Home High Efficiency Speaker Asylum

Need speakers that can rock with just one watt? You found da place.

Please read this if your interested in the Chicago Horn Summer Bash.

I spent tonight checking out a few other facilities and I wanted to sort out a few things.

Looked at a new hotel in Chesterton that is smaller than the Holiday Star and only has four usable listening rooms. They are perfect though and would make four great rooms for setting up systems. The facilities are cozier than the Holiday Star, less expensive (not by much) and the facilities are brand spankin new. I like these facilities if we keep this small (under 50 people) It would provide a better set-up because we would have the run of the place. There is a nice meeting area out front with booze, frig in every room and lots of sitting room, coffee and such out in the common area where we could sit around and talk. Both of the locations under consideration are less than a 1hr drive from downtown Chicago.

I don't really want to make this into an event like VSAC or Lima. The goal is to keep it manageable. I guess we could aim for an attendance of about 50-100 people and if we get in that range that would be better off at the Holiday Star. If other vendors want to come we will need the other rooms. My initial plans were to just have a Chicago Horn/Bottlehead Meeting in a cool place where we would all have an excuse to spend the night and drag our normal 5-6hr meeting into a full day and night. I think the sitting around the hotel drinking beers and BSing about audio is a lot of the fun.

It would be nice if we could get people to bring a variety of equipment. The problem is that the display rooms would be a large expense for an individual and who wants to drag their entire system anyway? I was thinking we could all throw money into a kitty and have a room that would be the general room for anything the group wanted to set-up and listen to.... I would also be very open to people bringing equipment into my room. That way we could encourage people to bring various gear and the entire event will be more attractive for people who want to hear a lot of the DIY speaker, tube amps and other gear that you never get a chance to hear at your local audio store.

I've also taken the liberty of talking with Dan Wiggins of Adire Audio. He has agreed to come out and give some kind of presentation about acoustics, speaker design, or whatever topic I can pressure him into for this event. He also is big on showing off his XBL2 technology that they are using in a lot of their new driver designs and we would likely have a demo showing the subjective vs. measured performance in an A/B comparison with two otherwise identical drivers.

If Bruce shows up we could pressure him into doing another lecture on horn speaker design. I missed the one at Lima and these are the types of things I love about these meetings.

If you have any input about this here and now is the time to give it. If you’re in the audio business and would like to attend and set up a room just email me. I need to get a rough idea of how many would be interested in attending the event so that we can pick the appropriate facility. The goal here though isn’t commercial…mainly this is just a chance for a bunch of audio nuts to get together for the weekend and have some fun.

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Topic - Please read this if your interested in the Chicago Horn Summer Bash. - Kevin P 20:53:34 05/20/02 (35)

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