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15" coax identification: please help ...

Posted on April 25, 2000 at 10:52:03

Hello! Below is a word for word description of a set of old speakers being given to me and I'm curious if anyone here might know anything about them. I have not seen the speakers and this is the most info I could get. Here it goes:

"The two loudspeakers each sit on the floor. They are wooden boxes with no label. They measure 23-1/2" wide by 18" deep by 42-1/2" high (yes 3-1/2 feet high). I removed the front cover and found a 14" speaker mounted in the upper section. The lower section is open to the rear and the incoming wires go to a 4"x6" metal box. The box said "Tandy" Cross Over Unit for Dual Concentrick LS Type LSU/HF/15/L 15 ohm impedance Made in England. The overall case (wood) is painted. They are very old. I have been in the family 24 years and they were there before me."

That's all. I don't know much about obscure old stuff. Obviously, at least the crossover was made by Tandy. From the description I gather it's a 15" coax mounted in a cabinet that is either slot or horn loaded through either the front or rear near the bottom of the cabinet.I also know that the paint job came from the owner. They painted everything they owned. Therefore, no info on the original finish. HELP!

Sal Gazzo


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Re: 15" coax identification: please help ..., posted on April 25, 2000 at 19:30:42

Provided they are working properly, you are the lucky recipient of a pair of vintage Tannoy Dual Concentrics, one of the best high fidelity loudspeakers ever made. The crossover box says, or used to say, "Tannoy" not "Tandy."

To determine exactly which model (Tannoy has been making dual concentrics for about 50 years), check the Tannoy website (www.tannoy.com), find the appropriate e-mail address (I'd recommend the service dept.) and send your information to them.

Of course, someone else in the Asylum may give you that information first. . .




Buy these now!, posted on April 26, 2000 at 06:42:32
Allan Songer

These are 15" Tannoy montiors, probably Red or Gold.

Worth about $2000-$3000 in today's (crazily inflated) market.

IF you don't want them I'll buy them!


Sal, they are Tannoy..., posted on April 26, 2000 at 07:38:12

Those are wonderful speakers provided they are working properly. These are highly prized vintage Tannoy dual-concentric monitor loudspeakers. As others have said, if you do not want them i will gladly buy them for a reasonable price.

Enjoy the music,

Steven R. Rochlin


Thanks for responding (more...), posted on April 26, 2000 at 08:08:30

You guys have me so excited! I'm giddy with anticipation. I really hope I'm not getting myself psyched up for a letdown. I sent an e-mail to Tannoy service so let's see what they say. Would old Tannoys work well with 35 watt push pull EL34 based ultralinear type monoblock tube amps (Klimo Kent)? How efficient were they? I had better calm myself down before my wife has me committed. I guess worst case is I get a pair of large cabinets to play with. Thanks again for responding.

Sal Gazzo
AAMIL (audiophiles against mother-in-laws)


Re: Thanks for responding (more...), posted on April 26, 2000 at 11:12:01
Allan Songer

The Tannoys are really, really effecient speakers--right up there with horns--probably in the 95db range.

I have a pair of 12" Golds that I drive with a EL84/7189 Fisher SA100 amp circa 1960--probably an honest 18 wpc--and I rattle the windows with clean, clear sound at about 11 o'clock on the preamp volume control.

You have every reason to be giddy.



Re: Thanks for responding (more...), posted on April 27, 2000 at 12:41:05

Be giddy. Be VERY giddy. :-{)

>>>...Would old Tannoys work well with 35 watt push pull EL34 based ultralinear type monoblock tube amps (Klimo Kent)? How efficient were they?<<<

Depending on enclosure, around 95 db/w/m and 35 watts should get them VERY loud.

>>> I had better calm myself down before my wife has me committed.<<<

If she gets you committed, can i have the loudspeaker? Can't blame a guy for trying :-{) .

Enjoy the music (The Knack "My Sharona" right now on vinyl),

Steven R. Rochlin

"Ooh, my little pretty one, my pretty one
When you gonna give me some time, Sharona
Ooh, you make my motor run, my motor run
Got it comin' off o' the line, Sharona

Never gonna stop, give it up, such a dirty mind
I always get it up for the touch of the younger kind
My, my, my, aye-aye, whoa!
M-m-m-my Sharona..."


Tannoy responds!, posted on April 27, 2000 at 13:35:24

I received an e-mail response from Tannoy today. It seem the speakers are Lancasters from the 1950s. The cabinets are made of 1.5" blockboards (whatever that is) and were finished in teak veneer. According to the archives section of their website, the driver is the monitor red. I also searched E-bay and found an auction for Silvers. The crossover in the auction had the exact same info as the ones I am getting. So maybe the drivers are silvers? I guess I'll have to wait and see. I might actually get them on Sunday, but not likely. I got in touch with the owner's son-in-law and he said the cabinets appear to be horn loaded. The panel under the driver slopes back into the cabinet.

So, How good are these? With what would they compare today? I really don't know what to expect as far as sound. I'm hoping to use them in my 20x14 living room and keep my Vandersteen 1Cs for home theatre in another room.

Thanks again to everyone for pointing me in the right direction and please excuse my Tannoy ignorance!

Sal Gazzo


Re: Tannoy responds!, posted on April 27, 2000 at 15:22:13
Allan Songer

If these are 15" silvers in the original cabinets and are performing to original specs and you are driving them with proper (low power tube) electronics, then these are about as good as it gets. You'll be stunned how alive and musical these speakers are. 50 year old design that kicks butt on just about anything you could buy new.

You're a very lucky man.



"Tandy" side note>>>>, posted on May 5, 2000 at 08:04:17

Tandy Corp. is the conglomorate that owns "Radio Shack", -very unlikely that you would have a Radio Shack crossover for Tannoy speakers.


Re: "Tandy" side note>>>>, posted on May 6, 2000 at 16:01:36

Hi Vinylly,
I realize that now, But when I posted I had no idea what the speakers were and was given the original info via e-mail. I must have looked pretty ignorant with my "Tandy" post! Well, we live and we learn. Anyway, I'm excited to get these speakers and try them out. I'm moving in about two months and won't be able to hook them up to anything decent until then.

Sal Gazzo


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