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loosing signal strength?

Posted on July 22, 2024 at 13:23:20

Posts: 711
Location: Oakland, Califonia
Joined: May 30, 2001
My 45 amp (Sonic Oil Korneff 45 clone), has somehow started to sound weaker and more distorted, I have swapped driver tubes as well as output tubes to some slight improvements, but I really am afraid that there is something else making the output less powerful so it clips very easily- could it be a cap or a bad connection somewhere?


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RE: loosing signal strength?, posted on July 22, 2024 at 17:03:38

Posts: 4559
Location: SF Bay
Joined: August 16, 2001
If replacing the tubes did not 'restore' the amp, then you are likely loosing something through a failing Cap, and less likely a resistor or two...
Happy Listening


Not familiar with that amp, posted on July 23, 2024 at 19:17:14
Steve O

Posts: 12523
Location: SE MI
Joined: September 6, 2001
Does it use a rectifier tube? If so, is it good?


RE: loosing signal strength?, posted on August 28, 2024 at 22:46:12
Todd Krieger

Posts: 37404
Location: SW United States
Joined: November 2, 2000
I've noticed that direct-heated triode tubes like a Type 45 or Type 10 gradually lose output level over run time...... Although the decline in level is so gradual, it would take at least 500 hours to notice such decline, with an unused tube to compare with. And tubes with 2000 hours of play time shouldn't sound noticeably worse than unused tubes, just a decline in output level. A sonic decline should only be noticeable with at least 3000 hours of run time.


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