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Denon turntable reduced 22%!

Posted on July 17, 2024 at 19:01:41

Posts: 3435
Location: Bend, Oregon
Joined: January 14, 2007
January 28, 2012
This is the turntable I bought several months ago. Wonderful table- direct drive, instant start and stop, great tonearm and beautiful ebony finish. I think the plinth is anodized aluminum to look like wood. Nevertheless, it's a very handsome table. I would have bought it at twice the price! Keep in mind if you look at the reviews below, most of those are about the Denon 300F, not this table. The 3000NE has gotten excellent reviews in magazines.

* Amazon raised the price overnight!


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RE: Denon turntable reduced 22%!, posted on July 17, 2024 at 22:24:27

Posts: 5754
Joined: November 15, 2016
"I would have bought it at twice the price!

Sure beats buying something for 25% off and feeling like it wasn't even worth that much.



Shame It's Made in China, posted on July 19, 2024 at 07:55:02

Posts: 10174
Location: Central Texas
Joined: September 24, 2006
What a pity, even Denon has succumbed to the siren call of a cheap production line.


RE: Shame It's Made in China, posted on July 19, 2024 at 09:34:47

Posts: 3435
Location: Bend, Oregon
Joined: January 14, 2007
January 28, 2012
Regardless of where it's made, this is a great table! It works perfectly. I've had speakers that were made in China that were also excellent. Unless your objection is on political grounds, I wouldn't worry about quality. Read the reviews!


+1 )MT(, posted on July 19, 2024 at 11:52:25
J. S. Bach

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Later Gator,
Find more about Weather in Chester, SC


RE: Shame It's Made in China, posted on July 20, 2024 at 11:49:49

Posts: 73
Location: Pacific NW
Joined: February 11, 2004
"Ya but it's made in China" is so 2018.

Made in america is meaningless to me.


RE: Shame It's Made in China, posted on July 21, 2024 at 13:00:24

Posts: 3009
Location: OR
Joined: October 10, 2002
If the best cell phone is made in China,why can't a great value turntable be made in China? I got to borrow a DP-3000NE for 2 months, and I was so impressed with the build quality, performance and operation of it, that it made me wonder why any audio enthusiast would pick an SL-1200GR instead (unless they had DJ aspirations).

The best dinnerware in the world in simply called 'china' because it's so desirable.

So qulity can come from China, no question. And it does. Just look at how well B&W's 700 Series speakers are built. They are things of beauty.

If it's a protest thing against their human rights record, then fair enough. That being said, if you are from the US, we have yet to explain why it's okay to poison the water supplies to our towns and to insist on carcinogenic pesticides dominate the shelves of the big box home improvement stores.


China has stolen a lot from the West, posted on July 21, 2024 at 14:18:55

Posts: 11158
Location: NJ
Joined: December 11, 2000
and the products here, not just Audio products, are engineered in the West and sent over to China for final production to lower costs, increase profits etc.

Maybe some stuff is engineered by Chinese natives by now, but they have capitalized on Western knowledge for many years and make the most they can of it.

When I ran a music store in the 90's, there were plenty of cheapo chinese tubes that guitar players did not like whatsoever, and I'm talking about seasoned players who knew good sound out of a Marshall amp. They used to say to me "I bought a new amp so take these shit chinese tubes out of here and put in something good for me" That's when Mike Mathews at New Sensor was making tubes in Russia and they did it a whole lot better, thank god.

Tubes made over there are much better now because of western technology.

next time, be more careful with this irritating take on things you obviously know little about. If it was made totally in the states or the west, tack on 25 to 30% more ching at least


RE: China has stolen a lot from the West, posted on July 21, 2024 at 18:49:01

Posts: 3009
Location: OR
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If you are going claim a knowledge deficiency on my behalf, it holds no water if you don't point out where the info I posted was - in your estimation - incorrect.

We can't claim not to have stolen from...quite a lengthy list of victims. We can start with those who resided here before we set sail from Europe the first time.

Marshall amps are not the last word in reliability themselves. They use a goid few cheap components. I've owned a few Marshalls in my time. The sound they produce is where their lure resides.
The British are great at performance with their designs, but fit, finish and durability are not their area of expertise. Just look at their cars.
They make a good brogue, but not enough to worry the Italians.

Some stuff built in China is going to be done well, some of it isn't - just like here in the States.

My previous post was not crafted without care.


" knowledge deficiency ", posted on July 22, 2024 at 04:13:09

Posts: 11158
Location: NJ
Joined: December 11, 2000
1. tell us what business you have with the practical aspect of the music business and instrument repairs, and how long... EXPERIENCE is the key word

2. Marshall amps used to be reliable referring to the JCM and JMP series when they were made in England. The Plexi's are legendary. To ensure the Marshall survival and profit they moved most production to china where the TUBES I talked about were made (also other components)

3. "you don't point out where the info I posted was - in your estimation - incorrect" YOUR ENTIRE POST, and it was not an "estimation", it showed lack of experience - it was an opinion unless you prove otherwise

4. "resided here before we set sail" please stick to the subject

5. I used to own a Sunbeam - once again, stick to the subject

6. I'm saying your post was not crafted with care, that's my opinion unless you can show sizable experience with the music biz in the 80's thru the early 2000's

7. I was a Marshall Factory Dealer for my store, were you? And for how long?

please answer the above point for point if appropriate and don't get lost


RE: " knowledge deficiency ", posted on July 22, 2024 at 06:49:34

Posts: 3009
Location: OR
Joined: October 10, 2002
Staying on point is what you are wanting, but it isn't an internet law. More of a play by your rules demand more than a request, given your wording.
The original point was pertaining to the quality of the build of the DP-3000NE, buy we got onto the subject of China having stolen from the west.

We have the luxury of being able to execise our opinion in a democratic society. I welcome anyone who disagrees with me. It is what opinions encourage.

I have 30 years experience of living in the UK.
I have been a user of Marshall amps for 35 years. I have had to work on a couple of them. I love their sound. You might be impressed with their component quality, but I wasn't. Their drivers in particular. Everything is built to a price of course, but for something used by touring rock bands the world over, I was surprsied to see and hear of how tolerant many of these bands are who choose to stick with Marshall. But then, rock bands are used to being let down by so many elements of what comes with life on the road and all that they have to deal with in that industry.
Having worked in the home audio industry for 27 years, and having a particular soft spot for UK loudspeaker design, I expected better from Marshall.

As a hobby, I have worked on repairing and modifying audio equipement for the best part of 30 years. I studied electronics at college.
Experience doesn't always amount to being an authority. Like anyone, I have worked with people with more experience than I in various fields, and many of them were not good examples of skilled, knowledgable individuals who were good at what they did. One thing many such people have in common is narcissism, and they don't care much for people with less experience than themselves getting better results in the workplace - expecially when it is recognized and rewarded.


"Shame It's Made in China"{, posted on July 22, 2024 at 07:05:50

Posts: 11158
Location: NJ
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"Shame It's Made in China"

go right ahead and do as you have done all by yourself. I could care less about what you say and your so-called experience, you are wasting my time


Give it up, Story - there's nothing wrong with what he said [nt], posted on July 22, 2024 at 15:32:46
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February 6, 2012


call me Liz, posted on July 22, 2024 at 15:55:07

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Now THAT was clever! You related by any chance? [nt] ;-), posted on July 23, 2024 at 00:19:02
Posts: 27205
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February 6, 2012


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