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JJ/Tesla 300B Pricing

Posted on April 27, 2000 at 20:12:17

Searching the web for a JJ/Tesla 300B and found these two prices:

Tube Store - $249 (matched)
New Sensor - $161 (matched after 24 hr burn)

The price quoted in the recent Stereophile 300B survey was $198. What gives? Is the New Sensor price too good to be true?


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Re: JJ/Tesla 300B Pricing, posted on April 27, 2000 at 21:50:53

Uncle Ned's got 'em for $170, so that sounds about right.



Re: JJ/Tesla 300B Pricing, posted on April 29, 2000 at 17:33:10
The New Sensor price is for a *single tube*,
not a matched pair.
Our price is $170 for a matched pair.

All JJ power tubes get burned in at the factory, there's
no reason to pay extra to have a tube dealer
do it again.


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