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Perpetual P-1A

Posted on March 27, 2000 at 03:46:02

Some questions, Perpetual haven't yet got around to answer.

So I thought I would try my luck here.

1) One of my digital cables is better than the other. Should I use the better one between the P-1A and the DAC or between the transport and the P-1A?

2) In the Bypass mode, would the DAC revert to 16/44.1? My Gold Link still shows 96kHz (I don't know whether this is 16 or 24 bits as there are no indicators) even when the P-1A is in the Bypass mode.

3) Does anyone know if there are any plans to upgrade the wall wart? Would this really matter much at all? Would a better IEC power cord to the wall wart make a difference?

Appreciate if someone can give me some view on the above.



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Re: Perpetual P-1A, posted on March 27, 2000 at 09:40:22
Try your digital cables both ways and see what sounds the best. One might think the one coming from the P1A is most important.
Can't say anything about the bypass mode yet. Have not received myP1A yet.
Monolithic Sound has an upgraded power supply for the P1A. I will be making one as well. A battery supply bypassed by lots of large caps and some small bypass caps would probably be best (hardwired into the P1A). Better power cords always help. I will have more info on the unit as I get it in and modify it.

Ric Schultz


Re: Perpetual P-1A, posted on March 27, 2000 at 22:16:51
With my AA DTI Pro-32, the connection from the transport to the Pro-32 has always made a much larger difference than the one going to the DAC.


Re: Perpetual P-1A, posted on March 28, 2000 at 00:25:26

Agreed; I always found the interconnect from transport to the Meridian 518 to be more important than from the 518 to DAC. I wonder if this is because the digital output signal from the 518 is of superior quality to that from most transports, and the same thing is going on with the AA boxes and now the P1-A.

FWIW, all this is irrelevant of course if ones goes I2S. Of course, you need an I2S-capable DAC, but they're coming.


Re: Perpetual P-1A, how does it sound?, posted on March 29, 2000 at 09:21:21

So how does the unit make your music sound? I understand a number of these units have been out there a little while; however, I have not heard any feed back. Was it a worthwhile purchase?


Re: Perpetual P-1A, posted on March 31, 2000 at 02:12:24
My impression is the cable from my transport to the P-1A makes no difference. I've plyed with a sub-Rat Shack cable vs. an Illuminations D-60. No audible difference. Can't say for sure with the D-60 vs. anycable between P-1A and EVS Millennium. Subtle at best.


Re: Perpetual P-1A, posted on March 31, 2000 at 04:50:52

That's good news. I've been using the Max Rochlin DIY cables and the combo sounds great IMO. However, due my lack of digital cable alternatives, I had been wondering if a "better" (translation:more expensive)cable would improve the sound.
BTW-Last night I listened to the CD "Night of the Living Dregs" [Dixie Dregs,1979 Polydor 831411-2] and it sounded unbelievably 3-dimensional-open and airy-and this disc is not even a remaster. Although it should be noted that I do not have an expensive cdp, I've never heard these qualities before without the EVS/P-1A combo. So far, in my experience this seems to be the rule, rather than the exception.


Re: Perpetual P-1A, posted on March 31, 2000 at 18:14:57
When I spoke with Perpetual, Jon Lane indicated that the upsampling and res enhancement worked together and that bypass mode bypassed both features.

I have found that the cable to the P1-A input makes a bigger difference but can hear changes when either cable is swapped.

I could hear a difference - a bit more fullness when swapping either the EVS or P1-A stock cords with thicker shielded Beldens.

I was getting some intermittment pops. I determined that there was some slight slop in the 12 volt connection on the P1-A which was cured by placing a small ring of poster tac around the plug where it meets the chassis.

Then there was the DynaMat and MusiCoat...


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