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Re: Just a few questions that might bring on recommendations

Thanks for the suggestion. Since you asked, I am really starting from
scratch. I have some older Yamaha equipment, which I plan to use for my home office, and would like to upgrade to all new components.

I primarily listen to what is now referred to as fusion,modern or smooth jazz, but I also listen to traditional jazz and classical.

I could live with a darn good 2 channel system but would prefer more
channels for the surround effect.

I know you can spend a lot of money on audiophile equipment; for an amp/preamp and speakers, I initially set a max of $3500 but after my research I may have to raise that amount considerably. I would really like the most bang for my buck in the $2500 range.

I am not opposed to good used equipment, but how do you know if it is
"good used equipment" ? Are there good reputable sources?

The equipment will go in a great room 30 X 25 with a 2-story ceiling and lot of windows.

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  • Re: Just a few questions that might bring on recommendations - dzwal 18:13:11 08/21/04 (0)

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