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VTL and/or Manley

IMHO your best value for the money are the older VTL Compact 100’s or the Manley Lab Series Mono 100’s (very similar if not the same design from David Manley’s days in charge.) Retubed with NOS Mullard (costly but worth every penny) will put you into EL34 heaven, with over 100 watts per side.

Figure on spending $1000 for the amps and another $1500 for the tubes for a total of $2500. I doubt anything in that price range can come close.

FWIW, I used to own the QS Silver 60’s… nice amps but they couldn't hold a candle to my Manley’s (in all fairness I never used NOS Mullards in the QS.)

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  • VTL and/or Manley - tony s 10:40:10 12/14/09 (0)


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