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Re: IS there a sonic benefit to using a High-power amp...?

Some of best full range speaker drivers are low power and with very big magnets. Those drivers like Lowther has very special corn paper that are very efficient and reveals much more details than any other common speakers. This is why lots of Audiophiles is prefer low power SET amps. I have Dared VP-300B SET and just got pair of Lowther DX3 drivers. I currently mounted the drivers on a pair of small bass reflect inclosures and the results are mazing! I am planing to build a backload horn enclosure of the DX3.

Following example, I just posted on "Tube forum", show you how to select a speaker for your amp. If your listen-room size is about 20 X 15 ft you usually do not want your sound level goes beyond 102 dB. Otherwise, it is too loud. Of course, it depends on who is listening and what type music you are playing. If you have a pair of speakers with 88dB efficiency (at 1 Watt/m), so you need an amp to gain at least 14dB in order to reach 102dB level. The amp needs to power the speakers shall have at least 25 Watts (because of 10log(25/1)=14dB). However, if you have a pair of speakers with 96 dB (at 1 W/m) you need an amp to gain just 6dB to reach 102dB level. That is about 4 Watts. Yes, you just need less than 4 watts to power a 96dB speaker to reach 102dB sound level. Most of SET amp has power less than 8 Watts (300B SET amp is around 6 – 8 watts, 2A3 SET amp is about 2 - 4 watts, and 45 SET is less than 1 watts). Now, the bass at down to 30 Hz is different story. Most woofers has only 75 - 80 dB at 30 Hz though. So, if you like to have your bass down to 30 Hz at 102 dB level, you need a 200 Watts of sub though. But, loudness to human ears is invers proportional to frequencey. The 30 Hz bass at 102 dB level is very very loud compareing to 10,000 Hz at 102 dB level.

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  • Re: IS there a sonic benefit to using a High-power amp...? - Tom Gobba 08:17:10 01/07/04 (0)

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