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Tube testing

Posted on August 1, 2024 at 16:03:47

Posts: 675
Location: New Orleans
Joined: January 20, 2002
October 29, 2006
Tube noobie here.

I have a chance to buy a quad of lightly used TungSol KT-150 power tubes as backup for my Ayon integrated. I'd like to get them tested, and maybe get my current running set tested too (they sound fine). Unfortunately, there is no longer a good high-end shop here in New Orleans. I've talked to a couple of the musical instrument repair shops who say they test guitar amp tubes, but I didn't get the impression they really know what they are doing.

Does anyone have a rec for a mail-order testing service? How concerned should I be about shipping them back and forth? Is it worth it?

I have no interest in investing in a testing device and don't have a good place to put it.

Thanks in advance.

. . . in theory, practice and theory are the same; in practice, they are different . . .


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RE: Tube testing, posted on August 2, 2024 at 04:08:30
Steelhead Mike

Posts: 109
Location: New England
Joined: September 2, 2000
I've used them and was delighted with their service.



RE: Tube testing, posted on August 2, 2024 at 14:51:14
Industry Professional

Posts: 17554
Location: So. Cal.
Joined: February 9, 2002
What would you even test a KT-150 as? A KT-88?

My old testers (and I have a few) were all made before the KT-150 existed.

Have Fun and Enjoy the Music
"Still Working the Problem"


Thus my question. . . , posted on August 2, 2024 at 15:28:21

Posts: 675
Location: New Orleans
Joined: January 20, 2002
October 29, 2006
That is why I am asking for advice. Obviously the tester needs to have equipment that will properly test the KT-150 tubes.

I asked in the original post, "Is it worth it?"

The amp is claimed by the mfg to be "auto biasing" whatever that means.

What if I just plug in the replacement tubes and see what happens?
Will testing tell me anything useful?

Thanks for your response.

. . . in theory, practice and theory are the same; in practice, they are different . . .


RE: Thus my question. . . , posted on August 5, 2024 at 09:02:50

Posts: 9930
Location: Fort Worth
Joined: May 17, 2000
April 5, 2002
Is it worth it? Before you plink down yer money on used tubes, depending on how much $ we're talking about, it very well might be worth the cost of shipping and testing. Question for me is, will the seller allow you to ship them to a third party for testing without paying for them first? And can you get yer money back if they test poorly?

Although I've not used them, I have read good comments about Western Glow. Seems easy enough to email them and see if they can test the 150's and how much they ask to do it. Only then can you begin to answer the question.


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