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Re: Is your custom TVC different than the Bent? (nt)

Hope you don't think that I’m knocking the tvc or questioning what you’re hearing - I'm not. I've compared the TVC to other pres also and agree that it equals them in dynamics, slam, etc., easily bested them in transparency, purity and more importantly sounds more emotionally engaging. I bought it b/c I liked it, and wouldn’t be considering upgrading to the silver version if I didn’t want more of it. Maybe “polite” was the wrong term, but John Chapman's site describes the different version as –

The MK II was quite a different beast. The internal geometry was such that it measured near perfect - dead flat to 100Khz then a wiggle between 100 Khz and 200 Khz. Huge difference to the MK I. The sound was what might be expected - more laid back. I liked it better myself although not everyone agree'd! I felt that the more vivid sound of the MK I would 'win' in a quick a/b (kinda like the louder speaker syndrome) but the MK II sound was to my ear more enjoyable in the long term. Still there seemed to be a rising confusion about which rev would be best for folks. …led to a MK III rev attempt…Sonically I think it is what you might expect.... Somewhere between the other 2 revs and I think it hits the sweet spot nicely. A bit more vivid than the MK II but just a hair more gentle sounding than the MK I. "there is a Gentleness to it compared to MK I" was Jonathan's comment to me before I heard them and when i got my first pair alive here I had to agree.

In retrospect, it’s more of preference issue than anything else. Maybe the mk-ii was not the better choice for me, but had to start somewhere. Anyway, until I compare the other tvc variants and a couple of actives w/ my maggies – I’ll continue to fester over whether or not I made the right choice. I'm fascinated about the number of pre's that you have heard. So, if i haven't offended or bored you, can you throw me a bone?

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  • Re: Is your custom TVC different than the Bent? (nt) - saltyflies 10:37:22 04/27/04 (0)

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