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Tangram Le' Journey Continues...

Posted on February 8, 2024 at 11:18:34

Posts: 1961
Location: Michigan
Joined: September 6, 2003

Hello young man,

I thought that instead of posting on my ( our ) last post where it seems others aren't willing to respond to one way or the others, which doesn't bother me in the least | as usual get quite a few emails from like minded people which tells me others are paying attention to our shared interests | responses between ourselves, and that's what matters.

As I've only ever spotted a few people stating their preference towards silver plated copper power plugs as opposed to rhodium plated ones, mostly over on A'Gon, as well as few other audio forums, where much have mentioned they feel the consumer have been fooled into thinking rhodium plated copper plugs are ones only option..., and upon hearing silver plated plugs have gone this route, and then having manufacturers of said plugs tell me the same thing, seriously got me to rethinking the possibilities, and in truth, I'm glad I did as the other all results are to my mind definitely worth pursuing.

And while I was awaiting several ( a total of 7 pieces all together ) sets of both ac | iec gold plated copper plugs to come in, where I also felt a slightly different sonic flavor of these, as well as silver plated plugs could be switched around enough to where a certain signature using the various brands would bring about a sound where one or the other would ideally be the prefect match for what I'm trying to obtain, as once again in my mind no one size has ever fit all.

If?, and when you get around to listening to the combination of silver and copper, as well as rhodium and gold connectors, I'd be very very interested in knowing your findings, as it is I'm seemingly relevant to take out the tandem of silver plated copper ac male | un-plated copper iec female, but as shown above, said flavors are in-house should curiosity get the best of me.

I've also taken it upon myself to purchase different flavors of the Viborg IEC Inlets ( located in that little silver box in the photo above ) well at least their gold | rhodium plated copper screw down types, of which I plan to use with either of the opposite flavors according to which type of plug ends upon the iec side of three the Accuphase power cords within two different systems?, only then will I feel comfortable knowing what's what?, and instead to stay put..., as I once again have to believe this cord is an absolute bargain | once again as memory serves, easily betters PCs I've owned in the past approaching $800, of late I not longer once again remotely allow myself to be swayed by others BS mentally where one isn't a dedicated | true audiophile unless they're willing to employ out half of their saving or checking accounts, so be it, as I've long considered myself a music lover first type of listener, and only see a well matched and thought out system as a means of enhancing said listening experience to a point where I knew I was engaging | enjoying the manner in which the notes themselves were rendered, as opposed to only hearing very very slight differences as some get chasing more expensive boxes ( electronics ), as I'd far rather have my emotions taken over by the music itself, as I've never been caught upon that shit about measurements | specs | box count or cost, as the only means of gauging the performance of any given piece of gear..., I'm far more interested in how their pieces were put together from a synergistic standpoint, and how well collectively they play together.

I'm more interested in components ability to sit untouched for the long term, as opposed to thinking within, what's next month's purchase?, no I'll leave that one to the ever-chasing confused types, simplifying once system is in itself knowing what works as far a musicality matters, having a system which consist of upwards of 5-10 different pieces placed across a rack doesn't impress me at all, not when my simplified 2-3 pieces of electronics will suffice..., those extra pairs of IC's | or upwards of 3 additional PC's, just added their own signature to the mix, of which I no longer deem vital.

Until next time..., party on Garth, we aren't worthy, says who?.


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RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 9, 2024 at 08:53:23

Posts: 723
Location: Boston
Joined: January 11, 2009

Can you provide a link to the Accuphase power cord that you are using?


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 9, 2024 at 09:57:31

Posts: 1961
Location: Michigan
Joined: September 6, 2003

Hello Doublej:

Here yah go:

But if you wish to fit into that 2% that feels it's to cheap to justify being a " REAL AUDIOPHILE ", you'd go with what some of us have found look identical except where the shell ( housing ) as been exchanged to carbon fiber types, as well as uses Rhodium Plated Blades:

In my world by simply replacing the blades on both ends have taken this lonely $42 or thereabouts cord into another level I haven't experienced for less than $800 of which I mentioned earlier, and all those $400 | $600 | $850 power cords no longer reside within our home...-, hint | hint.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 9, 2024 at 11:45:18

Posts: 154
Joined: November 28, 2009

So yes you have prompted me to try the Rhodium Xangsane plug and gold plated cyko iec !

I am still not fully acclimatised to the change brought by my Cyko gold plated plug / Accuphase wire. / silver plated iec , a revelation in my system IMHO. This from my balanced transformer to Xangsane blue rhodium receptacle.

It wasn't too many minutes into listening to Coltrane black pearl album/ side two, the pianos higher notes were pingy , the sax was not right, shouty, just plain coloured, and then Byrd trumpet was screechy and plain fatiguing. I have it further minutes but that was that and returned back.

Now the control returned the focus on the very back of the soundscape returned, much more nuanced and involving, I have zero complaints, mesmerising! Truly special!!
Iam so happy to have found this combination, I do think some more burn in has helped too.

On Wednesday I received another Accuphase powerchord and Viborg silver plated plug and Viborg gold plated iec, all changed and plugged in to my TV downstairs system that has a wonderful quad vena play integrated amplifier. Listening on Thursday has confirmed that this will be permanent as the vena sings with more definition/ clarity and the depths of the soundscape here is much more focused and nuanced.
The reason i got this combination is because of it being in reverse of the above combination and I wanted to hear any difference in swapping out . Tone continued once it's got more hours on it with the vena.
BTW I did the iec inlet upgrades where I could throughout my system few years ago settling on unplated copper where no fuses are needed and Viborg gold plated with fuse holder on phono
I can't do anything with media player preamp or dac as they have their own integrated on off switch built in to the iec inlet.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 9, 2024 at 16:41:16

Posts: 1961
Location: Michigan
Joined: September 6, 2003


There you're. I'd only pray everything was well on your end?, as one never knows. But it's nice to see you've done your homework and have concluded that said silver male in tandem with a gold plated female is your chosen flavor | yet I'd say you've one last tandem to try out, and that's the silver male and copper pairing which I've stayed with so far.., and while I currently overbought 6 different gold plated male | female plugs with the intent on replacing the blades once again on the two Accuphase PCs in our bedroom system, I'm thinking it's definitely time to pullback and access said differences once and for all, yet it's nice having someone like yourself willing to go through this with me, as it's even nicer to know it isn't just in my head, but proof in that someone else hears the same effects in which I'm carrying on and on about.

Thanks for adding the information on the plating options of the Viborg IEC Inlets, as I was pondering the next one being gold plated, now it seems I've to pursue the un-plated copper one as well, of which I think even the more expensive ones found on Amazon at around $17 are good, yet I've also found what looks like similar versions of these also on AliExpress for $300 in all three flavors.

So as always thanks for being " to me ", my voice or reason | logic, of which I shall be forever grateful. Now back to the tunes.

Be well | Stay safe as always young man.

Happy Lunar New Year to you | your loved ones.
O_o scar


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 10, 2024 at 09:08:32
Mike B.

Posts: 26610
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September 1, 1999
I am a big supporter of experimentation. It is a slow often frustrating process. I believe I started a mini revolution in AC related connectors starting back in late 2002 when I started Acme Audio Labs.
I saw comments by Bob Crump of TG Audio about his picks for best sounding stock AC connectors. Bob was well known for voicing equipment and for his cables. I took the outlets he recommended and had them silver plated and put through the cryogenic process. The AC plug, IEC connector and inlet socket followed.
My comment here is to point out there are other factors determining a good connector. The structure and materials of the connector housing and how the pins/metal parts are mounted is also important. My preference is for housings of a more gummy plastic rather than smooth and a very rigid overall mounting. The interior of the housing is also fair game for coatings to increase dampening/performance.
There are other important factors like the quality of the metal, plating and plating thickness. That is something we have no control over.
I have tried a few of the current offering and a few were Chinese. There are some very good options. Use them as is or try some tweaking. You might be pleasantly surprised at the improvements possible.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 10, 2024 at 10:23:59

Posts: 154
Joined: November 28, 2009
Well please share more ! But please omit those bouncing pilons .


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 10, 2024 at 10:29:12

Posts: 154
Joined: November 28, 2009
Yes you seemed to have filled the place Oscar, so where are you at ?


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 10, 2024 at 12:39:40

Posts: 1961
Location: Michigan
Joined: September 6, 2003

Hello Mike B.

Thanks for adding said extra insight onto said matters, as I do own both of your current audio grade silver fuses and adore them for their overall sound and value, as it's quite apparent to me unlike some you were being thoughtful towards the consumers as opposed to being guided by greed by some of these companies charging upwards of $3000 on fuses, can you say QSA?, or whatever they've changed their marketing name to of late?.

I for one am very very taken with the overall fidelity of what these silver plated copper AC | IEC plugs have bought to the enhancement of my system | life in such a manner as I only wish I had ventured this path earlier in life.., but as the saying goes " who knew? ", well besides yourself and Bob it appears!.

Thanks again for your contribution to bettering the Art of Music at Home Reproduction though your products for us Music First Audiophile types, and may the Creator grant you | your many more seasons in life just being!.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 10, 2024 at 12:55:13

Posts: 1961
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As for right now awaiting both of the Viborg Copper | Gold Plated Copper IEC inlets, before moving over to the tandem of Silver AC | Gold IEC, of which I've to believe are my final chapters to said adventures, but I did think enough of your findings with the Rhodium Plated Copper | Pure Silver RCA | XLR Viborg connectors to buy another 1.5m length of the Accuphase IC's with cloned supposedly WBT rhodium plated plugs on them this time around, as they original versions overall sound stated on my mind | as I found something very encouraging about its sense of musicality to give it another go.

Have a great | safe | wonderful weekend young fella, until the ground settles and there's more to add?, be thee well.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 10, 2024 at 14:19:22

Posts: 154
Joined: November 28, 2009
Any chance of being brought up to speed ? Thank you.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 10, 2024 at 15:12:54
Mike B.

Posts: 26610
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September 1, 1999
Oh come on. I am fond of my dancing AC delivery accessories. I sold Acme in 2018 to one of the dealers who sold Acme products. I am bound by a agreement signed at that time. That includes keeping somethings secret.
What I suggest you do is get a paint like medium that you can easily apply with a brush. Then try adding materials to it that could potentially help dampen and or remove or reduce noise on the AC.
A fellow member recently shared about his positive results using Rochelle Salt. That might be a candidate to try?


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 10, 2024 at 15:29:50
Mike B.

Posts: 26610
Location: OR
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September 1, 1999
Thank you. You nailed the main goal of Acme. Offer a decent product at a reasonable price. I was offended by the outrageous prices being charged by many manufactures.
A bit more info. I had access back then to a friends testing device that could tell the plating thickness and composition. One of the many things I found was the nickel plating on the commercial products I used was altered by the use of plating baths contaminated by what we guessed was extremely high use of the baths. The analyzer often called it stainless steel rather than nickel. Eliminating that from parts alone made a noticeable improvement . Also plating thickness of silver at least 200 u inch was important. 300 or greater even better. Some of the stuff we measured was less that 50 on supposed audiophile connectors.
Keep up your positive contributions.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 11, 2024 at 05:30:15

Posts: 1961
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All three PCs are using the same combination of a silver plated copper male | red copper female, as one is used in the main system connected to the little EverSOLO DMP-A6, while in our bedroom setup, one is used on a Studer 900 LPS used with an Auralic Ares Mini, where the third one is placed onto a Denafrips Ares 12th-1 DAC tired to said Ares Mini via a Xangsane coaxial cable.

Said combination after growing accustomed to its sound several weeks ago, just strikes me as having a sort of sound very very different than what I've been used over the course of the last 2-4 years in listening primarily to the rhodium | copper tandem, whereas it's rather difficult for me to put into words, which is quite rare in itself, but there's something about the manner in which both just holds my imagination glued to every single note as if they're placed within little pockets of air around | between them of which as always merely sounds | feels right, and while I'm certain at some point the gold plated copper connector will be introduced into the system | it's as if I'm afraid to touch anything ( another rarity for me ) out of fear of just losing this sense of textural | tonal beauty which resides within the music itself.

In hindsight I've to believe in said instance I became more concerned with having the extra plugs here should I ever wish to explore said differences?, as opposed to waiting the usual 14 days for them to arrive from China ( AliExpress ) or via 2 days in case of wanting things faster via Amazon, but weird as it may sound?, they're in-house now, yet I'm still engaged with the presentation of the musical manner of said tandem of silver | copper that seemingly holds me captive. Once again to my ears | senses | mind | heart there's just something captivating going on with said pairing.

And lastly, you're more than welcome, as I'm certain you were looking for a more detailed explanation, I just don't have one to offer, other than say you've means to flip out the gold plug to the copper one and see if said differences are as easily picked upon on your end?, as they're on mine?, once again..., it'd be all in my head?, yet I think there's once again something going on here that rhodium just couldn't ( can't ) touch!.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 11, 2024 at 05:37:03

Posts: 1961
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Good morning, Mike B.

Forgive the last response as I was feeling under the weather a tad last evening | but know that you're more than welcome. Yet in my mind it's the individuals begin said companies which I view as caring enough to assist consumers in getting value out of fairly priced items versus those whom only cater to the wealthier percentage amongst us, yet they at times fail to do the math.., let me give you an example.

Where back in November of 2009, I found myself auditioning a pair of DeVote Fidelity Gibbon 3s at $2000 the pair and buying them on the spot from another shop ( as the ones heard were already sold to this shops client ) and this dealer was kind enough to find the last existing pair at Don Better Audio in Cleveland Heights Ohio, around 2014 I basically traded them to an ex-buddy of mine for a pair of the original 1989 version of Totem Acoustics Model One's, as they merely performed more inline with the system I had at said time, yet the weird thing for was in asking if said DeVore Fidelity would ever make a replacement for them?, as they did have a sound I came to love as well as miss, it was the lack of refinement with their treble I found lacking, as well as being somewhat rough around the edges as compared to the metal domed drivers in the Model One's which won me over, but being told by the Gibbon 3s designer, that he couldn't build any other stand-mounts ( mini-monitors ) for less than $4000, just didn't sit well with my views on all the imported brands which had speakers between $400-$2600 that could always be seen as value on the dollar performance wise. Especially knowing their boxes only consisted of a single resistor, no crossover network to be found, and fairly commonly found drivers, so is one to then assume the actual cabinetry work itself cost $3.500?, I think not.

To me it seems once some of these companies begin getting a little bit of ink ( press releases ) and start gaining a reputation of sort, greed kicks in and while they might actually sell say upwards of 100 pairs of these exact replacement for $4000, within a years time, it isn't to me the same as the numbers of say the LS 3/5A types have sold since their very beginning, where they and Linn Kan's | Spendor SA-1's initially sold for around $300-$650 per pair during their lifetimes, so greed in a lot of ways loses sales, as not everyone of us can claim Spelling Manor as our sole place of residency, in truth as will Brit-Fi being bought into the USA as far back as the early 60s, was done so for the key purpose of sound versus value based upon a sense of purity that the domestic gear, nor Japanese stuff at the time couldn't offer.

And while it seems that when todays customers of Audio start buying items from China, it's seen by some as if one has turned their backs on buying overly priced items built here, where value versus cost becomes an issue with some, not I, as I've always known some cultures are technology driven, whereas others merely try to make a living based upon their companies or countries past reputations built decades ago, when things were built based upon a sense of pride, all one has to do is seriously look at the automobile fair trade industry to know that not many foreigners are looking to buy American cars, having worked briefly at a metal pressing plant that built parts for the Big 3 here in Detroit, Michigan and seeing the thousands upon thousands of parts coming back due to recall, as well as seeing young 20 year old something kids coming back from their lunch or dinner breaks either drunk?, or high as a kite?, didn't sit well with me, as I'm certain the QC issues as noted by foreigners played a vital part of their desire to waste money on said domestic automobiles as well.

Power | Greed..., and the inability to be held accountable for one's counties ongoing mistakes don't change the fact that others have been wronged, and deserve an apology on all counts, keep the mule, but I'd would love 40 acres to build a nice home on, yet know in this country | in this shortened lifetime I'll never see it.

So there you've my monthly rant included, but in a world such as ours, one has to at the end of the day only take advantage of getting said truths off their minds. And thanks for the kind words, as I do plan to keep on, keepin' on as it relates to said matters.

Be 4ever Young in mind | spirit Mike B.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 11, 2024 at 06:25:10

Posts: 154
Joined: November 28, 2009

Gold v unplated copper , where getting closer.

For all your changing in and out of blade assemblies I recommend one of these powered drivers @ $15 or so


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 11, 2024 at 07:35:42

Posts: 1961
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Joined: September 6, 2003

Respect for said incoming update.

I purchased a much slimmer one of these types of electric screwdrivers awhile back | am glad I did, as the hands can get somewhat tried out these days, call it aging, but aging in itself is a beautiful thing, when so many around us haven't made it to our respective ages that is.

I await your findings.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 15, 2024 at 12:01:38

Posts: 1961
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Despite my constantly getting distracted in my post and getting more lost than found on some occasions, I'm still waiting to hear your opinions on gold vs copper plugs in tandem with the silver plated copper plug on the opposite end?.

Once again, while I've collected 6 different brands or makes of gold plated copper male | female plugs, it seems the copper ones have remained intact, hence my question once again concerning your hearing on both types of plugs.

As always | Be well | Stay safe.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 16, 2024 at 10:37:42

Posts: 154
Joined: November 28, 2009
Ok, so hear I go.
Since I have had some three weeks with gold plated AC and silver plated iec on the Accuphase I now have a good handle on this combination, as previously mentioned.

Changing out the iec to unplated copper had me convinced only within several minutes and without any real settling in !
This combinations has better control, more coherence, more boogie factor/ listener involvement and less congestion. The instruments are placed further forward to you which in tern are a tad more convincing and a little less coloured, the soundscape a little more dimensional and larger. The dukes piano is more pronounced and Coltrane sax is more homely without a doubt, to sum up better control, more convincing, less congestion.
This is now my preferred combination, next up in a couple of weeks will be silver plated AC and unplated copper iec.

So between my balanced power transformer to Xangsane blue receptacle was gold plated AC to silver plated iec, now eclipsed by gold plated AC to unplated copper iec.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 17, 2024 at 07:52:54

Posts: 1961
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As always thanks for sharing this assessment with me ( us ) as it appears there are now various ways to use these flavorings of plugs, as I didn't think to try both of the gold plated copper | un-plated copper ones together, as I know both are warmer sounding than either silver or rhodium plated copper versions, but as always am more than willing to trust your ears on this.

Thanks again, for always being the voice of reason on said matters.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 17, 2024 at 08:24:20

Posts: 17
Joined: April 22, 2006
what are those plugs pls give the brand name


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 18, 2024 at 03:44:11

Posts: 154
Joined: November 28, 2009
Viborg for gold plated copper and Xangsane for unplated copper.
I have now got this combination with my quad vena play TV/ streaming system with formidable results, everything is very noticeable in particular how the instruments have become more individualised with layering much more noticable, just more body and texture/ timbre. Seems much more now since it's had a couple of days settling.

Be interesting how my other system responds further when commencing further listening in week days, now it's had further settling over the weekend.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 18, 2024 at 15:10:52

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O'kay after having changed out the Viborg VM503S silver plated copper AC for a Monosaudio M509G gold plated copper ( multi-layered ) AC plug, I'm able to hear a very very different presentation | as well as shift in tonal balance more towards the midrange area, yet to my ears as used to balance out the strengths, and minimize the weaknesses as primarily found on my everSOLO DMP-A6 servers where some have mentioned it's rather brighter sounding at the very top..., where I once again hear this as added detail as compared to both the Denafrips Pontus ll | Areas ll and current Ares 12th-1 where the latter is placed into our bedroom system, where the former two were sold awhile back, which are of the R2R type architecture based designs, which were nice sounding, if one was trying to add the so-called smoother analog type sound from their digital playback gear?, yet as mentioned awhile back I feel said DMP-A6 merely once again, within the confines of my main system, merely offers more weight | a nicely sense of scale | top end resolution | better as well as better sense of low end impact of which the others glossed over, as beautiful as they sounded, to my my mind it was if at the expense of articulating the notes themselves.

So as I now here it..., rhodium is no longer an option, as either the use of said silver or gold plated copper AC Male plugs ( where I feel are their most dominant location to begin with, as I haven't had the heart to try either on the IEC Female side on either of the three cords in use ) as I believe as in the old days, the male ( man | husband ) lead whereas the female ( woman | wife ) only followed his lead and acted as such in his absence, plays a secondary role here, not trying to be be set in some form of olde 1930s chauvinist attitudes mindset where some saw women as second class citizens in the least, but am firm in my beliefs that men should be men, and being overly passive as it seems some today are more concerned with some form of WAF, or weak ass line about happy wife, happy life, where I believe both parties are meant to be happy, unless I'm missing something here?, do let me know?.

Yet back on point..., I can see where one cable ( cord ) manufacturer has in fact used the combination of said gold ac and copper female, that's Synergistic Research, whereas I was asked the question earlier on, as it relates to just how many power cord manufacturers use different types of plated plugs on both ends of their cords?, whereas I've to now assume many never thought out the possibilities of what could be gained in trying out said method, but as the olde adage goes..., the proof is in the listening, not measurements in some cases. But as I told a very close friend of mine moments again, I'm so much happier where I'm today system wise than where I was say 20-40 years ago, knowing that for myself again, I only wish I had known about both the Xangsane | Greg Knight cable design years ago, as the funds saved could've been spent on items like the everSOLO DMP-A8, as well as maybe one more hybrid based integrated amp, as I see it, since said items aren't broken, I no longer feel the desire to merely change out anything for the sake of fashion, nor the desire to fit into some sort of mindless forever searching for the next big thing fan-club, clueless isn't a state of mind I ever fit into, nor being a follower of current threads need not apply as well, I just don't fit the mode.

But out the box | swimming against the tide ( grain ) thinker, let's just say I've always liked diversity as compared to following the pack as it is, different drummer | different flavor | different life choices, makes for a more grounded seasoned listener, no!.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 21, 2024 at 11:47:17

Posts: 154
Joined: November 28, 2009
So, Accuphase powerchord = Mandrake.

Such delineation of defining instruments with outstanding layering, space, positioning ,timbre, coherence, dynamics. Iam in awe with this new combination, ( gold plated AC / unplated copper iec )ordered another one along with Viborg gold plated AC and this time unplated copper Sonarquest iec, to see if there is anything in Cryo !

The most cost effective powerchord of any , and most complete once plated / unplated up,IMHO.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 21, 2024 at 14:37:08

Posts: 1961
Location: Michigan
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Once again great follow upon this, it certainly has given me reason to further explore your chosen plating type of gold ac | unplated copper IEC, especially as they're both already in-house. I also placed an order for your CYKO version of the Accuphase on the 17th, let's just say I liked the appearance of its carbon fiber housing.

Yet at some point, would you might trying this cord on your DAC or preamp?, as both bare further upstream system wise. I'm thinking its effect should become even more pronounced. I'll be placing a Viborg VM503G gold plated copper AC in place of the silver plated one tomorrow morning and give it a spin for 2-3 weeks, and listening very very carefully, once again I believe in your ears | description of what you're saying to be true.

Thanks again.
O_o scar


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 22, 2024 at 08:06:15

Posts: 1961
Location: Michigan
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As I don't recall your ever speaking on the tandem of say the silver plated copper | unplated copper plugs, I've to ask if you ever actually got around to sampling them compared to your current reference of the gold plated copper ac | unplated copper iec?.

I seem to recall your having mentioned the gold plated plugs, as well as not liking the pairing of rhodium | silver plated plugs, but that's it. I just got finished ordering one of the Cyro'ed SonarQuest Copper ( Dark ) IEC plugs, as it has been awhile since I've owned any of them other than their silver plated copper AC, so I figured why not?, as cost wise it makes sense to know, rather than not.

Take care as always.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 22, 2024 at 08:52:59

Posts: 154
Joined: November 28, 2009
No , I have not tried this combo yet, next up will be the cryo sonarquest unplated copper with the gold plated AC, I want to see if there is anything to be had here or not!

Then I will try the silver plated copper AC and unplated copper iec.

I have been meaning to fire up my digital side however Iam finding hard to do so since my vinyl replay is in different territory now.

I will do once I make the above change and then sum it all up, at the moment gold plated copper AC and unplated copper iec is by far my preferred choice as reported.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 22, 2024 at 09:54:14

Posts: 1961
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Fair enough...-, as stated there's a reason I've been reluctant to exchange said tandem of the Viborg VM503S silver plated copper ac | Monosaudio 101F or IeGO 8055 copper IECs which are currently placed onto three of the Accuphase cords, to the gold | unplated copper combination.

And while I'm aware it only takes all of 5-7 minutes to exchange these ac males plugs over, to my ears it's as if I need your ears to confirm said tandem, as I simply haven't seen anyone talk about it on any of the domestic or foreign audio forums I tend to visit during my in-depth research mode, when it comes to anything of interest as it relates to plugs, be they RCA | Binding Post | Banana Plugs, as discovering new brands, or various uses of various plating types makes sense, as Leo from Monosaudio refers to it as sound tuning, which in hindsight actually what it is, it's a means of tailoring ( shaping ) the signature of one's cabling loom to ideally fit into their systems strengths and therefore minimizing on its weaknesses.

In truth, like relying upon tone controls from an era gone by, as I myself prefer electronics which offer a more neutral tonality as compared to say one that's on the rather warm | fluffy side of the audio spectrum, and while I adore resolution and detail, brightly lit or analytical based designs aren't welcomed within spitting distance of our system. As always, I'll be sitting by awaiting said confirmation as time allows on your end.

As always..., take care | be well | stay safe.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 22, 2024 at 10:30:01

Posts: 154
Joined: November 28, 2009
I do have a silver plated copper AC that's been burning in on my subwoofer cable, so I will put this on my quad vena play system and then exchange it with my Xangsane blue receptacle cable as reported. If Iam in the mood tomorrow I will let you know the outcome .
Iam in the same predicament as you and more than happy with the present offerings, HOWEVER YOU HAVE ONCE AGAIN PLANTED A SEED IN MY HEAD, this combination will be closest to my copper Color silver ones on my phono and preamp that stay as be.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 22, 2024 at 11:27:09

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And that seed as you've stated is intentional on my part. As I'd love to know what your ears tell you as it relates to said tandem?. For me..., it's when you can say aloud, that the gold | unplated copper pairing is clearly superior!, that I won't hesitate replacing the silver plated copper ac plugs off of all three cords currently being used.

As it stands, the Cyko version of the Accuphase cord is to be sampled on either of my two primary integrated amps, both of which are used with those Greg Knight PCs, that I've come to hold very very close to my heart forvsaid application, as to my way of thinking that using to much copper or silver plated copper cabling throughout one's entire system might be to much of a good thing?, yet used collectively, brings about a certain type of sound where they complement one another quite well.

Once again, this journey has shown me the importance of voicing one's system by ear, and cost while important to some, weighs very very very little depending upon how any given cable designer or company has chosen to implement the wiring itself, I mean as a friend mentioned several days ago, how different sounding can wires from Asia | Germany | England | Poland | Japan | USA sound?, taking into account how many of the naysayers constantly say wire is wire?...-, as well at the end of the day, whom can once again show proof of where their wires were sourced?, or minded from scratch?, I mean like in a current thread, where someone is asking about the true state of anything referred to as OCC, or grades upwards of 7-8N, should rightfully be questioned, eh!.

Either way?, I'm all in young man, continue said quest, I'm right behind you.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 22, 2024 at 11:48:58

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Very interesting how you bring up mixing silver plating and copper wire as from my oyaide 01 wall receptacle to my balanced power transformer, Iam using the silver plated plattered wire with rhodium throughout, swapped out numerous times but it remains even tried the said Accuphase combo !

Subwoofer AC already swapped out, will see tomorrow as time permits.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 22, 2024 at 14:34:54

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It's amazing to me how very very few are willing to explore and chime in on this thread..., I'd have to imagine there are a few people whom have purchased the Accuphase power cord | just might be wondering how to get a much better sound from it?, I've mentioned owning both an Oyaide R1 | R0, but have only used their P-004 Armored or Beryllium ( the white bodied version with raw copper pins ) type IEC Plugs on either, where I've an extra Accuphase that I had forgotten about linked to a Puritan Audio Labs PSM-136 PLC as per the advice of elixir63, which owns the more upscaled model, and uses said Accuphase cloned PCs which replaced his once beloved NearEAST PCs.

But I don't mind playing around with different plating types on both ends of a pair of IC's | SCs like RCA connectors or banana plugs, but have always stayed with similar plating types when it comes to what an actual AC Receptacle base metal is..., as I'm afraid that by altering the types to much would throw everything out of whack.

It's funny how in less than two years my entire cabling loom has gone from more expensive cables, to where my most expensive nowadays happens to be either a $190 or $410 SCs, as the IC's | PCs generally have cost me less than $150, talk about growth | process for the better, it's simply amazing.

Will look forward to your project soon.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 23, 2024 at 05:54:28
old guy 42

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August 26, 2012
Hey EL,

I have ordered the rca version of the Xangsane sp 9003 ag interconnect early in February, but there was a delay. They apologized for the delay, and will get it to me asap...-.Ali Express

Also, from eBay, I have ordered:
Viborg VM 503 S male power plug
Accuphase 40th PC
Accuphase 6N occ copper rca interconnects (2pair, 1 meter..2 pair, 1/2 meter)

Delivery of same...-2/27 3/17
Take care and thanks for all your posts!!!


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 23, 2024 at 07:25:50

Posts: 17
Joined: April 22, 2006
i've following you guys on this thread. So what is the final verdict on the accuphase pc replacing both ends? What brand ?


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 23, 2024 at 07:33:52

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Good morning old guy 42,

Thanks for chiming in, as I've always been aware others were watching, as I usually get about 13 personal emails every two weeks asking about said things, I believe some merely don't wish to upset the reviewers or distributors which happen to be active on this forum?, of which this late in the game much like Duster, I believe there are a few of us more interested in sharing our more cost effective discoveries with others, which seems to be more actively acknowledged over on A'Gon.

Yet I'd ask that you use a single Viborg VM503S silver plated copper male, as I've read as well as being told that this particular end of the plug because it's closest to the power input offers the most profound effect, followed by the iec female plug, which in this case as Tangram and I've have narrowed our respective choices down to unplated copper and, or gold plated copper, as to my ears it merely proves there are certain places where rhodium isn't the only plating type worthy of one's attention, not when it comes to creating a sound where the vocalist and instruments seemingly are portrayed in a more intimate manner which focuses on beauty and textual accuracy of said shadings within.

HiFi effects just don't sway me as much as having everything fall so neatly into place right before one's very eyes | ears.

Take care of yourself | loved ones as well, and you're more than welcome. And do share your findings publicly once you've a feel for what's what?.
EL ( O_o scar )


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 23, 2024 at 09:44:30

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Hello coolkiko,

As for myself I've found the pairing of the Viborg VM503S Silver Plated Copper AC Male in tandem with a Monosaudio F101 or F109 IEC Female, due to the Viborg offering a harder hitting more neutral sound, whereas due to the multiple layering process of both is add, the latter has a more refined, delicate signature, where together the overall fidelity just suits my ears..., yet I did respect Tangram's findings with the Gold Plated Copper plugs enough to purchase a pair each of the Viborg 503G | Monosaudio 101G, and a spare Monosaudio F109G as mentioned above.

As with this cords original stock, I've to suspect gold plated brass plugs, it offers a very very nice sound, of which I knew could be better by ones with copper as their base metal, hence having ended up with around 11 individual plugs just sitting here, awaiting the mood ( moment ) when the desire settles in to pursue a slightly different flavor.

Logically as this cord has a very agile type of presentation to it, and being once again that I came to feel that one constructed of silver plating was a tad to edgy on the already brighter sounding everSOLO DMP-A6, where a pure copper one bought about a sense of refinement | sort of restored the overall balance without robbing the sound of purpose. Yet I felt the combination of silver | unplated copper just sort of separated the essence of each and every note, and allowed the very fiber within each note to be more clearly heard | felt if that makes any sense?.

While rhodium plated copper plugs bought about a sort of more snapping bass-lines | cymbal decay and rimshots popping from my ribbon tweeters in such a manner of which I find hard to put into words, there remained in the back of my mind, that it simply was leaking false detail, as if something was off timing wise as could be heard on more complex keyboard passages | well as one's abilities to follow lower bass runs on an acoustic bass, or even more so as rendered on cello's, as if for some reason the old British adage of P.R.A.T. ( whereas I much prefer the P, meaning Pitch as far as I'm concerned ) of which I still see as a very valid point to this very day, timing of instrument is " to me " the lifeblood of said acoustic recordings, much like many of us heard the midrange as where the music itself comes together, being as I've always been a mini-monitor sort of music lover, as their disappearing act is something of which I haven't heard many larger cabinet floor standers produce in a more realistic manner, so I've always been able to live with the little ones offering say 50-45-40Hz, as far as low end foundation of sort, I've never been impressed with bass-bass all over the place, nor knocking pictures off the walls, or blowing small children across the room type of pressurization, not at the expense of not knowing the location of the key vocalist within said recordings, which can't be heard as clearly, once said boomy ass one bass note effects kick in..., I just haven't heard any very fast subwoofers I'd have to guess?, as I've had many Brit's tell me they don't buy the ones others rave about in this country, but in hindsight it seems American are more impressed with bass more so than other cultures, but than as I know it other countries where their homes are ( were ) constructed from concrete | cement to withstand times of war, said rooms don't allow whatever bass that's rendered by said countries speaker designs to escape their rooms at all, so what's there to begin with is trapped within the confines of said self dampen environment, hence the balance of attack stays intact.

If I were such a lover of real low end?, I'd be the type that's willing to spend say the $13.000-$20.000 on floor-standers which are capable of rending real bass to begin with, as I'm uncertain if these $2.500-$6.800 types offer the better damped cabinets or drivers as said costlier designs,,of which I'm referring to the brands I've actually heard like Wilson Audio | ATC | Magico | Rockport Technologies, where the overall presentation blended seamlessly top to bottom, of which the former was the only one I felt was rather bass heavy.

This is merely a way of me offering things as I hear them, one could say it's more akin to what's called Brit-Fi, yet not so much as liking a recessed sound, but not quite as laid-back to theirs, or the type of sound one gets from Italian made speakers either, but leaning more towards say the more rapid fire, brighter harder hitting brands like ProAc or DeVore Fidelity if you will. I tend to love nimbleness | attack | accuracy above all else, slow | fluffy | watered down shit doesn't cut it in my book ( world ) and never shall, it has to offer a balance of attack | resolution | weight to be fully appreciated in our space.

And yes, I as always lose myself when I'm excited about said matters, so forgive me that.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 23, 2024 at 10:37:25

Posts: 154
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So, my take on the silver plated copper Viborg with unplated Xangsane copper iec.

More lit up is the most obvious within a few seconds, more emphasis on leading instruments, more hifi , in particular on higher notes be it sax , piano , cello or whatever, it's less engaging , does not have the musicality as with gold plating or boogie factor/ instruments sounding more real and tactile with soul.
This is IMHO with my system as previous threads.

Next up will be getting my digital , fired up and hear what's what there, this will no doubt take a few weeks off and on, I will keep this cable with silver plated copper AC as is and use it as a base line to start out, its been many months listening to vinyl only!

Iam confident now that between balanced power transformer to blue Xangsane receptacle will be the gold plated option as listed, a very worthwhile exercise for sure ! And ticking off another box.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 23, 2024 at 11:26:30

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Thanks Tangram,

As this is vital information of which I, and I'm certain others can appreciate | use accordingly. I'm aware that silver plated copper, as with the pure silver - rhodium IeGO 8095 plugs that were on the $600 silver plated power cord of which the Accuphase replaced, offered an even more spot lit presentation.

As mentioned I solely use said cord as a means of taming down the brighter aspect of said everSOLO, of which I still wanted a certain amount of presence on top, so in this regards it's better suited to my system | ears as compared to said rhodium or pure silver - rhodium plated plugs, or silver plated copper cords of which I've tried a total of three different models within the Xangsane line..., maybe because of my aging 65 year old something ears?, or the true ribbon tweeters in my chosen mini-monitors?, I feel that just maybe by adding two forms of warmth, both copper and gold plated copper plugs might in turn slow things down to much for me to fully appreciate?, yet once again, as nothing is cast into stone, and said plugs are already here, it's just a matter of effort on my part in flipping out the silver plated male for the gold plated one.., once again I'm openminded enough for growth, as well as exploring said possibilities.

As a matter of fact, I took it upon myself to purchase one more gold plated copper ac plug, namely the IeGO 8075, of which I've owned in the past without trying, so it seems appropriate that I try it once again, I mean if it's good enough to be used on the various LessLoss PCs as shown above, there has to be logic behind this company using it right?.

Once again, your feedback in said matters are more than appreciated | even more so than you'll ever know.

Thanks as always | Brother Tangram.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 23, 2024 at 12:37:04

Posts: 154
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No problem at all, everything is just taken in its stride with nothing being forced and more control with the gold plated . Maybe with having silver on the preamp and phono is enough and the gold is what was required ? I guess sometime I will try the gold on the phono / preamp when the ordered Accuphase and connectors arrive and burnt in, it will be interesting.

Now I do wonder what the gold plated copper offering AC plug from ETI. As you are aware several members do rave about the IEC offering from ETI, Hmmmmm. Approx 250 bucks though !
Perhaps a used one may come up.

Let's see how you evaluate my findings by just changing one out. BTW I have my digital now fired up and will leave on overnight for tomorrows listening as the wife is away at her dads, I have a nice bottle of laphroaig oak cask single malt just purchased on special for later on.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 23, 2024 at 14:34:54

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How true..., as I'm into 14 tracks now after having placed the gold plated copper Monosaudio AC onto said Accuphase, listening through ( to ) John Coltrane Lonnie's Lament as I type this.

And while I'm able to say without a doubt in my mind, how others see gold plated connectors tors as slow sounding is beyond me, while I'm able to detect a more relaxed | rounder | less hard hitting sound as compared to rhodium or silver plated copper connectors, as well as sense that I've to now readjust the volume levels with each track, where I never had to beforehand, which strikes me as weird, yet I've to assume that by listening to compressed folk or soft rock recordings from the 60s, didn't have the best fidelity or fuller bandwidth or even close to the dynamics we've in recordings since 1970s, or thereabouts from jazz labels like Milestone | CrissCross | Steeplechase | CBS-Sony Japan | ECM | FMP | Enja whom seemingly expanded the dynamic range of what was possible with earlier jazz recordings of said era.

In hindsight it seems as if something is missing with the gold plated ac in place, which troubles me as I can't quite put a finger on it, it isn't like it lacking in any one area or the other, so I'll chalk this off as the possibility of my having become adapted to how the silver plated plug sounds in this particular application, or maybe just fits my ears and system, which are less resolving than yours?, and merely come to grips with said differences and move on.

I've often read the ETI Research Gold Plugs are among the most dynamic out there, which I personally don't doubt, and the Creator knows I love the make of their aluminum shell housing, which is the one area where the similar looking plastic made CopperColour plugs turns me off, much like the NeoTech | Cardas plugs with all those parts rattling around inside, what's up with that?.

The one thing I'll once again take away from this, as I've once again read on more than one occasion is that one does in fact have alternatives to simply buying into the whole concept of it's rhodium plated copper connectors, or nothing else matters!, which I now know is a bunch of BS!, so I'll be clearing out my collection of them, other than the Furutech Banana Plugs which were soldered onto a pair of my SCs, other than that..., like any of us, we've to judge sound as to how our respective ears | hearts react to the sound before us, and ask ourselves does it sound correctly balanced? | am I engaging in the music?, or simply forcing myself to listen beyond the system itself?, for me as a retired person, it comes down to the amount of time I've often looked up and saw how much time was spent actually listening to music, which on average is between 9-13 hours on a good day, when the body allows, as there are times where those power naps serves a body and mind well.

Toss up one shot of said malt for me, as I've always been more of a Courvoisier XO Cognac drinker, yet only two shots on holiday type of guy.



RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 24, 2024 at 08:30:50

Posts: 154
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More relaxed and less hard hitting, does this not make you want to just forget and listen, I just regard this as a more grown up and more experienced kind of sound , never forced and more controlled !
Keep it in play and let things settle more, which ancillary have you connected this to ?


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 24, 2024 at 12:50:03

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I only hoped that my hearing wasn't going?, yet I'm well aware that items like cables | power cords | plating types it seems are not only system dependent, but at times ears dependent as well.

I know some look down on any form of pure silver or silver plated copper signal cables, yet feel they work better as a power cord, which I never fully excepted, otherwise why would firm like NordOst | AAI | WireWorld | AudioQuest | Chord Company after all of their years in existence building upon said wires still be around?.

Yet rethinking ( readjusting ) how it's I'm currently hearing said un-plated copper | gold plated copper tandem, it strikes me in many ways as to what I recalled hearing when I had an entire cabling loom of Supra cables back in 2016, I initially felt the music itself which came across as refined | at moments overly warmth and lacing dynamics..., but as I began listening more critically, I noted the attack of notes | agility and sense of detailing was always there, it just presented music in a more toned down, more beautiful manner as not to offend one's senses. All said I'm able to see how why you've stated this is your preferred combination, it offers a silkier type of sonics, where a certain cohesiveness is needed to offset any brightness hear via other wiring or plating types which can become overbearing to say the least..., so once again I've to conclude both combinations have something going on whereas to allow a more keen eared type of listener to know what's there, as opposed to merely allowing themselves to get caught up in here say, hence the rhodium only crowd, where flash is obviously seen as fashionable in some circles.

So far I've only used said tandem with digital pieces, namely DACs | LPSs that go into say my older make Auralic Ares Mini server, where I felt years ago the use of silver plated copper PCs | IC's just performed the best in either system, once again as gauged by months and months of simply listening, the only place I use copper these days is solely with the Accuphase cord, which alternates with a Xangsane 5N OCC one as used on the everSOLO DMP-A6.

And while I've 2 copper IC's | 3 pairs of copper SCs, they've remained boxed up in favor of the Xangsane XS-9001Ag IC's | Greg Knight GK-6008Ag PCs placed onto both systems, hell even the Xangsane SP-9003Ag IC's at this very moment are laying directly behind me on the floor, unplayed. It's as if once I found certain ways of voicing the system once again, by ear, I've become very very very reluctant to change out a single item.

In the end the long term usage of " Mi-Fi ", seemingly still carries some sort of weight, as I know it's not about proving anything to anyone other than self at days end, but it's nice having someone like you around to confirm said things, of which again I'm 4ever grateful.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 24, 2024 at 15:24:44

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O'kay it seems a reality check was in order. As stated for the sole purpose of voicing the Accuphase 40th Anniversary Edition cloned power cord to best work in conjunction with my everSOLO streamer | DAC | preamp it appears I merely became accustomed to said cord with the tandem of once again the silver plated copper ac male | unplated copper iec female.

Upon replacing it with the gold plated copper ac, all I can say is that it seems as if a long lost friend from my youth had all of a sudden popped up out of the blue, after having lost contact with one another for over 40 years, here I'm laughing aloud | reminiscing about the good old days, sharing stories that only said friendships have accumulated due to us knowing one another so well, the sense of balance was once again restored, that something I was missing with the gold plug was this certain attachment to the music itself on my part, as if everything just popped into focus, I don't know why this connection has made such a profound effect on my life, or more importantly how I now chose to listen to music?, yet it has.

So should anyone reading this wish to buy several sets of gold plated copper Viborg | Monosaudio plugs at a nice savings?, please feel free to contact me, as I'm growing very very tired of having to place ads, and wouod far rather deal with one person on say a lot type offer, where everything goes at one time, versus pieces sold separately here and there.

I'm sticking to my guns on this one, no more plugs needed, nor cords, as I've finally found items which have enhanced my listening experience | pleasure 10 fold, and dare not once again change one single item, my loss is in fact someone else's gain.

Until next time | happy listening to you all.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 25, 2024 at 09:53:41

Posts: 154
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Well this is turning out to be a monumental weekend on my behalf, re digital.
And how it's nice having the convenience of not having to get up every 20 mins !!!
So started out with just adjusting back, sounding ok but not majestic and the colourations were there and was a little two dimensional compared to my vinyl renditions.
I had put the silver plated / unplated copper on the dac and a rhodium AC and unplated copper iec.
By now I have a good handle of where the colourations were coming from so changed the rhodium AC for gold plated . This was an instant improvement and after about some 20 mins I realised my SGS grounding box was still connected to the phono stage chassis, so immediately connected to my Zidoo neo s media player and dac chassis , after a few mins I heard changes and further the soundstage opened right up and the instruments sounded more real, WOW superb now I can listen through each album without wanting to skip, very nice.

Now after quite a few hours of satisfied listening with my only a couple of niggles really ,of the main leading instruments sounding smaller and narrower than I would have liked. The changeover from vinyl to digital files stored on my internal hard drive being satisfied with whatever.

And then I looked over at my phono stage this morning and wondered...-...-.. the powerchord that housed my unplated silver AC and silver plated copper iec ( my unplated silver iec is actually on the preamp ) was not being used. So switching off the dac and changing out to this said powerchord and turning back on was not what I was expecting, quite simply you can forget about my previous plating experiences as above, this move has brought monumental changes in every department, such a huge improvement and in a very musical way, everything and I mean everything is way way better.

Pretty much my plating experiences have ceased as I have just ordered two copper colour AC and another iec in unplated silver where they will be fitted in the superb thickest aluminium housings from Accuphase. First place when they arrive will be to my blue Xangsane receptacle as previously mentioned many times.

BTW I changed out the powerchord to my Zidoo with the gold plating powerchord that I raved about previously to the silver plated one . By far the silver plated option is the better one, this is post the unplated silver findings. just shows...- and there we go again.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 25, 2024 at 16:34:21

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My apologies for the delayed response | as it was movie marathon day with our 6 year old granddaughter, where she sat behind through all 6 of the Alien based movies, and seemingly enjoying herself which was a good thing, as I love having her like my beloved | cherish wife at my side while viewing movies, which is the only time I find myself facing the TV these days, as many of the more common shows of late, just bore the hell out of me, but put on a Sci-Fi, or Horror flick and I'm all in, eyes and ears I'd add.

Being as I've always viewed vinyl playback as a more superior medium, yet due to knee problems as far back as 2004, which had only gotten worser by 2009, forcing me into a early retirement, and by March 2010, it forced me away from spinning vinyl, and drove me over to the dark side with digital files, of which through very extensive voicing, has bought me into a state of bliss, and as you've stated, I no longer have to get up every 20 minutes or so to flip sides, which I really don't miss at all, " look Mom, no more wear and tear on the record collection, nor my knees ".

You've made me curious enough to rethink the pure silver CopperColour plugs, seeming as how they're in fact the most cost effective ones I've been able to come across to date, yet all told in my heart I know all to well I'd happily live out the rest of my days with the silver plated copper | unplated copper plugs placed as such, but one never really knows where the next small step might take us, if we're willing to explore further that is?.

When you say that you'll be buying two more CopperColour AC's, am I to assume you're referring to more of the pure silver ones?, just curious

By all means continue to re-educate me on said matters | options, I mean after all I'm at the point where 5 different integrated amps | 6 pairs of mini-monitors | 6 pairs each of various types wiring wise of IC's | SCs | 2 DACs, in..., I don't see spending an extra $150 on said pair of pure silver plugs as a need to lose any sleep over. So count me in, as I don't see myself needing any other cables or gear anytime soon, knock on wood everything is new or fairly new for the minty used items I've purchased over the last two years, so I'm once again all ears.

Thanks again for your willingness to share this journey with me, it has been quite educational to say the least, who knows, maybe one of these days I'll come to appreciate the finer qualities of gold plated copper plugs as it seem you obviously do?, I'm not one to ever say never to logic.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 25, 2024 at 16:41:23

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As a matter of fact, I'll be asked Fred the owner of Monosaudio about the pricing on a one off sample set of pure silver plugs, in hopes they're within reason?.

Every time I think that I'm out of the game, you always seem to pull me back in, or something to that effect from Godfather?. But once again, the spirit is willing.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 26, 2024 at 07:49:56

Posts: 154
Joined: November 28, 2009
Well I think this will put the oomph and more in those 60s jazz recordings.
To be convinced and with the minimum outlay of $ 78 inc shipping, you could just purchase the CC pure silver AC plug and use the silver plated iec you already have, this is where Iam at the moment.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 26, 2024 at 15:09:48

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Fair enough, I'll place an order for one of the CC pure silver ac male plugs on Wednesday. As the Viborg pure silver plug just logically doesn't make sense placing one on what is essentially a $42 power cord in my book..

Thanks for clarifying things for me.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 27, 2024 at 08:41:34

Posts: 154
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I believe there are $ 42 chords on many manufacturers offerings, however they possibly cost hundreds if not thousands once the bling is applied and reached to the consumer, and very very few will have solid silver blades !


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 27, 2024 at 10:33:43

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Great point | as I don't believe I've ever spotted to many of the big name power plug connector manufacturers offer pure silver plugs, it seems it's the company like CopperColour | Viborg | Monosaudio that are willing to produce them on request, and even then they're generally priced between $74-$120-$351 each.

So as it stands, I'm thinking about adding the dark ( smoked ) SonarQuest Cyro'ed silver plated copper | unplated copper to my collection, seeming as how I was able to list all 6 of the gold plated copper plugs over on USAudiomart, where they sold within an hour, to my findings as always suspected they lacked the type of speed | top end detailing of which I've become to accustomed to, of which I personally can't live without, total waste of $227, of which should've been spent at least on the CooperColour Pure Silver AC Male.., yet not having at least tried them, I wouldn't have otherwise known they weren't for me.

Live | Learn | Regroup | Grow from said mistakes I'd say.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 27, 2024 at 11:52:22

Posts: 154
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Wirezoo are the next cheapest @ $165 and do look real good, however the Viborg look to be audio jewellery ! If you don't mind me saying I would seriously hold off on the Solarquest until at least you have heard the unplated solid silver by CC.
Interesting that Viborg increased their prices by a good $ 100 of said connectors than when they were introduced several years ago.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 27, 2024 at 12:30:05

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Once again, you've made a very valid point here, yet as I was just rethinking about adding an Oyaide AC-004 " Armored Series " IEC instead of going the other route with a Silver Plated Copper IEC, as I hear it, the combination of a Silver Plated Copper AC suits my system, but..., I'm willing to wager maybe than both a unplated pure silver | silver plated copper tandem, might be a bit much, do recall that I had the IeGO 8095 Pure Silver - Rhodium plated plugs, which were nice, but a tad spot lit, but I never thought to try an unplated copper iec on the other end, which has me doing some serious thinking.

Again I simply can't justify spending more on the plugs considering how much the actual cord cost, I'd see if it was a $400-$600 cord, than I wouldn't feel as bad chocking up the funds, so I'm going to step outside of my head for a few days to get things into perspective | go after one more hybrid set and have to force myself to just chill, as it's getting rather crazy on my end.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 28, 2024 at 02:38:30

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Yes just chill out a bit Oscar, it seems you are rather confused and possibly a little frustrated, just put all this plating business at the back of your mind, wait a couple of weeks, let's see my outcome when the CC connectors arrive and I can put in else where namely connected to my blue Xangsane power receptacle replacing what Iam using now. Until then. Enjoy your grandchildren.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 28, 2024 at 04:40:59

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More confused than frustrated, at this moment it seems I'm uncertain which direction to go in?, so yes I'll step away from making any purchases anytime soon, and just concentrate on listening to music, it isn't as if any of these items are going anywhere anytime soon.

Besides, I'd place my focus on adding pieces of wall art to our home as shown above.

Thanks | the grandchildren do require said time spent, do they not?.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on February 28, 2024 at 10:38:37

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Dazed | Confused Begone.

Your sense of logic got to me, and seeming as you've constantly used jazz recordings as a means of evaluating what you've heard with said different platings of plugs, let's just say once again I'm willing to trust your ears | senses and decided to join the club:

Order Confirmation

Michelle Johnson,
Thanks for shopping with us today!
The following are the details of your order.

Order Number: 12079
Date Ordered: Wednesday 28 February, 2024
Click here for a Detailed Invoice

CopperColour CC audiophile Audio US Power plug HiFi Pure Silver IEC connectors1 x CopperColour CC audiophile Audio US Power plug HiFi Pure Silver IEC connectors (MUIA9831586) Cable's plug US power plugs Pure Silver Qty 1 Power plug input $81.29 USD
Sub-Total: $81.29 USD
FREE SHIPPING! (Free Shipping Only): $0.00 USD
Total: $81.29 USD

Thanks for the encouragement.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on March 6, 2024 at 11:25:29

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Arrived and installed, to be continued!


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on March 6, 2024 at 12:35:59

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I'm looking forward to said further adventures | have a set of the pure silver CC plugs coming in, which were finally shipped yesterday.

Oh happy days indeed.

Now to figure out which plating or unplated type of iec inlet to install onto the everSOLO?, and just live.

Thanks again for sparking my interest in pursuing said pure silver connectors, it's more appreciated than you'll ever know, but know that in the next life, all the rounds are on me for an entire year, cheers!.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on March 8, 2024 at 09:50:25

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A silver plated iec, and try first in the most inconspicuous place, from the wall into the puritan conditioner, leave in for a couple of hours at least and let's hear from you there !


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on March 8, 2024 at 20:31:45

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So In other words use it on the end which goes into the Puritan Audio Labs PSM-136 PLC?, I'd have never thought to have tried one there as opposed to having Oyaide " Armored Series " AP | AC 004 types on both ends of a third Greg Knight GK-6008Ag silver plated copper PC, which to my ears bettered their stock Xangsane rhodium plated copper?, or brass thingies?.

I'll replace it in the morning | as I've been spending the last 7 hours sampling and buying files to add to my collection, at this point both the eyes | mind are playing tricks on me, one of the blessings I suppose comes with aging, I mean that in a good way, as I've lost quite a few friends that were way younger than me, so I'm not complaining about the blessing of being fortunate enough to have reached my age, but as so long as the mind is still active | responds like a mid 30 year old, I'm very very happy with that.

I'll report back in shortly after breakfast.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on March 9, 2024 at 17:03:07

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O'kay then.

It's time to share my findings on using a silver plated copper iec plug connected into the inlet on my Puritan Audio Labs PSM-136 PLC as requested by Tangram, and awaiting 3 hours for it to settle in while I was busy adding once again more music files on the MacBook Air, while chilling in our bedroom for a change, whicb is a first for me, as it's generally kept in the living room.

Yet as I laid down to listen around 3:07PM, from the very first note is was as if everything had become tidier | like the artist were in fact standing side by side or in a semicircular location shoulder to shoulder if you'll, as if they were getting ready for a rehearsal of sort, but when the vocalist or instruments came in, if was if the extra sense of spacing was more expanded beyond the outermost corners of the speakers cabinets | could be both heard and felt as if they had made the way to the rear wall of our living room and walking about in real time..., while I've long known many here | as well as other audio forums have always been fond of using either gold | rhodium or raw copper primarily on the IEC female side of their cords as means of sound tuning their respective systems, yet it wasn't until I actually exchanged emails with three companies which make power plugs means as audiophile graded wares, where I was told that several of them actually preferred the sound of silver plated copper connectors, and also while doing more research into said matter, came across quite a few consumers offering reviews on said plating type on several overseas audio parts ( accessory ) type shops, where at least 5 of them had written they felt the consumers had bought into the whole concept behind rhodium plated plugs, yet never really took the time to compare them against anything else, especially as gold plated plugs started being criticized for lacking speed | detailing and rolling off the highs, which caused me many times in the past to buy and sell them off without even giving them a spin, until last month that is.

As my aging hearing allows, I know that in my system, based upon how I tend to focus on things which reside within the music itself, like truth of timbre | tonality | neutrality | pitch are all important factors to me, which I simply refuse to live without.

So when I'm able to hear further into the recordings and pick upon little hidden nuances or underpinning passages of which I hadn't heard before..., it's then that I begin to pay attention to how often we've all been mislead on the importance of voicing our systems by ear, as if one really needs to go out and buy themselves a new audiophile approved, forget that shit about WAF, which I'll never buy into, I just don't believe in asking for permission to do shit with the money I've earned, as home is priority, yet after that, dammit if I can't treat myself to something, happy wife, happy life my ass, we both have to be happy, life in itself is compromised enough, why settle?, my method is " there's the door, next ". My usual rant as expected, otherwise it just wouldn't be me, would it?.

Back on point now, the type of presentation I'm currently hearing has in fact eluded me for my entire 45 years of being a music lover first type of audiophile, as my love grew from trying to better assemble a system which allowed for a more intimate playback experience from my music collection from day zero, and having over the course of the last two years, my main system has been downsized from what was essentially a $25.000 system, down to one which cost $8.000 including source | integrated amp | speakers | cabling loom | isolation footers and platforms | stands ( both audio | speakers ) and guess what?, via synergistically having matched each component as opposed to just randomly wasting funds on other than some expensive to me, $5700 integrated amps | $5000 little Italian speakers just didn't hold my attention for more than 2-4 hours at a time, whereas I'm able to unknowingly look up, and have spent 10-13 hours listening to me out front, before I force myself to go lay beside my dearest wife, and calm it a wrap.

I can only add, for the small investment one can spend on plugs, I'm just surprised others haven't reported on said tandems which actually perform much much much better than others, if one is more into hearing music?, versus one's collection of audio gear that is?, more often than not, many simply focus their attention on what's coming from the gear, yet very seldom find themselves connected to the essence within the musical notes themselves, I guess I figured it out without having to spend tens or hundreds of thousands, or worse yet, having to pay some so-called guru upwards of $6000, to come to my home and move shit around, as if it's an act!, when Al, one must do is get off that flat ass ( this doesn't apply to the Brothers ) and relocate the speakers | rack(s) according to where each doesn't interfere with the others as far as standing sound waves, and pay added detail to isolation devices, as everything in audio reproduction cost, even attaching a few quarters around one's space chances the sound, pitch wise, try it, of all the different cultures I've been exposed since my days stationed in Japan, the most avid tweaker's of their systems have always been the Taiwanese, followed by the Japanese, where if one seriously thinks about this for a moment, whereas Western were placing their components on tall ass centrally located rack(s) between their speakers, that interfered with sound, the Japanese gear was always placed as close as possible to the floor ( and actually cut outs in their listening room showing bare earth ) because they knew long before many, the lower the stand ( rack | component ) is to the floor, causes less internal resonance | vibrations from the gear, which is always present while listening, it's only picked upon when one uses little devices like harmonic resonators like the NordOst | Furutech | iFi | Pulson types which minimizes the dirt traveling along our homes AC lines, which brings about a certain stillness | silence where one never wishing to go back to how things were before.

Home..., the final frontier, until the Creator calls us home that is, treat it as such, move things around, mix it up a little, ask the little lady to stand aside, and hold down the noise, and maybe you'll stumble upon a place where each component seemingly locks in!.

As the saying goes " it's all in the listening ", naysayers be damned.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on March 9, 2024 at 17:15:38

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As it stands I meant to add | my own personal experience has led me to only use the tandems of either silver plated copper ac | unplated copper iec , as well as a pure silver ac | silver plated copper iec plugs..., period.

Our space is now, both gold | rhodium free, with the exception of the latter being soldered onto a pair of my cherished SCs, which as fate would've it,mi dare not change.

Until next time.
Peace B'onto Y'all.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on March 11, 2024 at 10:51:31

Posts: 154
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You nailed it el34, no doubt you will get the dreaded burn in swings, as iam today, after a weekend of not being able to have a sesssion. Iam getting some rather strange resonance on some notes and just lacking in vitality, oh well at least I know all about this transitional stage as I have experienced it a few times now !!!


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on March 11, 2024 at 14:13:48

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Thanks Tangram,

As I thought about my constant off topic rants can be off putting to some, but I'm certain we all have stories to tell, it's merely a matter of one's willingness to speak on said matters as they relate to our daily lives | experiences.

I've to suppose as someone whom once again worked as a primary audio hardware buyer, I learned decades ago to listen beyond the chances in the sound of cabling or components | had the ability to only focus on the actual playback of notes within the recordings, so while I've seen plenty of folks talk about items burning or settling in, I've only experienced once as far back as us moving into our apartment of which we've resided since November 2009, as my usual practice was always to place the AC Receptacles on either side of the system, at which point I'd perfectly locate the equipment stand, and speaker stands, and afterwards via the old Sumiko ( Audio Physics ) Master Set method for speaker placement, where I believe everything is locked into its best ( final ) position, I than carry on said listening sessions and never felt the need to relocate anything..., it's only after having established said placement for said items, that the furniture is carefully centered | located within this shared space, and never once moved.

My aging ears as they're, simply adapt to ways of listening beyond any extra noises from the electronics themselves, yet as hinted at in the post before last, I addresses noises traveling along the AC mains as far back as 2010, starting with a single Audioprism QuietLine, before having ended up with 3-4of the Add-Powr Electraclear eau4's placed around the primary room, with great effects I'd add, so feeling that I've paid attention to ways of producing an even quieter listening area, said types of weird noises other than what's within the recordings, don't catch me off guard anymore..., yet the sense again of little spatial details within the fiber of vocal and instrumental shadings of which I'm currently hearing are simply mind blowing in more ways than one, Man had I only experimented with the tandems of un-plated copper | pure silver | silver plated copper power connectors say 17 years ago, what might've been possible?. Yet I'd mention the combination I'm using in said location is once again an Oyaide AP-004 Beryllium Copper | Platinum-Palladium ACMale | Viborg VF502S Silver Plated Copper IEC Female Plugs.

I'll explore the Pure Silver CopperColour upon its arrival, and I was told by several of those guys that produce said power connectors, to avoid the Pure Silver IECs, for what struck me as maybe health reasons?, of which caused me to cancel my order on the latter and stick with un-plated copper or silver plated copper ones at the tail end of the cords I've selected, of which I just don't have any reason to doubt my hearing. I just know, in our home I can't justify using gold plating anywhere whatsoever.

It's like as much as I've loved the three variants of the Naim Nait's ( 5Si | XS-3 | SuperNait 3 ) over a period of time as Turan ( A British Audiophile) mentioned in his YouTube review of the former, they each apparently chop off the extreme top end detail, as an effort of making them more forgiving of older recordings | yet that extra microsecond or so that's required for proper rimshots | shimmering cymbal decay timing wise has been reduced, it's only when I compared each to the extremely nicely balanced little Heed Audio Obelisk Si MK lll, and its ink, that I honestly felt I was hearing every little sparkle | snap | crackle | pop as clearly as I ever had, which got me to thinking to myself after said Nait 5Si | SuperNait 3 were sold, if I had only had the wonderful sense of top end detail | beauty as rendered by a single pair of Xangsane XS-9001Ag IC's just how much it would've restored this sense of balance to the listening experience where I'd have lived with the latter version until the Creator had called me home.

I believe there are times where each of us have nice gear, yet also can overlook the little details like synergy | which cabling looms or types of plating connector wise, just might cause us to pause on the so-called next upgrade | simply enjoy listening long term, to where I've come to believe, if a system has been chosen wisely, one is less likely to change out things for at the bare minimum 10-15 years, depending upon the equipments overall design | quality of both external and internal components?.

These days, I just don't have the heart, nor the funds to buy a complete system including stands | cabling loom at around $50.000 or more, as those days of real checks are well behind me, so I make due by selecting said plating types of connectors | cables | PCs by ear, and it's weird...-, but the cheaper items to my mind have bought about a more enjoyable listening experience which is far greater than the much more expensive items each have replaced, here I'm taking both electronics | cables, go figure.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on March 12, 2024 at 04:20:03

Posts: 154
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I don't understand why you were advised to stay away from the unplated silver iec, I have made the comparison to silver plated copper iec and find the unplated silver more nuanced and improved response with less colour.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on March 12, 2024 at 09:45:59

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I didn't truthfully understand why I was told this either?, yet a part of me is thinking the both pure silver | raw copper at least used as IEC plugs might be harder to clean ( polish ) their surface areas as they're internally within the casing?. My one regret was not saving this individuals note on this, or asking for more clarification.

I'm also trying to in hindsight avoid the harder hitting sound of having used a silver plated power cord with those IeGO 8095 Pure Silver - Rhodium Plated plugs on both ends, as nice as it sounded, that was a edge added to the leading notes which sprang outwards from the tweeters in a very very profound manner, which in fact sounded rather nice when said cord in question was used on either an Aurender X100L Music Server or a Denafrips Pontus ll, but as both to my ears offered a slightly warmer | more laidback presentation than the more upbeat and harder hitting EverSolo DMP-A6, having this extra sense of detailing to my ears merely took things to the extreme.

While I once again loved said components as used together ( both have long been sold in favor of the standalone EverSolo, which sound best fits my needs ) said silver plated cord, and earlier on a NearEAST Odin Gold were used on the Aurender, yet it wasn't until I placed the Accuphase pure copper cord on it, that I began hearing something different enough to love it as it stood, yet thanks again to you | several others I finally tried silver plated copper | un-plated copper which merely offers me the sound I've always craved without knowing it..., so once again as no one size fits all, I've to go with the shoe | gloves | clothing size which is comfortable for me, otherwise this quest would never end.

In this regards, I've to go by what I hear, as well as on which component I'm ideally trying to use said cord on as a means of offering just the right balance sonically, on another slightly more relaxed component, I'm certain pure silver connectors of all sorts might preform better?, as your main electronics are tube based I've to assume?, whereas my main 2 integrated amps are either solid state, or a hybrid type where added detailing would in fact take things to far towards the bright more analytical side of the audio spectrum, which I'd rather avoid.

Just trying my best to use common logic ( sense ) on what sounds | feels best in my particular means of voicing said individual components according to their prescriptive sound, as one type of power cord type, or plating of its plugs works on every component quite the same, which has to be again addressed by ear, no?.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on March 12, 2024 at 12:46:58

Posts: 154
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I just use the slim cotton pipe cleaners for iec,female xlr etc, once the end of the pipe cleaner is dirty then twist it back and forth to break it off and keep on using until it becomes too short where by you use a new one. I must admit I do enjoy cleaning connectors and know they are pristine again.
Let's see what your ears hear once your CC silver plug arrives and installs.

This mornings listening session has revealed a bigger soundstage with more attack, it's definitely opened up more now. Thats approx 150hrs now, Iam still on digital and loving it with all silver Copper Color except a plated iec into my balanced transformer. I will likely be ordering another CC iec to complete an all unplated silver installation.

What I need to do next is to hear what's going on by changing out a double rhodium receptacle in my Xangsane blue power receptacle to even the gold plated one or whatever, however no rush to do so yet for a couple of months.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on March 12, 2024 at 16:08:19

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That's a great method of cleaning, of which makes sense.

Yet I'll hold off for now as to using a pure silver iec, as once again I've to concerned in how the finale results come together collectively, as I'd rather avoid an overly emphasized top end, which is why I've come to like the flavors I already have, yet whom knows what the future holds?, so I'm not totally blind to the possibilities, just not in the particular placement.

I'll continue to await your findings on things as they progress | read into each post accordingly before acting upon said future endeavors | but never being one to say never, let's see where this goes?.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on March 13, 2024 at 05:25:43

Posts: 154
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"An overly emphasised top end" " Eh " he's not heard unplated silver yet .
I'm done with any platings of any kind on my AC and IEC connectors ! IMHO unplated silver is in another world entirely as Iam listening further today confirms this with approximately 170 hrs on the latest purchase.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on March 13, 2024 at 07:52:33

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I'm looking forward to installing the AC Male, which via USPS | 17 Track shows it's down the road a bit in Illinois, so I've to assume it'll be here before the weekend.

Once again I'm open minded enough to have always loved diversity | change for the sake of knowing said truths.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on March 14, 2024 at 11:56:43
old guy 42

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August 26, 2012

Hi EL,
Getting ready for the swap-a-rooski on the male end. Gonna order a copper iec later today. I have a Furu silver iec, but I will try the copper one first.

I like the way you sign off using the BIG O...-Makes me think of Ocsar Robinson!!

Thank you kind sir for your posts!!


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on March 14, 2024 at 13:43:18

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Going through this adventure together seemingly as one has indeed become something in which I look forward to, as you do offer me hope in keeping things like plugs done within reason, as I'm simply not trying to go backwards with those $800-$1359 IC's | $3000 SCs | $800 PCs, not when as you noted before I too am certain a long of the latter are merely $40-$60 PCs, where as you stated once the bling connectors are placed onto them, all of a sudden their asking price increases, if only more people as I've, pulled back the techflex on a lot of these cables | cords, where very seldom a claimed cable manufacturer pays enough attention to actually removing or covering up the OEM name or markings, hence my reason for having sold off 3 different pairs of tin plated copper SCs which cost $510 pair, whereas they were replaced with a very very very similar pair made in China ( of all places, how dare they make something that looks actually like those three costlier brands, eludes me " yeah right " ) live | learn | never be taken again I'd say.

As always I'm all ears | eyes on your findings, and indeed think I'm bold enough to follow suit, in the end it isn't as if I've to sell off body parts or pimp off the wife to buy said connectors, yet once again I just can't justify buying $300-$700 plugs for said Accuphase cord, so I'll be stopping or shopping within the $80-$120 per plug price range | even than as we've both noticed, I don't see any of the so-called big boys even offering pure silver power plug connectors.

And while I was very very athletic in my youth, standing 6' 6" tall, and weighing a very solid 245lbs on average between the ages of 13-45, ( where these days as weighed yesterday at the doctors office, 275lbs, still seems to stop guys from feeling the need to walk upon me while the wife and I are out for a stroll, shit..., visions of myself in the mirror scares me as well, my Mother refers to me as Baby Shaq, of course I don't see any sort of resemblance, so I tend to play it off, but underneath am chuckling ) and was the type that always seems to know how to go after rebounds, as excelled at sports, and regret not being in the right place, or time to have been discovered by some scout, as I know it, there are plenty of young men at the time where I felt were only to become playground legions within our communities, where if placed against a lot of these today's NBA players would put them to shame, many just never had the chance to get out of the hood as the saying goes, as more often than not these same kids dropped out of school and felt obligated to assist their single household Mothers in rearing their younger siblings, I've seen this on at least 17 occasions, where these kids were being offered full ride type scholarships at the ages of 12, but as life had other plans for them, a few even were killed playing ghetto games as the result of thinking carrying around a handgun makes one tough, it's only when the gun isn't within reach, they realize they're victims themselves.

The Big O, was initially intended as a " smiley face " as used with my standard email signature, but said emoji doesn't show here, hence the O_o, where the undercard slash is said smile.

Thanks for catching that by the way, as always I'm all in young fella, let the cards fall where they may?. Till then, Peace.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on March 18, 2024 at 12:04:07

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Do excuse the bad photo above, as it's another one of those grey days here in Michigan.

But I wanted to follow upon things as it relates to the various plating types I've gone through and once again can only say for said usage of the Accuphase PC as primarily used on my DAC ( everSOLO ) as well as connected to a LPS that's used with an Auralic Ares Mini as well as a Denafrips Ares 12th-1 which is occasionally hooked up to said Auralic depending on mood, yet in essence I've a total of 4 said cords, yet to date the ones used on my integrated amps remain different makes of the Xangsane silver plated copper thingies with Rhodium Plated Copper AC Males | Red Copper IEC Females, where were chosen by ear as said plating tandem merely sounds more excellent on said amps, yet sonically different as placed onto the DACs or Source components as I hear it, so in said location pure copper cords seems to offer more of a sense of refinement | spaciousness | midrange beauty which silver plated copper cords seemingly over emphasis the uppermost top end detailing, which offsets things.

Yet as I've tried the combinations of a CooperColour Pure Silver AC Male, first with a silver plated copper iec female, followed by an unplated copper one, my head says the first combination offers more top end detail | resolution | sparkle, yet my heart says the pure silver in tandem with the unplated copper at least as used on the DAC offers a better sense of realism | tonality | textural beauty which in essence the two slightly more top end tilted pure silver | silver plated copper plugs just don't come close to touching my very core..., in said case it seems it's all about finding a certain balance as to not lean to far left, nor right, but instead sort of seek out that very rare balance as if one of those Goldilocks | the 3 Bears type of moments, where one knows this one is slightly to hard | the other on the far right is slightly to hard ( colder sounding ) while the last option seemingly strikes said balance where everything just falls into place, and feels comfortable enough to say " this is it ", and after adjusting one's mindset if anything?, it's an means of reacting to what's heard | felt from a purely emotional perspective.

As I see ( hear ) it, there aren't any rights, nor wrongs as far as how one uses said different plating, or unplated types, in so much as some are more willing to understand that voicing one's systems components to suit their particular situations, is a far better means of assuring long term satisfaction, as opposed to getting caught upon the endless search for perfection, which can at times elude us all, so then the question becomes at what point does one know from deep within, that what's playing system wise right before them at this very moment in time, might be within say 96% of your ideal reference system which can ideally cost tens of thousands more?. Maybe I do the math differently than most, much like the 80s | 90s where the old teachings of Linn | Naim had me focusing to much money of the source " the turntable " where lesser, but decent enough amplification | speakers were enough to move one to tears, but rethinking how things are of late, a dedicated music server can be had for less than $2000, whereas in my case, would I then think twice about spending say just $13.000 on a slightly upscaled integrated amp, and another $10.000-$14.000 on a great sounding pair of mini-monitors like say the Boenicke W5Se's or SoundKaos Vox F3a's?, once again taking into account beforehand what type of amplification was used during their respective voicing process, whether tube or solid state based and go from there.

In my mind while I loved the Aurender X100L | Denafrips Pontus ll tandem, I know now I much prefer the different tonal balance offered by the everSOLO DMP-A6, and can only imagine what their stablemate A-8 would bring to the fold, so no $15.000-$30.000 dedicated servers needed, as if far rather invest said difference on the music files themselves | as I'm once again a music lover first and foremost, which then sees the system itself as a means of enhancing my listening sessions even more so, and not one which feels once again like plenty of cats I know personally with $90.000.00-$100.000.00 systems, yet when I view their music collections, I can barely spot anything over 40 recordings, of which I think is quite sad, as it merely reads to me as if said people are more about impressing others with the box count of their gear, and doesn't strike me as the types that actually listen to, or enjoy music, in so much as listening to their gear, and thinking oh my what can I buy next to make it even better?, to me the answer is simple..., more music, which should be one's sole priority in pursuing this shit, right?.

Yes, I've gone and done it again with all my off topics rants, but as always we each have stores to tell, I've spotted Lummy doing it for years now, and can enjoy his days in college and chatting about this or that girlfriend, as it offers me an ideal of what sort of person he is, as well as his adventures with gear | cables and the likes, so sort of a resume on what to expect from a person before actually meeting them, stories are merely a means of expressing what's within, which at some point needs to surface, no?.

Lately, the Accuphase IC's as in-house with either silver or rhodium plated copper RCA connectors have in fact mades them one of the absolute best sounding pure copper pair of IC's, I've encountered to date, said plating types merely added an extra sense of layering | sparkle | detailing which allowed the notes to further extend away from the speakers enough for the notes to come across as more freed, as well as with a more grounded sense of purpose tonality wise that is, as I know it in the hear ( play on the word here, not to be mistaken as typo ) and now, my quest for IC's has ended, yet I'd never ever stop looking into other form of power cords, nor the connectors.

Enjoy the quest guys | dolls, it's worth it when we can finally stumble upon something's in life, which causes us to admit to ourselves enough is just that.

Peace Beyond To You All.
O_o scar


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on March 18, 2024 at 12:54:06

Posts: 154
Joined: November 28, 2009
Thankyou for your findings el34, I have had the sonar quest cryoed unplated copper iec on my TV system for a couple of weeks now, I will change this out in place of the C.C unplated silver iec and see where this goes.
Have you tried balanced out from your Eversolo to integrated amp,as my Zidoo neo s is related to the Eversolo I can advise balanced out here is a much preferred option, sound wise.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on March 18, 2024 at 13:37:51

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You're more than welcome young man,

I can only again base things upon how I hear them, I know that other than the often used gold plated connectors on gear, it simply isn't working for me, in my mind while it offers a wonderful midband and low end detail, it simply rolls stuff off to much for me to fully appreciate its other sense of refinement, I guess it all comes down to the fact I've always been someone whom has always strived for a better sense of neutrality when it comes to gear, asan overly smooth or analytical type of presentation simply isn't an option.

I've a set of Cardas Audio clone CGA(?) type of RCA-XLR adapters which have been sitting here for months, yet never got around to even many an effort to install them, yet I know that at some point one of the next to final purchases cable wise, will be a Xangsane XLR Sterling Silver pair of IC's, as I've three of their standard RCA types here, and have come to love their sound more than anything I've heard or owned in the past, I once again have to question why other cable manufacturers haven't used sterling silver wiring?, I don't think that's any sort of VooDoo going on here, it's by far to my ears much better than pure copper IC's I've owned at $1200, and even my pure silver IC's, which retail for $1000 have never made it out of my storage drawer, as the uniqueness I've come to reply upon from the Xangsane cables as far as I'm concerned, aren't to be bothered.

Yet once again, collectively in my system, your beloved and adorable sounding pure ( unplated ) silver power plug AC is a very very welcomed addition to say the very least | once again, one of which I've to thank you for pushing me into purchasing, lest I wouldn't have known its truest potential. But as I see it, having the ability to use it with either the unplated copper, or silver plated copper IECs has become another means of altering the sound of the entire system, by ear, or need, and again is a most welcomed endeavor | experience, of which I'm totally content in spending the rest of my days simply enjoying their beautifully structured sound.

Yet, as your inmate system information isn't listed, I'd love to know which brand and model of speakers you're using?, as I've gotten bits on your source and amplification you use, but still am curious about your setup, when it comes to audio racks ( stands ) | room treatment and so on, if it isn't asking to much, and as last spotted your inform shows I guess that you're 37 or so years of age?, if that's the case?, I've to give it up to you for having great taste in gear, as well as the willingness to have made such a nice investment in it. I recall at 37, my system consisted of a Well Tempered Labs Super Turntable | Lyra Dorian Beta cartridge into an outboard Dynavector phono-stage itself connected to either a Densen DM10 or an Onix OA-21S | Soap 2 Power Supply driving either a pair of ProAc Tablette MK ll's or Linn Kan 2s, with Naim NAC-A4 SCs and Chord Company Cobra IC's..., with a Micromega Solo Pro CDP, which only saw limited use, as I couldn't listen to CDs right behind LPs as to my senses the former came across as a waste of money, and an imposter if I had heard it, it was only when I used one or the other could I appreciate CDs or SA-CDs Japanese imports for what they were, in my mind merely a secondary source at best, as vinyl was ( still is ) to me offers a type of beauty | presence CDs couldn't approach, being forced over to the dark side with music files since early 2010, has in years saw me building a system or systems to better suit it's slightly different presentation of music, and of late the mind and heart except it for a blessing in more ways than one, once the readjustment ( reprogramming) period was over.

Hats off | Cheers!.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on March 30, 2024 at 15:14:35

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I was hoping by this point you'd have had something to add on the SonarQuest Cyro'ed unplated copper iec female plug, as I'm still looking to buy at least one more unplated copper plug for my 4th Accuphase 40th anniversary edition PC, as I've taken more time to evaluate and gain more insight into the different flavors offered by using say the pure silver ac male, in tandem with either a silver plated copper or unplated copper iec, I'm able to distinguish which of the latter fits best within either of my systems..., as mentioned in one of my last post | I've to believe in once again as I hear them in several locations, on either of the three different integrated amps I own, the combination of either a pure silver or silver plated copper ac male with once again an unplated copper iec seems to offer a preferred blending of each, which to my ears offer a certain warmth and sense of refinement, where in fact I found the gold plated copper versions where to warm, as in saying while unplated copper is warm, yet gold plating is even warmer still, to the point it once again lacked a certain amount of upper midrange to lower treble detail and sparkle I've once again grown used to, and can't live without.

Yet on the digital source side of the equation ( music server | DAC ) here's where the combination of either a pure silver ac | silver plated copper iec introduces another level beyond the use of an unplated copper iec, and as things have settled down even more system wise, I'm able to further pick out more clearly the smallest of spartan nuances underpinning each instrument, and seemingly only rises to the surface as called upon, this is quite spooky especially when listening to classical recordings, where the timing of each note, or musician is essential, otherwise said miscues stand out like a sore thumb, as if the entire piece wasn't rehearsed prior to the orchestra going into the recording studio. Said things like timing | placement of notes | truer timbre of any given instrument, is where my ears tend to relay a sense of realism as opposed to an artificial sound, as if there are paper cut out images standing before me, versus hearing things as if a actual artist was playing or singing right before my very eyes.

And while it has become quite clear to me of late, that while some seem sensitive to hearing pure silver or silver plated copper in their system(s) be it wiring or various types of connectors, I'd like to think it's once again both system | hearing dependent at best, as I've heard it over the course of 25 years, it's the purity of silver which costs, and it can in fact sound as smooth as pure copper at least the cables from Shindo Labs | AN UK | Kondo AN Japan | Hapa Audio | AlphaCore | Yannis Tome Audio, even 1990s vintage StraightWire Maestro of which I still hold dear, all seemingly did music correctly, in my book, and I'm inclined to think that as NordOst has since 1993, or thereabouts?, have always used silver plated copper within the majority of their offerings and still exist, let's just say there's something to each of these brands which some users, including myself deem as more than worthy | as well as very very capable of offering a type of fidelity | musicality which remains truer to the source, as well as said endusers hearts | minds.

I know that in this shortened lifetime, I'd far rather own ( have ) said cabling options available to me than not..., as I've long grown very very very tired of what's heard with many pure copper IC's, or anything remotely gold plated these days, there's simply to much detailing that's missing in the top end registers for me to hear more into the actual recordings, just maybe it's because of my aging ears ( hearing loss ) of which I've to doubt according to my last hearing test, which was all of 9 months ago, but in my mind a little bit of detail can in fact restore that last ounce of resolution that would otherwise being soled missed, once we learn to look elsewhere within our very systems, as I know it, synergy is everything | more.

But in reality, the more I sit here thinking to myself " what if? ", as in spend a few more dollars on a couple more PCs, but..., something inside says hold on for a moment here, which logically said cords would in fact sound different, would this necessarily make either of them better suited to your system?, especially taking into account the Accuphase has played such a large part in how each were voiced over the course of the last 6-9 months, and as it stands I've decided to stay put, as I've now a collection of 6 pairs of IC's | SCs | PCs, I've to believe these should prove more than enough..., which is where I've to believe that even while I own a pair of pure silver IC's, the Xangsane sterling Silver XS-9001Ag | SP-9003Ag IC's have become my absolute favorite " sound " tomdate, of which in hindsight I seriously can't imagine either of them being bettered anytime soon, so the other 4-5 pairs of IC's have remained boxed up even without having felt the desire to place a single one of them into either system.

I'd still like to hear what your latest findings are on said matters | as always in parting be well | stay safe, and until next time.

Peace be onto you | yours.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on April 1, 2024 at 07:44:10

Posts: 154
Joined: November 28, 2009

So in the pic you can see the rca are wired to the circuit board by means of push in connector while the xlr are directly soldered!! No wonder my Zidoo neo s sounds so much better via xlr !

Now back on track

Copper colour iec unplated silver V sonarquest cryo unplated copper with AC plug being copper colour silver unplated. Both cords All burnt in and easy to plug in and out with Accuphase AC wire.

Very easy to hear,Exchanging the silver iec to copper produces a more coloured less convincing sound, on lee Morgan's cooker album, the trumpet is more screechy,brighter,coloured even fatiguing, cymbals quite scratchy,bright splashy and unconvincing. So overall not my type of sound at all, quite a difference and would put someone off digital quite quickly as sounding too bright and even shouty in an unnatural way.

Not sure why you like this combination el34.

Returning back to the silver iec is just a complete change in control, very lowcolourations, musicality, involvement etc etc. so IMHO it's a no go for the copper iec on the Zidoo media player with built in dac, direct to my solid state amplifier, which I will announce once I have sold off a tube amp.
So again IMHO the iec is as important as AC plug.
When I return to my phono stage, I will try this again and see if it's the same on anolog ?


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on April 1, 2024 at 09:52:29

Posts: 1961
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Good afternoon Tangram,

Your post came right on time, as I've been researching the Viborg XLR | RCA ( screw down types on the latter option ) input jack plating types very carefully over the course of the last 5-6 days, much like of late having purchased several different flavors of playing for the main IEC inlets on both the everSOLO | both integrated amps in use, and narrowed it down to unplated copper and rhodium plated copper ones as in the Monosaudio IB72C | IB70R, whereas the former uses M4 x 14MM type headless screws, of which I ended up finding some in brass, and a set of three in titanium.

As I only one of my five integrated amps offers fully balanced circuitry, it seems I've to resort to either using the knock off Cardas Audio RCA-XLR adapters, or just buy a pair of the Xangsane RCA-XLR IC's ( which strikes me as a safer option at this point of this journey ) so it seems I'm not quite finished yet, next up an unplated silver IEC seems to be the most logical option available to me at this point | but what the hey, it's cost effective enough to give it a shot, no?.

Once again | often I'd like to once again thank you for giving me very very solid advice on said options, as it doesn't seem once again that others are willing to speak publicly on this particular matter or post, " BUT ", I do hope those whom have found the post, have at the very least done themselves a favor, and have tried this simply amazing sounding power cord?, my gut instinct tells me, while I'm certain it can be bettered..., but at what cost?, as my sense of rationality kicks end and says it doesn't make sense to place a $1400 or more cord on the everSOLO, as I see it, even once I'm able to replace the A6, with the A8 model, logic says that the Accuphase 40th Anniversary Edition clone should ideally play well here as well, and once again, I'd limit myself to maybe an AliExpress cord upwards of $400, and just transfer the AC | IEC plugs onto it...-, my experiences also tell me digital gear ( Servers | Streamers | DACs ) love faster response timing when it comes to playback of those 0s | 1s, hence pure silver or silver plated copper connectors throughout one's system nearest it ( them ) has proven vital, much as I see the final icing on the cake is the flavor of IC's used to said source components, more so than ones cabling choices further downstream, as once said vital details are lost at the very beginning of the music chain, they can't be restored later on, as with vinyl, it has always been more important to get it right at the source first and foremost, unless of course you're one of those types that likes putting the majority of their funds into amplification | speakers, as in $50.000 or more each or more, and relying upon an AM Radio from Best Buy for $30 to be one's primary source, or say either a $200 turntable or CDP, and pretend this is all that's needed?, it seems the old adage as set forth by the old Linn | Naim mindset holds weight to this very date, " Source First | Garbage In | Garbage Out ".

In the meantime, back to the music, which is where my heart resides, the constant changing of the gear side of things is far behind me these days, like the other old adage goes " if it isn't broke, why fit it? ", that's why I've always as far back as 1992, much preferred having upwards of 2-3 integrated amps | 4-5 pairs of mini-monitors laying around the crib, and simply rotated one or the other into the mix, as the mood struck me.

Muzik Non-Stop as Kraftwerk once put it.

I'll be seeing you around, and once again thanks for the solid recommendations, as they do make sense on my end, let's see where this goes?. As my pasted photo shows, to me it has always been about home, followed by nice furniture and lastly the system itself, it isn't as if everyone wishes to live in the hood, nor have friends and family sitting atop milk crates, or does it really matter?, well it does to me, we only live once, why than should we always have to settle?, none of that WAF, I need her permission on what to buy, or how much of my own money to spend shit going on here, if I'm not happy, no one sleeps, you can be assured of that.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on April 1, 2024 at 10:06:38

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Speaking on Lee Morgan ( great taste ) which gives me another reason to believe in your views.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on April 1, 2024 at 11:01:15

Posts: 154
Joined: November 28, 2009
Further findings,

So I replaced the sonarquest CRYO unplated copper with a Xangsane unplated copper and it's no where near as bad, I will need further sessions , it appears to be the CRYO version !


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on April 1, 2024 at 18:58:56

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Thanks Tangram,

That seems to clarify things, and makes more sense to me, as it seems that I've become somewhat hesitant in buying anymore of the SonarQuest plugs, as I ended up with several different plating types back in 2018, which much like those Viborg 512 types with the decorative aluminum housing, just sat unused and eventually sold.

As per the recommendation of Chris from Kamaudio, which talked about the sonic differences rendered by the power plug housing ( outer barrels ) between say standard plastic ones, versus aluminum or stainless steel where he feels ones using brass as said housing have a much clearer | cleaner sound signature, of which I'll be exploring shortly, as another silver plated copper ac was needed for one of the secondary cords in the bedroom system. Yet I'll be buying one of your seemingly always recommended CooperColour Pure Silver IECs as well.., as I'd once again, rather know what's what?, as opposed to regretting any mistakes in the lon* run of things.

At some point, I've to break down and commit to either the standard Oyaide C-004 IEC, or the one finished in a white housing, which I believe is a beryllium make?, and use on the cords used on the digital side of things, and listen very ver6 carefully between one of these and said unplated silver iec, either way, it's great knowing there isn't other things I'm looking to spend funds on these days, which in itself is a very reassuring manner of saying more or less, I'm done chasing any illusi8ns of the absolute, and merely enjoy my very synergistically matched components and chill.

Once again, thanks for the encouragement in all of this, it has proven more than worthwhile.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on April 3, 2024 at 18:48:11

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After giving it much thought over the course of the last 3 days, I've narrowed my next purchases down to a Oyaide C-004 IEC as the base metal is Beryllium | Palladium over twice polished Beryllium | which is then topped off with Platinum layering, logically in thinking this required less cleaning as opposed to the standard Unplated Copper types, I'm going to also pursue your beloved CC Pure Silver IEC, as the curiosity has gotten the better of me..., as well as their Beryllium Copper IEC, as their cheaper version I've had for awhile easily bettered the ones from Viborg, regardless of housing materials, be it plastic, aluminum?, at this point I'm also looking more closely into several of the cheaper Krell cloned plugs, as looking at the one I've in-house has a very very well built stainless steel housing.

My current line of thinking is based upon appearances along, the differences between the standard Oyaide A | P 004s and their Armored Series itself seems to come down to the latter using a more substantial metal looking outer housing, yet the blades themselves appear to be the same, hence going with the original | said Beryllium Copper CopperColour versions as my last chosen copper types.

Whereas my last few days of research seems to point towards many endusers having replaced the plastic housing on brands like Furutech | Oyaide | IeGO | Monosaudio | Cardas | Neotech plugs and have reported excellent results due to the higher level of dampening said stainless steel shells bring. Yet knowing full well how nicely built | functional the Accuphase 40th Anniversary Edition housing is, I'll definitely be looking to at times stick with this proven design, as I usually just attach different blade types and lock the cord down with the set screws located at the very bottom of the barrel, as securing the two topmost screws can seemingly become stripped at times from being overly replaced back and forth.., so said clamping type is definitely a blessing in my mind, from a convenience standpoint.

But once again, I'm about to explore the Kam Audio Vanguard FI-60 Carbon Fiber | Brass Housing ( Shells ) | won't be looking over my shoulder wondering what if?, as once again listed here:

Once again, I'm grateful for your having reported back your findings on the SonarQuest Cyro'ed Copper Plugs, as I saves me time and effect in knowing which brand to deem worthy, I've scratched them off the list completely | see the Xangsane plugs as the most cost effective plugs to recommend to others, as I've once again found them on eBay at say $20 less than their cost on AliExpress | can highly recommend as you've in the past.

Lastly it appears Rhodium Plated Copper plugs still hold their value in my system(s), but the Gold Plated Copper ones sorry to say, didn't survive the journey and were washed away at sea.

Do keep me posted on your current project. Be well | Stay safe.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on April 4, 2024 at 02:26:20

Posts: 154
Joined: November 28, 2009
Thanks for the update, re housing and oyaide, I will be most interested in your findings. Iam happy with the Accuphase housing so will stick with these.
Yes the sonarquest cry unplated copper iec is definitely a no no, a horrible hard,glaring colouration no matter what went after, the Monosaudio is so much more refined, however I do prefer the CC unplated silver in tandem withthe AC plug.

What I did find out is my Zidoo player is the most telling ancillary of all in how you can hear the wrong connector in play, maybe Eversolo could be the same ? I can understand how some users of the Eversolo 8 have reported bright and thin sounding !

I just need one more unplated silver iec and my journey with AC is completed, now Iam wondering about the adorable Accuphase SP cables though...-.. lol. And no reports from anyone, strange !


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on April 4, 2024 at 10:04:34

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Your welcome, as I do love getting into those in-depth researching modes at least twice per week, as it also helps in keeping the mind active, so that I don't get side tracked and go off into my usual venting ( ranting ) mindset looking at the activities around the globe in a more watchful of late.

Yet like you, I too adore the Accuphase housing, and just intend to place the blades on any of the incoming plugs directly into each end, with the exception being in trying out the carbon fiber brass thingies that is. I'm also about to call it a wrap on the plugs, as I've found myself very taken with three different mixtures of plating or unplating types, where it merely becomes a matter of tailoring the sound of each component accordingly, but I've felt since 2012, when coming over to computer audio, that it seems the DAC or digital source ( a Mac Mini in my earlier stage ) always responded to a particular flavoring of cable, be it a usb cable, power cord or pair of interconnects?, but it always appeared more responsive to either pure silver or silver plated copper ones, once again I've to think this is because digital playback acts differently when it comes to transient detailing abilities within said type of wiring is used in itself.

Once again, as the jargon goes YMMV, but I've long believed copper simply slowed things down, while making the sound more comfortable and all, it was very very capable of putting me to sleep within minutes of turning the system on, detail | resolution | attack or all qualities I can't live without, if I craved a warmish, mellowed presentation?, I'd then prefer to place a tubbier sounding tube integrated amp into the system, offset with say several pieces of Cardas or MIT based cables to hold things in check, but than again that's probably why my main 3 integrated amps located within arms reach, reside in the living room, whereas the tube amplification is only used on occasion in our main bedroom, I just grew tired of the required maintenance which more often than not come with owning tube gear, the heat from the power tubes themselves can overtime merely dry out all of the internal components, even soldering can become effected, and don't forget those aging ass tube sockets loosen as well as crack from the heat off these power tubes as well, which is why I chose to pursue hybrid based designs as far back as 2014.

See, there I go allowing myself to get off topic, but in someways it's all ties together in so many ways, because without the means to play one's music, I don't think many of us would be posting said concerns, as for the Accuphase SCs, I to am very surprised no one has tired them, given their low ass cost, I believe many have become to catch upon the notion if it's to cheap, just how good can it be?, I can only speak for myself..., the $1.000 and $2800 SCs have long existed the building, in favor of 6 different pairs, ranging on average between $150 for the cheapest 4, to $480 for the more expensive two, and guess what?, I'm more drawn into actual listening further into the music as a result of it, as before I've to believe I was more caught up on listening to the components instead, yet aging has a very weird way of teaching even us older dogs new tricks, " Bow Wow " indeed. Do forgive the corny ass gesture ( attempt at written humor) I just had to let it out.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on April 4, 2024 at 13:10:39

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I forgot to add that I had read or better yet viewed more than a few YouTube reviews talking about the everSOLO A6 being bright as well, yet it was for me a revelation as compared to the retailed cost of $5800 when new for both the Aurender X100L music server and Denafrip Pontus ll which it replaced, in my case the former was all nice and cuddly sounding, as what I'm inclined to think those seeking a more analogue based presentation would love, yet within the very first track played on the A6, I knew right off the bat this was the best reproduction of low end weight and impact I've heard in-house to date, and being as it has been well over 9 DACs later, several costing around the $1400 mark, so if some think the of its top end high as being bright!, I'm way pass that point of over listening to what the masses have to say, because in truth, how many of us have the exact same taste?, system?, set biases in how we listen?, let's just say I hear it as detailed | had a better means of displaying top end detail, which the other tandem glossed over and made everything sound more organic, but at the cost of how it handled more complex passages within the notes.

This was of course when it was used primarily with a Jena Labs Crimson Red RX silver plated copper power cord, which had a set of the IeGO 9085 pure silver rhodium plated connectors attached to it, but upon having installed the copper based Accuphase 40th cloned cord onto it, even with its stock gold plated brass connectors, everything seemed to have fallen into place..., so much so said other units were listed for sale within two days, and sold within two days after being listed, so apparently both have their attraction by others.

While I've owned two of the cheaper Denafrips Ares ( MK ll, and currently the 12th-1 models ) the Pontus ll showed itsejf to be extremely sensitive to power surges and the likes, as I've to assume having a butterfly fart in the distance would cause it to go into standby mode within seconds, so let's just say as my wife and I are apartment dwellers, the power lines are as stable as they could be, but for any device that requires to be rebooted or powered up about every 2 minutes into tracks, just didn't cut it, said Ares MK ll or 12th-1 DACs have never even flicked during said fluctuations on the power lines in either room, so I'm very very very content in what I hear from the A6, and if the funds were available, I seriously doubt I'd be looking to buy anything other than said A8 model. It's seems Andrew Jones on YouTube, might be one of the few that understands what's going on sonically with this brand, color me biased, and I'd immediately raise both hands, but for the life of me, I of all people should know " Mi-Sound ", and this suits my personality preference in sound | as well as how I love hearing my music played back, which costs in my book.., so dull, rolled off, softened approach to sending the notes through one's electronics, and speakers don't fly in my book, I tend to seek and crave that very very rare balance between refinement | detail, and am in my mind close enough to know what to listen for, as well as too, and have found it at a faction of what some brands are asking for their entry level or only unit on the market, the only other device I'd have purchased was a Innuos PulseMini, yet I've long grown tired of devices that don't allow placement for an SSD within them ( hell even my used Auralic Ares Mini in the bedroom has onboard provisions for an added 2TB HHD ) | as well as wishing to avoid anything that requires adding another LPS to the mix, give me something with an internal SSD slot, and IEC inlet, and offers good quality software | sound, and I'm good to go.

Party on Garth, we aren't worthy, as look at us, we relying upon cheap ass Chinese cords on our slightly above average systems, we couldn't possibly know what we're talking about, now could we?. I hear what I hear, and that's all that I hear, shades of the old Popeye saying I'm what I'm, and that's all that I'am.

O_o ( insert smiley face | you'll get the joke is on the nonbelievers ) so be it. All one has to do is look at the photos of various audio gear I've placed within my post for years, and know that while I can't afford a million dollar system, I'm well aware of what nice shit is, hint | hint.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on April 9, 2024 at 16:12:20

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As a follow up, the CopperColour Pure Silver ( top right ) | Beryllium Copper ( top leftmost corner) IEC plugs, along with the Vanguard FI-60 Silver Plated Copper Carbon Fiber | Brass Housing AC ( in the nice little orange | black | white package at the bottom ) all came in today, so plans are to place them each onto the Accuphase cord over the next few days, and allow each upwards of 100 hours to settle in, at which point I'll have to go by ear and go with the combination which suits my particular application which is in tandem with the everSOLO DMP-A6, as once again it can do without any added glare, or digital edge as some call it, I've to assume in this case, it wasn't as responsive to the silver plated copper more expensive cord, where in hindsight it's probably because it was essentially a 16AWG cord, whereas the Accuphase is a thicker pure copper based design, which in itself replaced a cloned NearEAST Odin Gold as used awhile back on the Aurender X100L, which tells me said thicker gauge ( more high current ) cord was needed on both devices.

As always outwards | onwards.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on April 10, 2024 at 12:07:09

Posts: 154
Joined: November 28, 2009
Nice one el34, be sure interesting in your findings, Iam so enjoying my digital just now, just had a session listening to miles, sacd files from my ssd internal drive, 18 albums like this .


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on April 11, 2024 at 14:14:09

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Thanks Tangram,

As I've once again been told that I should avoid using the pure silver iec plug, reason being that silver itself is a soft material much like pure copper, and overtime need some form of springs to hold the blades intact..., so I'm thinking about just going back after another IeGO 8095 pure silver - rhodium plated version at $145, as well as use the CopperColour beryllium iec plugs on several cords, yet just plan to set the CopperColour pure silver aside for now, as my mind says that just maybe I'd rather not push the top end to much, as the A6 is after all a more brightly lit type of sound compared to say the PS Audio DSD NuWave | Pro-Ject | Denafrips DACs as well as the Aurender server, which we all much much warmer | creamier sounding, so for now I'm able to fully appreciate the sound as rendered from eith a silver plated copper or pure silver ac plug in tandem with either a silver plated copper or in-plated copper iec with great end results.

Something tells me it's time to look deep within and walk away while the going ( listening ) is good enough. As I once again can't possibly see the justification in adding $200-$375 plugs onto what is again essentially a $42 power cord, my sense of rationale has to hold true to what's proven value wise, and while certain Furutech types, other than their gold plated ones look tempting, I've to remain true to my sense of peace within as well as my fixed income of late, so not unneeded items other than looking to exchange the plating types on both of the Xangsane IC's, but to what?, do I go with silver plated copper ones, or maybe a pair of pure silver Pure Sonic connectors as shown above?, which retail for $150 for a quad set. As like you, I'm more than certain the stock gold plated connectors are holding both IC's back, as far as reaching ( hearing ) their full potential.

So it seems I'm not quite out of the woods just yet, so you'll see me around for a few more moths it appears.

Later Bro.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on April 12, 2024 at 12:07:36

Posts: 154
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Hmmmm, I don't share this view on the iec unplated copper or silver, as the base metal of plated ones are copper, so soft also, and what about the oyaide 01 wall socket ! Copper also. When the iec is pushed in to a male , and the AC active , they fuse together.
As you have the CC unplated silver iec, I highly recommend you try this with the unplated silver AC plug on your Eversolo. Iam enjoying my Zidoo digital like never before with this combination and suspect you could have this result also.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on April 12, 2024 at 15:51:05

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You're correct | as I've been listening to both of the CC pure silver plugs since 8:45AM, and am very very very impressed, there seems to be something going on here in conjunction with the Accuphase being a copper based design, which has altered its presentation even more than I'd have imagined. The added sense of resolution is off the charts as the saying goes..., and each note seemingly bends around the corners within our living space as if the artist are placed not only outside the parameters of the speakers outermost cabinets, but actually flow into the rear most placement just slightly behind our sofa which is placed 10' away from where I'm centrally located at 2' away from the system laying on the floor.

I was about to ship the CC pure silver iec back, but logically I felt since it's always in place, why not just give it a listen, and as it's usually the case, I was able to decipher what was going on within my usual 2-3 tracks. I can't again speak for others, but this has simply become a remarkable power cord which to my mind far eclipses the previous ones costing upwards of $800, which was always my set budget on cords, at times I'd chance upon ones used which retailed for $1.600 at said price, and even they've been sold off, in favor of the Xangsane PCs | currently said Accuphase are serving their purpose to an extreme, the only items I'm looking to change out once again are the actual RCA input connectors on both the Xangsane IC's | rear of both the everSOLO | integrated amps, so seemingly there aren't many choices I'd go with besides rhodium or unplated copper versions from either Viborg or Aeco at this point, taking cost into account.

Thanks again for being the guiding light through said curiosity phases during this particular journey | it has been a mind blowing ride, of which has once again only enhanced my overall system's performance that much more. Whom would've thunk it?, look Ma, no need to sell off anther component in search of the absolute illusion, logically I've always been a Tweaker at heart, and much rather try to extract the last ounce of musicality ( if it's there to begin with? ) from electronics and speakers of late, especially after having went laterally two years ago and feeling I'd have saved $8.000 on lesser items, and been much much happier in the long haul..., said mistakes can only be seen as a learning experience | curve in order to not repeat them over and over again.

The generalization of items from aboard hold true, in my mind the Japanese make the best cables | cartridges | tube amplification, and I've always seen Accuphase solid state gear as the very very best I've encountered, yet I've to give it up to both the Brits | German for some very creative turntables and speakers as well, whereas once again , I truthfully believe the Chinese cabling industry has caught on, so those that continue to think it's junk, without even given their cables a listen be damned and then some, I hear what I hear, and am at the very least willing to be open-minded enough to explore the possibilities of " what if? ".

No going back on my end " I'm home where I belong ". And once again consider myself in a far better place that I've been since the periods between 1985-2006, before getting burned out the gear and took several years off and sold everything and found myself starting from scratch in late 2009, as I often tell the wife, had I only knew then what I know today, life would've been much easier | enjoyable all the same.

Until next time | stay true to the cause | as well as to yourself | dreams.
O_o scar


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on April 13, 2024 at 05:07:35

Posts: 154
Joined: November 28, 2009

Nice one el34, there is no denying the synergy between the CC connectors pure silver at both ends of the Accuphase 40th wire, and the wire itself, unlike any plating types tried. They just get out of the way and let the musicality out, in a very involving less colored way, at least your urges to try whatever else in the AC department will diminish I suspect ! You may find some off days for several weeks until burn in complete.

When I changed my main run of IC ( Xangsane 9003) xlr IC to the Viborg unplated silver xlr , I remember similar encounters to said above, I just have to complete this by doing this with my external dac or phono stage IC leading to my preamp, however, I will wait for the sale to arrive. This then finalises my AC and IC journey.

Oh and my subwoofer Accuphase 3 meter power chord arrived...-...-.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on April 13, 2024 at 06:45:44

Posts: 1961
Location: Michigan
Joined: September 6, 2003

Thanks Tangram.

It seems the combinations that worked out the best for me are in the following order, (1) pure silver at both ends of the cord (2) pure silver ac | copper iec (3) silver plated copper at both ends (4) silver plated copper ac | copper iec.

It once again came down to the key realization being which order each struck accord with me on an emotional level the most, as you've stated the wiring ( whatever offshoot brand it maybe? ) within the Accuphase 40th itself?, was done ( voiced ) right, and you're correct I no longer need to look any further cord wise, as this is good enough for me | then some.

I was thinking I'd have to go back and find your post on which type of plating or un-plated plugs you were using with your IC's, so thanks for mentioning they're in fact pure silver ones as well, in said case as I only own one of the five integrated amps that's is actually fully balanced that can be used with the everSOLO, I'll concentrate on getting a set of the Aeco pure silver RCA connectors as well..., as the Viborg ones are a tad more costlier than I'd like to spend.

Maybe at some point in the near future, I'd once again commission someone to solder said plugs onto my pair of Xangsane XS-9001 IC's?, as my skill set is solely lacking in this one area.

Truth is the Accuphase cord came out of curiosity | yet I've ended up with four of them here as well, might I ask which brands of subs you're using?, as I don't believe in using them, but am still curious about the options worth looking at?, for friends | associates that do, as a means of passing said information along.

It seems both of our journeys on said power cords have reached an end, where oh where do each of us go from here?.

Thanks again.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on April 13, 2024 at 10:49:47

Posts: 154
Joined: November 28, 2009
Very good el34, Iam using a Arendal dual opposed sub from Europe , it provides the foundation and integrates very musically with a dsp antimode device, I have now introduced my ten year old plus neodio dac with the Zidoo, where it is easily is in another universe than the Zidoo built in dac, and it should as it cost me back then, so now as it's connected via usb, I may explore a lhy audio usb reclocker @ 30 day trial period and see where that takes me. I too would like to possibly experience the dmp8 Eversolo , once I sold some items, however I will leave it at least some six months until some further batches are produced, having a built in anologue preamp is of high interest here. Maybe they will produce them in silver also !


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on April 14, 2024 at 08:17:45

Posts: 1961
Location: Michigan
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Thanks for the update on your sub | as well as your plans on upgrading key equipment within your system, as my mind once again tells me it all begins at the source. I mean c'mon relying upon a $200 turntable or DAC ( music server ) as the beginning of one's chain driving say $30.000 speakers is beyond me. I'd far rather do like many had discovered back in the early 80s, by driving said a then pair of the original Wharfedale Dimonds with a Krell KSA 200, which would produce all sort of low end bass ( mid-bass ) rumbling from said speakers and was very very impressive to say the least.

I myself was looking into adding the Gustard Audio N18 ( silver | $389 ) Audiophile grade Ethernet Switch, but I'm somewhat torn between this and just adding two of the iFi Audio LAN iSilencers into the mix as well. As I too would think that even a 5-10 year old Neodio DAC could easily see many of the so-called modern DAC's upwards of $5000 off with ease as it's a very very stunning design to behold, of which I'd buy it alongside its matching integrated amp if I had the funds in a minute, such are the aesthetic appeal on my end, as I buy with both my ears | eyes it seems, i5 has to have a polished look even to gain access into our home.

I'd think it'd make sense to go to the Zidoo forum and make said suggestion for an option for silver finished products, provided it might be a sandblasted type, as the finish on several of the Denafrips DACs I've owned would showcase fingerprints | lint within the surface areas as if built in, which proved very difficult for me to clean, even after having purchased about 5 different aluminum cleaning agents to do so, but I've to get it up to the silver finished Gustard X20 Pro DAC, which was the best I had ( and have ) ever laid eyes upon, thanks again for your willingness to share this one with me Sondek, only thing was it taught me to avoid anything with digital readout, due to having had several DACs ( items ) displays become burnt out in areas within their screens which for me was definitely a no-no, regardless of sound, where it'd have made more sense had the manufacture made them where said displays could be cut off all together, as opposed to merely being dimmed, this burnt out shit still came through even in a darkened room.

So for me, it seems it's the digital side of things that require my attention | as always let the journey continue...-, I'll see you around.

Peace Be Onto You | Yours.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on April 27, 2024 at 11:23:37

Posts: 1961
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O'kay it seems a reality check was in order. As stated for the sole purpose of voicing the Accuphase 40th Anniversary Edition cloned power cord to best work in conjunction with my everSOLO streamer | DAC | preamp it appears I merely became accustomed to said cord with the tandem of once again the silver plated copper ac male | unplated copper iec female.

Upon replacing it with the gold plated copper ac, all I can say is that it seems as if a long lost friend from my youth had all of a sudden popped up out of the blue, after having lost contact with one another for over 40 years, here I'm laughing aloud | reminiscing about the good old days, sharing stories that only said friendships have accumulated due to us knowing one another so well, the sense of balance was once again restored, that something I was missing with the gold plug was this certain attachment to the music itself on my part, as if everything just popped into focus, I don't know why this connection has made such a profound effect on my life, or more importantly how I now chose to listen to music?, yet it has.

So should anyone reading this wish to buy several sets of gold plated copper Viborg | Monosaudio plugs at a nice savings?, please feel free to contact me, as I'm growing very very tired of having to place ads, and wouod far rather deal with one person on say a lot type offer, where everything goes at one time, versus pieces sold separately here and there.

I'm sticking to my guns on this one, no more plugs needed, nor cords, as I've finally found items which have enhanced my listening experience | pleasure 10 fold, and dare not once again change one single item, my loss is in fact someone else's gain.

Until next time | happy listening to you all.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on June 29, 2024 at 05:38:45

Posts: 173
Joined: March 12, 2001

I enjoyed reading this running discussion. It was a bit difficult to follow with the photos that didn't match the topic, run-on sentences and unusual punctuation. But the result--oh my!

The Accuphase power cable with recored Xangsane plugs is excellent. With adequate break-in (at least 150 hours) it excels in detailed, large sound stage audio reproduction. Now the inexpensive Accuphase (Chinese clone) power cables are the main choice in my audio system. Thank you all!


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on June 29, 2024 at 06:51:31

Posts: 17
Joined: April 22, 2006
where can you buy those xangsane plugs? are they copper?


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on June 29, 2024 at 08:10:16

Posts: 1961
Location: Michigan
Joined: September 6, 2003

Hello Aspheric,

Your welcome, my apologies for at time getting rather long-winged, as well as ranting on and on about social matters, but one has to speak their minds on things which occur around them, correct?, which I do.

As for the mismatched photos I've been adding to my post for years now. Were initially saved into my photo library as sort of visual reminders to myself, of items which interested me, as well as pass onto a few friends of mine, whom over the years since 2004 would ask me about certain items that I'd recommend on their behalf, so instead of collecting pages of reviews, I chose to save said visual reminders, of which some of us view secretly as audio prone, of eye candy, in other words they were added to capture the imagine of those curious types just enough where some would also write me asking which brands they were?, and some have actually gone on to buy them, those of means I'd add.

Back on point, as it relates to the cord, I see that you've gone with the copper plugs, or tandem of a gold plated AC and red copper IEC, am I correct?. In my case after ending up with three of these cords, I ended up settling on combinations of pure silver on one cord, and silver plated as the male connectors and red copper female on the other two cords, which ideally were better suited to be used on several music servers ( dacs ) or linear power supply, as means of restoring some sort of balance to each item as heard collectively, based upon what I've also long referred to as " Mi-Fi ", meaning each were voiced as such to please my ear above all else.

And as the end result, I no longer have anything else to learn about cables, as my current venture has me replacing the RCA connectors on all of my favorite pairs of IC's ( regardless of the fact their base metals are pure silver | pure copper or silver plated copper? ) to be used with either Star Line or AECO silver plated connectors, and upon listening to two pairs of said tandems just two days ago, let's just say that I've finally come to a place in time, where I'm totally content I've found " Mi-Sound ", and have lost the desire to change, or look elsewhere, so I'm done with chasing a type of signature other than the one it has taken me 46 years to discover.

Wisdom says " leave it along ", as I shall.

It's nice to see that a few of you were able to hear the potential this very cord has to offer, it all came down to tailoring its sound to ear, by finding which flavor of plugs matched optimally with one's system.

Until next time | enjoy the quest, but never overlook the importance of one music collection, otherwise none of us would be posting at all, would we?, it's the enjoyment of music which counts most. Not to be confused with merely listening to ones gear, which many do.

Here comes my totally unrelated photo of the day, so sue me already.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on June 29, 2024 at 08:40:50

Posts: 173
Joined: March 12, 2001
It could be copper suits my system with Magnepan speakers. The link to the plugs is:

Replace the plug cores and use the beautiful Accuphase shell. In the world of expensive audio the power cable is a bargain in sound quality.

Again, thank you for all the thoughtful ideas in the discussion.


RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues..., posted on June 29, 2024 at 09:43:10

Posts: 1961
Location: Michigan
Joined: September 6, 2003

Totally understood, as I've learned over the course of the last 9 years, and after having purchased and sold over 10 integrated amps | pairs of mini-monitors, that taking the needed time to understand their respective strengths | weaknesses is vital, as there have been moments when thinking by adding a certain signature via ones RCA input jacks | RCA connector's on their IC's | Binding Post | Banana Plugs, can in fact restore said sense of balance, letting one then to hear said components as per their truest nature, yet as said mistakes are to be learned from as we get older ( wiser ) it becomes ( or should ) easier to figure out which flavoring is needed where?, and then addressing it via said options of tubes | cabling choices, as both are in truth means of tone controls.

It's being able to admit to ourselves what the system collectively needs, not so much as how we hear the electronics or speakers, but how it translates the essence of the music itself, is where we go wrong in the beginning, yet as maturity kicks in, we're meant to know " Our Sound ", and not to allow others tell us what they like of don't like, remember once said person had left your home after a shared listening session, who does one have to please or convince other than oneself?, no one would be the wisest response, eh!.

Getting onto another note as it refers to the Accuphase 40th Anniversary Edition IC's, as posted earlier on as striking a very similar appearance to what's on offer at Underwood HiFi at prices like $400-$2000 ( if I remember correctly on their option with the silver plated plugs? ) here's another one I came across a few days ago:

Just found this amazing item on AliExpress. Check it out! $299.99 | MPS M-11R 99.99997%OCC rhodium Plated Plug RCA audio cable DVD CD DAC amplifier cable RCA TO RCA cable

Which tells me if nothing else?, someone over on AliExpress is watching audio forums like our here, and Head-Fi and are using said information as a means of offering said items at higher prices, by merely adding either a rhodium or silver plated connector to the mix, I've sent mine off to have one or the other types of plating added, as to my ears it was in fact one of the best sounding pure copper rca cables I've heard since 2001, and in figuring out its weakness was a lack of snap | crackle | pop as with their power cord, I believe it's going to be a winner as well, especially during those moments where I might crave that " tone thingy " that only pure copper cabling brings to the party in the right way I'd add.

And lastly, you're more than welcome.
O_o scar


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