Home Amp/Preamp Asylum

Looking for a new Amp or Preamp? If you're after tubes, post over here.

Just a few questions that might bring on recommendations

What gear do you have now?

What aspects of music/sound are important to you (soundstage/imaging, dynamics, forward, laid back, bass, delicate treble)?

You mention A/V: how many channels are you looking for? Would a nice 2 channel system that also sounds great with movies work?

What is your budget? Best to break that down to: What is your MAX budget & what would you really PREFER to spend.

Are you dedicated to brand new gear, or would prudent used selections be considered?

Could you describe the room & how the system will be laid out?

If you can answer all or a good portion of those questions, I think people will have some ideas for you that might have more value than blind recomendations.

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  Kimber Kable  

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