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Would like recomendations for integrated, must have great phono section

I would like to hear your input.I want to eliminate seprates and go to an integrated.My budget is 500.00-800.00 used.I did buy a NAD 312 and while it s a fairly nice sounding unit the phono stage is a little lacking. I have considered Arcam A865 and the AA Pucinni(just missed one of those on A'gon darnit!!).I currently have KEF Coda 70 monitors that are90db but I will but would like something with enough power to run most speakers.I realley think I'd like to try some Dynaudio audience 42's.My sources are a AudioAlchemy ACDPRO and a Linn Axis with Shure m97 and a Cleanline By VansEvers.
Thanks in advance

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Topic - Would like recomendations for integrated, must have great phono section - chriss 04:51:36 08/17/04 (3)

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