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Is there a recording of Richter playing the Pastorale sonata of Beethoven? (nt)

Posted on July 24, 2024 at 17:05:08
John N

Posts: 1340
Joined: May 10, 2000
I have come up empty although I didn't search very hard. The pastorale sonata has been dominating my Beethoven listening of late.


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Doesn't look like it..., posted on July 24, 2024 at 19:45:32

Posts: 10334
Location: IN
Joined: July 8, 2001
There is a huge gap from No.12 to No.17.
He was not a completist. He did not record the pieces he thought others played better than he could.


RE: Doesn't look like it..., posted on July 26, 2024 at 06:31:45
John N

Posts: 1340
Joined: May 10, 2000
Thanks for posting the discography. I knew Richter was selective in his repertoire (and I don't mean to say his repertoire was limited; it was quite large), and I was hoping he might have recorded it. My favorite for the Pastorale sonata these days is Buchbinder, despite the fact that he is not my favorite for many other Beethoven sonatas. Levit gets a lot of listening time from me as well these days. I read a review but have listened carefully to Gilels with that sonata.


Have you heard Moravec?, posted on July 26, 2024 at 13:06:17

Posts: 3405
Location: Ohio
Joined: June 22, 2008
His Pastorale Sonata is worth hearing.


Actually, Moravec has at least two Pastorale Sonatas, posted on July 26, 2024 at 13:21:21
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February 6, 2012
There's the famous one which came out on Connoisseur Society. That indeed is worth hearing! But then, somehow, the master for that recording didn't seem to be available once the CD era started. So Supraphon released one of Moravec's concert performances (from Belgium IIRC) of the work. I don't know what the status of the Connoisseur Society performance is. I'm pretty sure it was also released as an In-Sync "premium" cassette tape too, using metal tape instead of iron oxide. If the original master is indeed gone, I wonder how feasible it would be for a place like HDTT to issue the Connoisseur Society recording using an In-Sync cassette as its basis?


RE: Actually, Moravec has at least two Pastorale Sonatas, posted on July 26, 2024 at 13:29:46

Posts: 3405
Location: Ohio
Joined: June 22, 2008
I have both the Connoisseur version and what Supraphon released in their Portrait set (2020). Both are rebook-quality FLACs. The former has better sound. I don't remember what source it's from, but I hear no clicks or pops. Either it was a rip of a very clean LP or comes from a digital source. I haven't compared the performances.


Well of course that brings up the possibility that HDTT could. . . , posted on July 26, 2024 at 15:13:38
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February 6, 2012
. . . bring out their own incarnation derived from the LP, rather than from the In-Sync cassette - especially since they've recently begun to offer other recordings derived from LP's. I'm still not a fan of "needle drop" remasterings - but beggars can't be choosers. At least that's the way it seems. (BTW, although I haven't had the Moravec Connoisseur Society recording of the Pastorale Sonata since my LP days, I do have the Supraphon recording of Moravec's in-concert performance in Belgium. Assuming I can trust my aural memory from decades ago, I think I much prefer the Connoisseur Society performance and engineering.)


yes I Have you heard Moravec?, posted on July 26, 2024 at 19:57:40
John N

Posts: 1340
Joined: May 10, 2000
I do like him a lot for many different pieces - I have the LPs as well as the CD reissues. I actually was going to put it on but I was listening to CDs the last couple of days rather than LPs. The Moravec CD that was convenient had no Beethoven at all, and I was too lazy to dig it up. Although I brought up other performers, my question was more of an exploration of Richter.


RE: Doesn't look like it..., posted on August 4, 2024 at 17:09:22

Posts: 1003
Location: Ontario
Joined: March 28, 2003
I rather like Richard Goode as well. [Not to mention Schnabel.]


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