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Bryston 3BSST vs. 4BSST

Before buying a Bryston 3BSST (150W/Channel) to drive my Vandersteen 3A Sigs, I listened extensively to the 4BSST (250W/Channel). With respect to specifications, the 3BSST better matches the recommendations of Vandersteen. ..However, as encouraged by the "more is always better" proponents you encounter here, I wanted to see if there was an audible advantage to the 4BSST. I can say that I could not discern one ioda of difference b/w the two.

One sensible inmate pointed out (I forget the math of his arguement, but it made sense) that the difference in audible volume b/w a 150w/channel amp and a 250w/channel is barely audible. ..This of course assumes that you actually drive both amps to their maximum output, which I'd never do.

I ended up chosing the 3BSST and figured the $1000 I saved would buy quite a bit of music to enjoy!

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  • Bryston 3BSST vs. 4BSST - hifi heretic 06:57:09 01/08/04 (0)

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