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Tweeter size change

Posted on July 13, 2023 at 17:37:55

Posts: 3880
Joined: August 1, 2002
Has anybody changed an older (soft dome) tweeter of approximately 1.3" or so with a more modern 1" tweeter (titanium). Both are Audax. The impedence, output level, power handling, and dispersion are pretty much exactly the same. Question: As the tips of the cones aren't the same distance from the baseline of the baffle, could there be an issue with timing, perhaps a slight delay, of the signal presented?


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RE: Tweeter size change, posted on July 22, 2023 at 07:14:42

Posts: 8615
Joined: July 4, 2002
If the frequency responses and the impedance curves were the same, you would have a good chance of a simple swap.

IF they were the same type radiator, then the .15in difference in the radius would only impose a small phase shift at 20KHz (up where the full wave length is only about 5/8 inch and .15 less than 1/4 WL).

However, soft domes are mostly a traveling wave radiator (not a piston up high) where as the hard dome has piston motion up to the breakup F (s).
For that reason there may well be differences up high.

If you have not removed your bad tweeter, you might do that now.
Then with it in front of you, cruse Parts Express, Madisound etc and see if you can find the driver you have. Those parts companies often have the same drivers mfr's used (or with minor mods) in their products.

If your speaker wasn't from a giant company, you may well find it at those web sites.
Good Luck and if you can't find it and really want to fix the speakers, this isn't the end of the road so far as what can be done but requires you to go a bit deeper.


RE: Tweeter size change, posted on July 22, 2023 at 08:21:11

Posts: 3880
Joined: August 1, 2002
Thank you Tom. You answered all of my concerns. Is mainly the dome size and timing. The driver I have now is by Audax. A 1.3 inch soft dome. It is fine. Just dated. I am looking to improve the highs. The chosen replacement is by Audax as well. See attached. The output level and impedence are dead on exact as the original Audax driver, so there will be no changes to the crossover.


RE: Tweeter size change, posted on July 23, 2023 at 04:58:50

Posts: 8615
Joined: July 4, 2002
In the words of C.Montgomery Burns "Excellent"

Tom Danley
Danley Sound Labs


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