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Problem with refund from Acoustic Sounds online

Posted on February 3, 2022 at 09:58:43

Posts: 1031
Joined: October 18, 2001
March 11, 2021
I ordered a Grado Prestige Gold3 phono cartridge from Acoustic Sounds on Jan. 11th.
They sent a Grado prestige Gold1 instead. I called them immediately and informed them that they did not send me what I ordered and paid for. They apologized,
and gave me some lame excuse about a problem in the warehouse.
It sounded like BS, so I asked for them to refund my $275 to my paypal upon return of the cartridge. I did so the very next day via Fedex.
They received it 3 days later,and signed for it. It was verified by my checking the tracking number.
It's now been over 3 weeks, and I have yet to receive my money back.
I called a week ago, and was told it takes 2 weeks to get your money back. Waited another week, and called them again. Today it seems the guy who handles returns is not around, and receptionist took my number to have him call me.
They have their cartridge back. I never took it out of its box. It said Gold 1 on the Grado box, so I immediately put it back in Acoustic sounds packing.
I upheld my end, but it seems they are taking their own good time to return my money. How hard is it for them to hit a few keystrokes and put my money back into my paypal?
Kinda pisses you off when you pay for something, receive not what you paid for, then get a hard time getting your money back.
I ordered the Gold3 from Audio Advisor, paid $275, and received a Gold3 within a few days.
Don't think I will order anything again from Acoustic Sounds.


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RE: Problem with refund from Acoustic Sounds online, posted on February 6, 2022 at 05:33:23
Bill Way

Posts: 1884
Location: Toms River NJ
Joined: May 28, 2012
December 14, 2012
Paypal will refund your money. Send them your documentation and you may be surprised how quickly they get it done.

"Put on your high heeled sneakers. Baby, we''re goin'' out tonight.


RE: Problem with refund from Acoustic Sounds online, posted on February 6, 2022 at 06:17:21

Posts: 1031
Joined: October 18, 2001
March 11, 2021
Acoustic Sounds made it right after 2 phone calls, then an Email.
I am chocking it up to a "one off", maybe due to Covid and reduced staffing.
I probably should not have let my anger get the better of me.


RE: Problem with refund from Acoustic Sounds online, posted on March 28, 2022 at 21:16:07

Posts: 5754
Joined: November 15, 2016
Not to pile on - I had bad experiences with them too. Most records they sent me were damaged - bent corners, burst through, etc.. I'm assuming because I didn't complain the first time they put me on a list to dump their crap on. I didn't feel like dealing with so I just started buying elsewhere and having never received the kind of garbage I was getting from them.

That said Analog Production records are usually really well done - luckily I don't have to buy them from Acoustic Sounds.


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