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I used the "final amp" schematic with fixed bias. I did try cathode bias briefly while I was building the bias supply, but it just didn't have the punch I needed. Paul's comments on parafeed are legit even more so since you have decent output iron; I may play with parafeed since my output iron is both budget and 5k, and I have some nice PP vintage iron.
Also based on your query above, yes the original solid state power supply that I based this amp on is a PITA; look at mine (similar to Gary Kaufman's, who also helped me finish this beast). Mine is loosely based on an Altec design, and much simpler. The only change not reflected in the web site version is that I went with 3@ in series of a higher rated diode since I managed to nail my 2 (x2) diode set up twice over the last couple months.
Also, as someone mentioned to me - during the design/testing/early break in period, use fuses on the plate to output transformer connection. You do not want to toast your iron which is possible even using a variac. The +1000v range is a whole different level of design and saftey issue, please be careful!

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  • Neither! - mrfixit 05:44:12 07/21/03 (0)

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