a bit hard to bring much real influence to bear on me.

I often get a sense of what might work for me by hearing other people's views. That helps in wading through all the options. But as some sort of saying goes, opinions are worth what they cost.

Nothing replaces what comes out of the system and into my ears.

Thanks for your comment.


RE: Ares II, posted on May 14, 2024 at 15:17:03
Mick Wolfe

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You're welcome. When cutting corners, I could see eliminating a few items, but don't overlook the Sparkos op amps unless they're already included in your estimate. An upgraded outboard power supply should also be on your wish list. These two items will definitely give you an uptick in performance.


RE: Geshelli J2S DAC, posted on May 15, 2024 at 01:38:53

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Rogue is the best from Abe!Hope to buy some day...


Sparkos, posted on May 15, 2024 at 12:48:02

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The Sparkos are a requirement and part of the price. Since balanced isn't needed, that saves almost $200.

The website says that if a linear power supply is used, the warranty is void. Is there an outboard supply that won't void the warranty?


Whose reviews do you place your trust in...., posted on May 15, 2024 at 13:11:34

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...if any?


RE: It was OK. I had one...., posted on May 15, 2024 at 13:30:28

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I consider the SMSL D400EX DAC to be somewhat 'neutral' w/o being lean, thin, clinical, analytical, cold, etc. etc. Some so-called 'neutral' sounding gear can lean in that direction. To my ears the SMSL D400EX has a slight bit of heft and robustness to it in the mids and lower but not enough to call attention to it. The PS Audio NuWave DSD DAC [discontinued] is a bit more warm and robust in comparison but not by a lot. [And unlike the warmish sounding Aeries II these DACs don't choke on transparency, detail, and dynamic punch]

It's all about personal preference and how the DAC sounds in combination with your other electronics and speakers. For my ears I will always go for a bit of warmth and a full bodied sound vs 'neutral' if 'neutral' means settling for any of the characteristics I mentioned earlier.

For the money I think the Vidar is a great buy but it seems a bit strong in the lower mids and bass - which might be what they're striving for as that sort of sound probably mates well with similarly priced high value speakers that might lack low end bass response. I'm just guessing at that part. In my setup the Vidar sounds good but a little over emphasized in the lower freqs. My Vidar is the original with no power switch on the front. The latest ones have a front-mounted power switch.


Trust in...., posted on May 15, 2024 at 17:51:36

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I wouldn't say I trust any reviews. I look for trends and red flags. For me, reviews that say a component is warm sends me running away. My interest is in gear being as neutral as possible. With any luck, my system lets me hear what went into the mike.

When reviews are uniformly positive, it's an indication to me that further investigation is warranted. But if a component can't be auditioned in my system, it almost never gets purchased, unless the cost is so low that biting the bullet would hurt much.


Vidar, posted on May 15, 2024 at 18:00:50

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Your remarks are really helpful.

You seem positive enough about the Vidar that it might be worth giving it a try in the future. Schiit gives 15 days to try. There is a restocking fee, I think, but it might be worth it.

What is the soundstage like? I'm a soundstage freak - need it wide and deep.



RE: Sparkos, posted on May 15, 2024 at 18:22:46
Mick Wolfe

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I just use the $70 iFi wall wart.(Amazon) I've used a pricier Swagman LPS in the past, but haven't used it in awhile. However, your best bet is call Sherri at Geshelli. At one time she had a list of power supplies they recommended. I don't remember LPS's being off limits, but maybe something has changed.


RE: Sparkos, posted on May 15, 2024 at 19:26:34

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A great resource is a thread by jjss49
on Agon. He has had and used DACS across a broad price range.

Title of thread is

Dacs that I have had in my system - a listing

on the Digital forum. Sorry not sure how to add a link.


RE: Vidar, posted on May 15, 2024 at 19:34:46

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Oops, I meant to reply to OP, but its about four posts back.


RE: Geshelli J2S DAC, posted on May 15, 2024 at 20:39:28

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Last summer when I was looking for a new dac, I tried the Geshelli J2S. I ordered it with the stock opamps as I figured I would upgrade them later. Although I wanted to like the Geshelli because I wanted to support a small, American company, it was not a keeper. I had two issues with it:
1. At the time I bought it, they did not have a driver for a Windows 11 computer. My primary source is a Windows laptop. They were working on this and probably have one now.
2. The tonal presentation was not to my liking. I found it to be a dynamic, detailed dac; exciting, but ultimately fatiguing. YMMV
I know the Cheap Audio Man raves about the Geshelli and he made a point to say he preferred the Geshelli over the dac I ultimately bought, the Smsl d300. However he uses Metallica to evaluate equipment and I use a variety of different types of music. To my ears and in my systems, the Smsl did a much better job of reproducing the timbre of acoustic instruments and vocals. I can listen to it for hours with no fatigue.


RE: Sparkos, posted on May 16, 2024 at 08:27:29
Mick Wolfe

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Yes, it's a good read. If nothing else you have to admire the guy for responding to virtually everyone who asked a follow up question. No worries, easily found with Google search typing in "jjss49 DAC's I've used across a broad price range."


RE: Vidar, posted on May 16, 2024 at 08:42:34
Mick Wolfe

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Another consideration in regard to a solid state amp is the Galion TS A75. Unfortunately, roughly twice the price of the Vidar though. Possibly in a different league sonically IF you trust the numerous YouTube reviews.


RE: Sparkos, posted on May 16, 2024 at 09:10:14

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Yes, jjss49 has always been very good sharing his vast audiophile knowledge.
Guess Im old school. Didnt know Moniker names could be web searched. Ive always had trouble trying to refind topics on forums, lol.
Thanks for the tip.


Metallica, posted on May 16, 2024 at 10:18:33

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I have noticed that the Cheap Audio Man doesn't make reference to classical music, which I listen to a lot, along with jazz and "old" pop. The string section of an orchestra really tests the ability of audio gear.

I'm probably going to audition the Schiit BitFrost at their showroom and see how that sounds.

Thanks for the information.


RE: Sparkos, posted on May 16, 2024 at 13:50:21
Mick Wolfe

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You're welcome. Yes, type in the subject matter along with jjss49 as I've noted.


RE: Metallica, posted on May 16, 2024 at 16:04:59
G Squared

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I have a fully updated Bifrost first gen. It sounds great.


BiFrost , posted on May 16, 2024 at 18:39:00

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Thanks for that information. Given that many have a high opinion of the BiFrost, it makes me think it would be wise to drop by Schiit soon and have a listen.

As anyone worth their ears knows, there are no perfect components. In my case budget must be considered, although I'm lucky that there is a decent of amount of flexibility regarding any cash to be spent.


D300, posted on May 16, 2024 at 19:17:09

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Almost without exception, reviews on the Geshelli J2S note that the Sparko chipset makes an extremely big difference in sound. Do you think that might have been a factor in what you heard?

As to the D300, I've been reading some reviews and specs and it seems too good to be true. The D300 uses the same ROHM chip as Luxman's flagship CD player? What the heck?

A number of people have noted that the D300 has a natural sound that has great appeal, even though it might not be as detailed as some DACs in the same price range. It sounds as if that's your experience too. One audiophile noted how natural orchestral instruments sounded. That's very tempting, given my penchant for classical CDs. Any thoughts?

Here are a couple of questions, if you don't mind. Does the antenna fold down and is the Bluetooth on by default or can it be turned off? I don't like wireless gear.

It's noted that the build seems a bit cheap, but for $400 something's gotta give.

I've always thought of SMSL as cheap, mass market gear, but it seems like they may have hit one out of the park.


RE: D300, posted on May 16, 2024 at 19:47:52

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The d300 and VMV D2r both use the same Rohm chip as the Luxman cd players, which are way more expensive. One of the design objectives of the Rohm chip is to reproduce classical music, so if you listen to a lot of classical music, you might like either of these dacs.
The antenna does fold down or can be removed. As far as I know, the bluetooth receiver is not on, unless bluetooth is selected as an input. I have never tried the bluetooth input.
The build quality of the d300 seems to be commensurate with its price and similar to other dacs that I have tried in its price range.


???, posted on May 17, 2024 at 07:39:26

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The website says that if a linear power supply is used, the warranty is void.

The manual does, however, state a generalized caution about potential damage from not providing proper voltage given the common connector used.


If you decide on the Gishelli...., posted on May 17, 2024 at 17:07:48
Ken Lyon

Posts: 1336
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My recommendation is to go with the J2S/4499 w/aluminum case and standard opamps ($430).
When funds allow, purchase the Sparkos 2590 Pro opamp & adapter direct from Sparkos ($126) ($107 w/15% disc).

The J2S/4499 version significantly improves imaging and dimensionality.
The Sparkos 2590 Pro further expands its performance in virtually every sonic and musical criteria and well worth consideration.

fwiw, I own a J2/4493 w/50 w linear psu and the J2S/4499 w/50 R-core linear psu and have used and tested it in all 3 opamp configurations (OPA1656, Sparkos 3602, & Sparkos 2590Pro)


RE: If you decide on the Gishelli...., posted on May 17, 2024 at 18:16:12

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Thanks for the advice. It looks like a choice at this point between the Geshelli J2S 4499 w/Sparkos and the SMSL D300, which attracts me because so many people have remarked on its natural sound. I never thought I'd seriously consider SMSL gear for my system, but good sound is good sound, should that prove to be the case.


RE: If you decide on the Gishelli...., posted on May 17, 2024 at 19:08:19
Ken Lyon

Posts: 1336
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of all the online reviews I've seen, these two, taken together, best describe the qualities of the J2S/4499 when coupled with the Sparkos 3602 opamp. The Sparkos Pro ups the ante further to a small but significant degree, esp in harmonic timbre, stage size, solidity and depth.


RE: Trust in...., posted on May 17, 2024 at 19:17:53

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Agree. I look for trends in multiple reviews.

If they all say the product is warm and "analog like" (implying like vinyl LPs) I run. To me that is code for overly smooth, veiled, too warm, and dynamically challenged. Modern DACs should not be "analog like" unless those characteristics are deliberately and unnaturally forced in the design. One was an early $4000 DSD capable DAC. The other had a tube output stage. Both of these "analog like" DACs were mediocre at best.

I seek reviews that make comparisons, and then I seek other similar reviews to see if those comparisons track. If they do it is somewhat safe to conclude that the comparison of DAC-A is more or less [fill in the blank] vs DAC-B based on those multiple comparison reviews.

But in the end its about what I hear in my system.


RE: Vidar, posted on May 17, 2024 at 19:31:31

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It's been quite a while since I've listened to it so I can't remember how the Vidar soundstage stacks up. I can say that tube amps seem to soundstage very well but they have their own trade-offs. I still have my Rogue Cronus Magnum tube integrated when I want to change it up for a while.


Just a thought...... Geshelli & Schiit, posted on May 17, 2024 at 19:41:00

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Since someone mentioned the Schiit Bifrost DAC I would highly consider it vs the Geshelli. You can often find used Schiit in good shape on Audiogon and US Audio Mart. I'm not saying the Geshelli is bad but Schiit has a good reputation and much greater brand recognition.

Why is this important to me? In a word, resale. IF I don't like the Schiit I can easily sell it. Geshelli, I don't know.


RE: It was OK. I had one...., posted on May 18, 2024 at 10:23:51
Mick Wolfe

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Abe, in regard to SMSL. A friend whose had multiple DAC's in the sub $2K range swears by the SMSL VMV D2R. He says it's the best DAC he's owned and an absolute steal at the $1K mark.


RE: It was OK. I had one...., posted on May 19, 2024 at 12:28:10

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I'm loving my $850 SMSL D400EX DAC but now that you've mentioned it I believe it is the SMSL VMV D2R that has slightly more bass authority and punch.


RE: No. All cheap audio men on YT are idiots looking for clicks , posted on May 19, 2024 at 15:12:36

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Yeah lots of lame reviewers. I like Sine Craft Audio, Wavetheory, and DMS. Less hypetrain reviews. Still like the audiophiliac too.

Cut to razor sounding violins


RE: Geshelli J2S DAC, posted on May 19, 2024 at 15:34:17
Todd Krieger

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I have several flavors of this DAC.......

The AKM4493 version is what I'd call "forgiving"..... (The standard op-amps in this version provide better "synergy" compared to the upgrade Sparkos.) But the resolution is bettered by other budget products..... I prefer the new Topping D50 III (a real sleeper) over it, I just hear deeper into the mix.

The AKM4499 version with the Sparkos upgrade is a superlative DAC. Very close to the Topping I mentioned above, maybe a little more bottom end "heft"...... But if you get the J2S, the AKM4499 is the one to get, especially if you opt for the Sparkos op-amp upgrade.


Sparkos Pro question, posted on May 19, 2024 at 17:24:41

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I'll take a look at the reviews. Thanks.

The Sparkos Pro isn't listed as an option when ordering the J2S, or is that another name for the Sparkos SS3602? Burson has the V7 Vivid Pro, which is an option.

I only need to upgrade on the RCAs, since I won't use the balanced output.


Geshelli & Schiit, posted on May 19, 2024 at 17:29:10

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Since I wasn't able to audition the BiFrost after all, I would consider buying it used. Several have been available.

With the J2S, it has a trial period from Geshelli. 30 days, I think. Right now, that puts it ahead of the BiFrost, since it wouldn't cost anything to try it. The same goes for the SMSL D300.


RE: It was OK. I had one...., posted on May 19, 2024 at 18:44:08

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I am very happy with the Smsl VMV D2r and d300, which I use in different systems. The VMV D2r sounds noticeably better as you would expect from the price difference. The more resolving the system, the more the differences between them are apparent.


RE: It was OK. I had one...., posted on May 20, 2024 at 13:01:41
Mick Wolfe

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To echo what you've said earlier. As time marches on, we'll continue to find a multitude of DAC's priced at or below $1K that a quite musically satisfying. This is the DAC price point I explore almost exclusively now. I have X number of exhausts leaving the manifold of my savings/checking accounts and audio is just one of them.


RE: Geshelli J2S DAC, posted on May 20, 2024 at 18:41:16

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Though I really like the sound coming from my D300, I'm only able to use the USB input as the others pop and hiss on an irregular basis. I believe this has been a problem for manyusers since launch, and don't know if it has ever been completely fixed. It's soond quality is ery natural, however, and listening is fatigue free.


RE: Geshelli & Schiit, posted on May 21, 2024 at 12:06:58

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Good point about the trial period.

It would be nice if you can compare the two side-by-side in your system but that might be wishful thinking.


RE: It was OK. I had one...., posted on May 21, 2024 at 12:10:28

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Quality audio sound is very expensive only if you've learned over the years that it has to be. I had to unlearn ;-)


RE: Sparkos Pro question, posted on May 22, 2024 at 02:52:45
Ken Lyon

Posts: 1336
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The Sparkos Pro is not listed as an option at Gishelli for the J2S.It can be
purchased direct from Sparkos Labs.
It is a premium device intended for professional use (mixing boards,etc) and is physically much larger than the 3602. Its size will only allow it to fit in the RCA/single ended output of the J2 and a tight fit ideally used with a socket riser.

Here's what you'd need:

1ea)"Pro to dual dip 8 adapter"@ $126.00
($107.oo if you opt into his mailing list)
1ea)"Dip socket riser"@ $2.oo


RE: It was OK. I had one...., posted on May 22, 2024 at 08:29:23
Mick Wolfe

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Agreed 100%. Despite the naysayers, there is a point of diminishing return in every category.


Side by side, posted on May 22, 2024 at 17:00:31

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Yes, that would be ideal. And I suppose one of each could be ordered, then the one rejected returned. But somehow the ethics of that doesn't seem up to audiophile standards. Sort of like going to a brick and mortar shop to audition gear and then ordering on line.

Or am I wrong?


More Sparkos Pro question, posted on May 22, 2024 at 18:02:14

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Thanks for the pictures and the links, though I still have a couple of questions.

Your recommendation for adding the SS2590 is intriguing, and may push the Geshelli past the SMSL D300 regarding which one to try first. At the Sparkos website, however, the option is for two SS2590 with the adapter, not just one. The RCA option for the J2S only requires one op amp. What am I missing?

Even with the added cost of the SS2590, given that no upgrade on the balanced op amps is needed, the J2S would be only about $550, definitely a bargain in my book in view of the praise it's garnered.

Someone compared the V7 with the SS2590 and said it was a toss-up. Have you seen that?

The V7s would increase the cost to about $600, and most have preferred the Sparkos op amps anyway.

Thanks again for the excellent reply.


RE: Side by side, posted on May 23, 2024 at 08:22:49

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I don't think you're wrong. When I visited brick and mortar stores to audition I always felt obligated to buy from them rather than shopping the item around for a better price. I did in fact buy from the store.

If the online store offered BOTH products for trial and you returned one I guess that wouldn't be so bad.


RE: More Sparkos Pro question, posted on May 23, 2024 at 18:54:10
Ken Lyon

Posts: 1336
Joined: April 4, 2000
The basic 2590 pro is a mono/single channel device. The adapter stacks two 2590's, one atop the other and links them into the appropriate 8 pin socket configuration for the Gishelli's coax output.

I've read the thread you linked, however I've yet to hear the Burson V7's myself so can't comment from experience but it appears to be a viable option/alternative, being musical preference and system dependant.


"Or am I wrong?", posted on May 24, 2024 at 04:18:37

Posts: 10200
Location: Greenville SC
Joined: February 25, 2007
First, I'll agree with you that auditioning in a brick and mortar shop and then buying on line is unethical. But in a case such as Geshelli and Schiit where home auditioning is your only option, what alternatives do you have?

They both offer a trial periods, so I assume they accept that comparisons between their product and someone else's are sometimes going to be made, and that some might prefer 'Product B' to their offering.

I don't see utilizing their money back guarantee as unethical. Otherwise they should have, "All sales final" listed on their sites. It must suck for them to have to endure 'tire-kickers' who have no intention of actually keeping something, but with today's 'Direct sales only', it seems to be part of the cost of doing business.


+1., posted on May 25, 2024 at 09:06:12
Mick Wolfe

Posts: 3433
Location: AZ
Joined: October 10, 1999
September 4, 2000


RE: It was OK. I had one...., posted on May 27, 2024 at 19:52:57

Posts: 47562
Location: Maidenhead Grid Square DM79
Joined: June 22, 2001
February 2, 2002

Agree and that point of diminishing return occurs much sooner on the curve than it did before.


RE: Geshelli J2S DAC, posted on September 13, 2024 at 10:23:28

Posts: 22
Joined: December 21, 2022
psgary.... So what did you end up with for a DAC?
I have the basiic J2 AKM4493. From all the posts and reviews, sounds like the J2S with Sparkos 2590 is a worthwihile upgrade.
Now the J3 is out. Only one review so far, but seems to be just a J2S with different front panel & more space for op amps.


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