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Xangsane IC's Revisited - Reimagined.

Posted on April 24, 2024 at 15:18:25

Posts: 1958
Location: Michigan
Joined: September 6, 2003

Hi All,

As I had honestly felt my adventures with cabling had reached its end, thanks goes out to both Tangram | B Shaw over on of which both having sparked my interest in the use of pure silver as well as the use of tellurium copper based designs with silver plating over them as far as connectors go, here I'm referring to RCAs | Binding Post | RCA Inputs | Banana Plugs, as both use different pairs of my much beloved | cherished Xangsane IC's, it seems fitting I'd pay attention to what each had to say as it relates to the use of said connectors placed onto these actual IC's, and logically as always both made perfect sense, as my in-depth research into the types of connectors used by Audio Note ( both UK | Japan under the banner of Kondo ) rely upon heavily plated silver connectors, the more and more I thought about it, it became one of those rare 4th in my lifetime "WTF" moments.

This led me to think of my fondness on the WBT NextGen silver | copper based designs of which I've had placed onto three different pairs of Litz pure silver IC's from the likes of Yannis Audio Analogue Cable Designs in England, as opposed to brands like KLEI or Starline, which use the low mass approach, as compared to manufacturers like Viborg | certain Furutech types, even looked closer at the connectors used by Cardas Audio ( of which I've also owned, and loved even though their base metals were brass ) it seems worthwhile to investigate said offerings, which has lead me to look at various shops located here as well as across Europe | Japan which all specialize in selling various brands of connectors | passive parts for one's electronics, and it seems that while there aren't many manufacturers of pure silver connectors as compared to say rhodium ones, with the known to me exceptions being Wirewoo | Viborg | Bocchino | Authentic Audio Image | CopperColour, ( all priced between say $300-$500 for their AC Plugs ), as well as custom requested ones from Monosaudio, it came full circle in my case to the offerings from the company called Aeco from Taiwan which offers pure silver rca connectors | binding post, where I intend to use their ARP-1533 Pure Silver RCA connectors | $220 the pair onto the Xangsane SP-9003Ag ( which remains my favorite of the two ) | a pair of their model ARP-1512S Tellurium Copper Silver Plated RCA | $70 per pair, on the SP-9001Ag, at which point, I'll be replacing my sole pair of rca inputs on both my music server | integrated amps with a pair of Aeco ARJ-4045S Silver Plated Tellurium Copper Chassis Input Connectors | $40 Pair.

And while I'm aware that some seem to be rather sensitive to the sounds of either pure silver or silver plated copper, and I've read that some don't feel the latter is appropriate as signal cables of which I see as absolute BS, lest companies like NordOst or AAI ( Authentic Audio Image ) among quite a few brands of late using it in their IC's | SCs | PCs designs wouldn't be in existence, now would they?, yet for those with more sensitive ears ( hearing ) I'd say at the very least, why not look into changing out your binding post to the un-plated copper Cardas Audio type of which I've used | loved since having placed them onto both solid state | tube amplifiers since 1993, toss in a set of either Viborg or Monosaudio Copper RCA Connectors and Input Jacks ( screw down carbon fiber version on the former ) | Copper Banana Plugs and call it a lifetime.

In the end it came down to trying to best understand the synergy requirements of using either pure silver or silver plated copper wiring throughout my two systems, as it relates to plating types, or at the very least a base metal like Tellurium or Beryllium Copper which offers a slightly different sound as compared to the more commonly found Red Copper offerings of late..., as said attention to the smallest of details as far as bringing it all together matters to me more at this stage ( age ) in life as to only once again bring about a more long term satisfaction from the electronics as they reside, as I'm just not one to wish to change them out unless they're in need of repair, and even then that's why I've always been a hoarder of sort when it comes to owning upwards of 5 different pairs of speakers | integrated amps | IC's | SCs and the occasional PCs, but relying upon just the main three digital sources ( including a single DAC | two dedicated music servers ) if these were to die tomorrow, I won't miss a beat and resort to placing a Mac Mini back into use, hence logicalky having three Nv Me 2 SSD drives already loaded with my entire music collection placed onto them, it's the music I'd fear losing more than anything, as it has taken me all of 16 years to have built said collection standing at 59.378 tracks, of which as far as my aging memory goes, I'd more than likely have forgotten over 2/3rd of them otherwise.

It seems the Creator wasn't quite finished with me, as I had originally thought | so let the journey continue as planned.


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RE: Xangsane IC's Revisited - Reimagined., posted on April 27, 2024 at 11:13:47

Posts: 1958
Location: Michigan
Joined: September 6, 2003

So I've initiated said quest | after rethinking things, I've decided to start this venture and purchased a set of Viborg VR105S silver plated copper RCA connectors moments ago, I'm thinking if both Audio Note UK | Audio Note - Kondo thinks silver plated connectors are good enough to be used on their respective IC's | Binding Post, why should I question said logic, II do intend once again to explore pure silver connectors within a month or two, yet in the end, as I've decided once again to stay under the $250 for any given set of 4 types of these RCA connectors | as well as limit myself to binding post | RCA input jacks around $70, as per Aeco designs...-, and have no place in my life ( or system ) for gold or rhodium plated types from this day forth, I'm going for it.

Especially as the venture with pure silver ac plugs seriously had taken my system as it stands to yet another level of enlightenment that I didn't see coming, thanks again to both Tangram | B Shaw for having taken the time | effort in reassuring me of said possibilities, to which I'm forever indebted to both.

Coming up:

Have a wonderful | safe weekend to you all, and even while no one seems to respond, it seems others from other forums have been following my post on cabling from the likes of NeardOst | Xangsane | Accuphase enough to where I get more than enough letters privately from them, so I'm glad some are paying attention to my rants on said things, as cabling to me is just as important as one's system choices, and in truth we each need to know what works best in our system, and go about selecting by ear, as opposed to being caught upon measurements | cost, as I've once again replaced far more expensive cables with the ones in either of my systems, and am chuckling my ass off when I see those with power cords costing $6000 or more, especially after having taken the time to study some of these designs like Stage lll Concepts, and just logically can't fully understand what type of wiring demands said pricing, yet once again I'm not hating on those that can afford said luxuries like said priced cables | cords, or million dollar systems, more power to you, yet for us common folks, logically we might wish to venture outwards and not bias ourselves because something is made in China, as I see it, shame on those that talk smack without having spent anything on a set to judge, or know otherwise.

Growth starts from within, and I'll go to my grave ( actually designer urn ) knowing what's what, while others question basic common sense rationale. Life goes on, eh!.


RE: Xangsane IC's Revisited - Reimagined., posted on April 27, 2024 at 15:20:25

Posts: 1958
Location: Michigan
Joined: September 6, 2003

A brief sample of where Mi-Fi stands as of today:

My thoughts are it can only get better versus worse if I don't overdo it!. Which I don't plan on making the mistake of pursuing to much resolution or taking the highs over the top.


RE: Xangsane IC's Revisited - Reimagined., posted on May 12, 2024 at 12:36:21

Posts: 1958
Location: Michigan
Joined: September 6, 2003

Fair enough, I see that no one has taken the time to respond to said post, but it's cool, life as intended goes on.

Yet I did wish to add an update of sort..., after having spent countless nights ( hours ) into researching said options, logical tends to resurface and I can't for the life of me justify spending between $170-$220 on a set of pure silver RCA connectors which are to once again be placed onto what's essentially a $125 pair of IC's, as it stands said research has led me to investigate brands which offer silver plated types, of which I already had a set of the Xhadow | Cardas Audio ones in-house, and received sets of the Star Line ( Silver ones, which struck me as very very impressively built for the asking price of $12 ) as well as the ones from Viborg, but...-, had seriously given thought to the brand ETI Research in some much as their Nexus plugs go, mainly because they are the screw down types of which I'd assemble onto either pair of IC's myself, but as common sense bared its ugly head, the pricing once again doesn't strike me as rational.

Yet looking closer at the silver plated cloned WBT's | AudioQuest | XSSH ( Star Line types ) | Xangsane ( Grey Knight ) it merely seems leach of these are logical options, therefore I'll be adding these to the collection.

Here's hoping that each of you've once again come to realize it's the vital pair of IC's plsced onto one's source component which makes or breaks the system?, as SCs can only place an emphasis upon the notes as they're rendered before they reach said SCs | Speakers further downstream, so paying attention to said IC's | PCs should definitely bring about more impact starting at one's DAC | Music Server | CDP or whatever relays the signal downstream and not from the other end upwards, hence one's weakness set of cables or cords in said locations aren't capable of restoring what's lost off the bat.

Lastly I'd like to point out that my constant rants on social issues aren't directed towards all of you, so don't take offend to me merely pointing out things as I've always seen them being as how I'm of African-American-Canadian decent, and can get along with any culture, yet can admit I've never done rednecks, and never shall lose my sense of pride | dignity in answering to the term " Boy ", it just isn't going to happen, so be assured of one thing..., I'm not a racist or any sort, but having done the Hippy thing coming out of the mid 60s | early 70s, where I'd only pray for a more loving | caring society around me, and was an idealistic at best, yet as I stopped watching the news over 14 years ago, due to the ongoing murders of sometimes innocent black youths, as I began to feel I don't have to see bad shit, to know it's happening in the world on a daily basis, weird thing is, this merely jumped started my more current approach of living as a realist, all BS aside, either we as human beings regardless of one's shading, " just be? ", as the old adage goes..., live and let live, or was that another one of those fake ass lies to get certain cultures to be more respectful of manmade laws?. I wonder?.

Let the BS end, and at the very least try to be respectful of those of multiple cultural backgrounds, after all, people of share are in fact the new majority. Just keeping it real.

In the end,


RE: Xangsane IC's Revisited - Reimagined., posted on May 15, 2024 at 18:17:18

Posts: 2276
Location: Wyoming
Joined: June 12, 2003
November 11, 2009
I got a Xangsane ( Grey Knight) coaxial digital cable for $25. It simply blew away the Pangea one it replaced. So much for the theory that all digital cables sound the same.


RE: Xangsane IC's Revisited - Reimagined., posted on May 16, 2024 at 07:13:20

Posts: 1958
Location: Michigan
Joined: September 6, 2003


Thanks for sharing this, as noted earlier it appears some aren't inclined to respond to their findings, but as it should, life goes on.

And while I've eliminated the use of a usb cable by using an EverSolo DMP-A6 directly into either integrated amp that's placed into the main system, I've found that on my new mid-level Arcam A15 amp, has an onboard DAC of which like you I've found the Greg Knight ( Xangsane ) $70 | 1.5m silver plated copper coaxial cable to perform simply wonderful.., and while I see both the Xangsane XS-9003Ag | SP-9001Ag IC's as my personal endgame IC's, I did pick up one of his SP-6008Ag silver plated copper pair just because I've come to respect the brand itself for both sonics as well as value, that I no longer look, nor crave anything else.

Great choice by the way, enjoy, but please venture further within their offerings, you might just come away very surprised to say the least.


RE: Xangsane IC's Revisited - Reimagined., posted on May 16, 2024 at 19:21:24

Posts: 1958
Location: Michigan
Joined: September 6, 2003

As I've grown accustomed to posting things here more than anywhere else, and while I'm well aware items like RCA Jacks | Binding Post are meant to be listed in the Tweaker Asylum section, I've decided to go against the grain with this one.

I've asked in the past as it relates to the different effects of various plating as it relates to binding post, yet at that time I wasn't as fond of silver plated copper or brass connectors at the time..., yet as it may, the times are a changing "in how", so I've obtained sets of the newly introduced Xangsane Ag plated binding post, as well as have had a set of EiZZ EZ-302 gold plated types here for nearly two years now, I'd like to know if I might in fact be over thinking things in pursuing a set of rhodium plated EiZZ binding post as well?, or would said silver or gold plated ones suffice if used solely with rhodium plated copper Furutech | Viborg banana plugs?.

In the end I guess what I'm interested in is an ideal sense of favoring which compliments both metal plating types, yet this is another one of those areas in which I've owned all types of plated connectors in the past, which merely sat here unused until being sold, it seems as fate would've it, my taste in said plating types have changed for the better..., hence my desire to only ask questions when absolutely needed, as I've grown very tired of merely wasting money on said things, my budget for a set of 4, is between $65-$150, seeming as it only needs be done on my favorite of 4 integrated amps in-house, and the lesser ones can be placed onto my secondary amps as required in due time.

It seems things have come down to how to best use these different favors of plating on items like IC's | SCs | PCs in order to ideally bring about a better sense of not only synergy between the components collectively, but also taking the time to present a more productive sense of ebb and flow to the notes themselves. I know in practice it's best to just buy said items of interest, but once again I've simply grown very very tired of wasting funds I don't have as disposable income, especially relying upon social security as a means of survival, shit here in Michigan one usually gets 80% of the actual wage they earned while working, so let's just say my then after taxes bring home pay of $3.750 per month is sorely missed | then some, yet the reality of it is, many aren't even getting that, so I don't cry about how greedy the government's policies are, as it has always been about money, so I tend to roll with it, yet in my mind tend to pursue only items which are needed of late, waste isn't an option, hence I once again only ask when I absolutely need others views on said matters.

And I know that I'll definitely be having MS Audio Silver Plated Tellrium Copper RCA connectors placed onto my favorite two Xangsane IC's, namely 9003Ag | 9001Ag cables which once again as far as I'm concerned are the ones I'd be an absolute fool to let go. Should is giving made countless mistakes in the past thinking more spent equals better performance, live | learn indeed.

Until next time, as my usual saying goes " Be well | Stay safe ".


RE: Xangsane IC's Revisited - Reimagined., posted on June 8, 2024 at 05:45:25

Posts: 1958
Location: Michigan
Joined: September 6, 2003

Just wanted to follow upon upon my continued quest in abstracting what I've to consider an even better sense of musicality from these IC's. To date I've collected 4 different sets of silver plated RCAs from the likes of Viborg | Cardas ( cloned ) | Xhadow ( cloned ) | Star Line by Aeco, and currently have two pairs of SP-9003Ag IC's being done on my behalf by a nice young man whom goes by B. Shaw over in Vermouth, where I'll be getting them back next week.

As per his as well as Tanggram's recommendations to venue out with both silver plated copper ( Tellurium ) or pure silver of which the latter is to be put on hold until I've gotten a feel for what's possible from them with said plugs above.., at which point I'll be more willing to try either of these offerings from Aeco or Viborg ( whereas the latter makes have been spotted as coming down in price ) at which point I just don't see a need to spend a single dime on another brand of IC's, like ever, as I hear these as my endgame or absolute type of sound, I once again dare not change a thing.

For those of you whom might've misunderstood my rants on social issues based upon an African American Canadian prescriptive?. I don't buy into fear, nor afraid to speak on real concerns regarding B&W matters of injustice, so forgive me for at times getting off topic, and writing said rants in the wrong section of the audio forums here, yet I'm well aware the cable asylum has more than its fair viewers on a daily basis, so there have been times where I merely wish to get things off my chest publicly. I'm just a realist when it comes to everyday topics should as some folks hidden agenda's based upon a mindset that those of color shouldn't be treated fairly, what a bunch of BS!, so do allow me to speak occasionally on real world issues, thanks.

As I see it, it has gotten extremely quiet here, yet I understand that some like myself have simply found their way in voicing their perspective systems accordingly, as each of us must play attention to what any given system tells us is needed, as opposed to just tossing this or that at it, and crossing our fingers and toes and praying it works..., as once again no one size fits all | yet as reported to me on more than one occasion seemingly quite a few from other forums have written me privately to say they see these cables as their endgame pair of IC's, to which I feel the same and being someone whom has once again owned IC's on average between the retail prices of $500-$895-$1.200 which have each come and gone whereas these remain, should in fact show that my learning curve has changed for the better, as I no longer feel that more expensive anything brings things to the table other than slight differences here or there, which in themselves doesn't necessarily mean better sound, in so much as said sonic differences, yet knowing very very very few of us hear music in the same manner, but it's reassuring in many ways to know that some hear through ( or read ) into the BS as it relates to cost.

I've never claimed to be some sort of golden ear'ed listener..., but I've to admit, I've a great ear for musicality ( which is more than I can say for some ) and have over the course of the last 46 years seemingly developed an awareness for pitch perfect sound as it relates to music itself, as opposed to mere stereo HiFi based effects, as things like truth of timbre | tonality | timing of notes, or instruments regardless of the genre of music used during playback doesn't change the innermost beauty underpinning the notes themselves, so it merely for me comes down to observation which sources | amplification | speakers | cabling offers a greater sense of realism based upon things which are of greater importance to me like weight | scaling | sound-staging capabilities | a sense of emotional involvement | accuracy above all else, as sound effects simply aren't going to sway my mindset towards anything which is associated with an illusion of what some might term as the absolute. As I've to ask myself this is based upon a written set of rules from another human being, which in truth music taste never mimicked mine, so the question became, as it should be, to whom ears | senses should I trust more than my own?, no one other than those with very similar taste in music, or gear can sell me on a belief system that doesn't carry any sort of weight.

And during my 46 year history as a music lover first type of audiophile, and having once again worked on the audio retail side of things, it's even nicer to know that customers from over 40 years ago, still write me to ask my opinions on things in which they should be looking to buy?, as trust often goes both ways, should it not?, more often than not each of us should be trying to share our own truths with the younger ones, like our youngest son Julian, whom is willing to spend $5.000 on watches, which I never would ( but that's a story for another day ) but just as easily buy integrated amps | speakers in and around the $8.000 mark, which as it shows was our only child that took time to listen to my various systems since the age of 5, seemingly found and got the connection, which brings a single tear from my eyes, so I'm very very happy that one of them understood my passion for music playback within our home for all these years.

So when I've tired my best to steer some towards obtaining even better performance from their systems, a few have resisted said notions as if their systems were superior due to cost, yet very seldom realized that even so, spending a tad bit more on say tubes or isolation footers or stands, as well as not over damping their listening rooms can in fact squeeze the last 20-35% out of their system in ways they couldn't have imagined, sometimes people misunderstand that while they're often set in their ways, as in stuck in the 60s | 70s as it relates to tired ass old compressed recordings or the use to 5 tier tower racks for their electronics, the times have changed, and by paying attention to things like speaker placement | isolation each component according to what they need ( as opposed to their wants from the gear ) goes a very very long way in restoring a sense of balance | beauty they aren't likely to know exist, if they aren't willing to grow, or at the very least try some of this shit.

Anyways, I'll be coming back to visit from time to time, but as I've leaned basically all that I've needed to know since joining A'Gon back in 2003, as well as various other audio forums and groups from across the globe since 2004, I believe my system on whole has reached a point where I'd be a fool to change anything, so I'll be living with it until either it, or I dies, period.

This so-called search for perfection has to end somewhere, no!.


RE: Xangsane IC's Revisited - Reimagined., posted on June 8, 2024 at 06:31:15

Posts: 1958
Location: Michigan
Joined: September 6, 2003

And before I take my leave, I wanted to drop this:

As per what Thomas has said, I too have in my 46 years at this shared hobby have concluded only heard three systems as well which communicated the music in such a manner, I found myself glued to the chair asking for a pen and notebook, as each and every record heard made me feel as if I'd to own them by days end, one said system was the guy that got me into tubes back in 1989, whom had DIY single driver speakers | cables from Gardo ( which I don't recall having made it into the market ) tube gear consisting of EL34s | 300Bs | 2A3s | 45s placed within four different levels in his home, the only commercial items was an Oracle Delphi MK ll with Grado Signature Tonearm and 8MZ cartridge, which was the exact same arm and cartridge used in the second best system I've ever heard, where they were placed on a Townshend Elite Rock MK ll, used in tandem with a then Naim Nait 3R driving a pair of Epos Acoustics ES-14s, the last of which was at Don Better Audio in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, where I'd hear the likes of turntables from Spiral Groove | Well Tempered Labs | Shindo Labs | DPS used with either Dynavector or EMT cartridges into either Leben or Shindo driving a lovely sounding pair of DeVore Fidelity Gibbon 3XLs, in the largest living room area I've ever encountered to date.

These three stood out amongst the more like 120 other shops or peoples homes systems I've heard since 1984, where as Thomas mentions were systems on average retailing between $500.000.00 - $1000.000.00 easily which didn't impress me in the least, if anything I found them boring as hell, as each never had the ability to translate the essence of the music itself, and even if I had the funds, I'd have never purchased any of this shit.

Weird thing about the system Thomas speaks on is, I only spotted 2 items which were produced in the USA, go figure, but it shows that if one is willing to get beyond their biases of Chinese made gear, what's possible.

So I simply don't buy into that spending amounts on one's system which could in fact buy 2-3 homes, just sounds like more of that bragging rights thing I've often mentioned or heard others speak on as well, more power to those that can swing it, but if rather use said amount of money assisting some in messed up situations or neighborhoods, whom are about to lose their homes, in other words establish some form of low income housing where people aren't forced out of their homes, because of unfair rental rates based upon a totally BS!, so-called market rate per state, as I see it, it's has always been about greed, and only allowing the privileged to live in slightly more upscaled neighborhoods, damn the world is in need of some serious restructuring, based upon peoples actual income, as opposed to only this or that type deserves to live at this or that address.


RE: Xangsane IC's Revisited - Reimagined., posted on June 11, 2024 at 18:41:36

Posts: 1958
Location: Michigan
Joined: September 6, 2003

As I've gotten one of the two pairs of Xangsane SP-9003Ag IC's back several days ago, but only placed it into my system all of three hours ago..., all I can say is once again I believe many of us have to seriously stay back and take a look at the actual quality or more so purity of which all of our connectors are using as its base metal | as I see or heard it, it's just as vital as ones cabling choose as well, as inferior connectors rob our cables, be they IC's | SCs | PCs of what's hidden underneath, as well as deeper within the fiber within, as it relates to inner beauty, accuracy an even deeper sense of involvement which I've to be has to be questioned, and addressed by the buying public on said products.

The replacement of the cheap ass Star Line Silver and Gold Plated Tellrium Copper RCA Connectors are to my ears an absolute must experience, worthy of anyone's attention as a means of once again abstracting the most musical performance | portrayal of a dare I say more resolving gain in awareness many of us have simply overlooked and aren't aware it exist.

And while I'm once again somewhat reluctant to spend $140-$220 on sets of pure silver RCAs, it seems logically at some point in the near future I've to suck it up and move forward..., as it's far cheaper than replacing one's components, is it not?. And seeming as responses have all but stoped on my posting, as I've to assume my political or racial views have touched some of you the wrong way, but once again I've to speak on said matters publicly as I see them from a Black Man's perspective, as being the silenced type I'm not, so get over it, or better yet, try living in someone of colors shoes, with all the BS hate crimes happening throughout this country, one has to be living under a rock, to have missed it, but if the shoes were on the other foot, and it was okay to suit up and hunt a known redneck, as it's now, there would even more black men incarcerated, but in the end, justice would in some ways be severed for all the wrong done in this country since our boat landed here, as if we were invited to some sort of cruise, and once freed, it was about go back to Africa, but no one dared to take their asses back to filthy ass European places of origin, didn't rats and roaches have safe passage on your ancestors voyages here, when you took the land from the Native American?, that's why I've never been interested in American history, as opposed to World History, as I've always known since the age of 9, there's a lot of BS in the mix..., once again I'll acknowledge that not all those of European descent are bad people, as I've found quite a few in which I proudly call true friends, but those types that once again know whom you're, can thank the Creator I wasn't a slave, because that whipping me for no reason shit wouldn't have worked, it's as simple as that.

I'm out, no need to ban me, I'm more than happy to sign off for good, but those worthy of merit, be well | stay safe during your lifetime, it has been a pleasure being part of the collective, but it's time to move onwards as my quest has once again reached its zenith.

See you in the next life, Brother Pyle.

Goodbye to you all.
O_o scar


RE: Xangsane IC's Revisited - Reimagined., posted on July 16, 2024 at 12:08:27

Posts: 1958
Location: Michigan
Joined: September 6, 2003

As per my experience and decision as mentioned above, this will be my last entry as far as cable goes, as my journey as indeed reached it end, yet I'll come back from time to time to see where others have travels, and only speak ( write ) as the need seems appropriate to add my truths on certain matters as they relate to cables.

This quest has once again taken me to explore unknown territories, of which I never would've thought were possible just 3-9 years ago, and I'd once again like to acknowledge Dantheman for his willingness to show me the way, I mean literally care enough to share his ear on the concept behind the offerings of both Xangsane | Grey Knight cabling | connectors | accessories, which have essential shown me what can be done at a faction of the cost of what many cabling manufacturers would've us believe can't be done at prices under $200-$400, well my mind | ears | senses read into this as total BS!, as I've come to believe just how many ways can IC's | SCs | PCs wiring be claimed exotic, when nothing as it relates to most audio related items haven't changed that dramatically in 50 years, I believe it merely comes down to the implementation of said wires themselves, as some companies actually have extremely technologically advanced methods of getting it right to begin with, once again no matter how some might choose to see it, the German | Asian cultures are driven by advancements in technology, and amongst the most intelligent beings on this planet, just giving credit to those who deserve it.

Yet here I sit with 4 pairs of IC's in my system, 2 pure silver Xangsane XS-9003Ag where the one placed onto the system uses a set of Star Line Silver Plated Tellurium Copper connectors, while the pair in the photo ( sheathed in black ) were soldered up with a set of AECO Silver Plated Tellurium Copper ones, the other two pairs as shown are the cloned Accuphase 40th Anniversary Edition pure copper ones, used with a set of Viborg Silver Plated Copper connectors, while the last pair of IC's which were recommended to me nearly five years ago are a pair of Sommer Cable Club Series MK ll Vintage Tweed, which are also pure copper by design, this time finished with a set of Grey Knight Rhodium Plated Copper connectors..., and having sampled upwards of 5-8 tracks on each was enough to tell me I need not look any further, nor waste another dime on cabling, as each fits into my concept of what musicality is all about | how it should be rendered during playback as to cause one to be connected with the music itself, as opposed t9 how many tend to be absorbed by merely listening to the hardware side of things, yet find themselves time and time again replacing said electronics or speakers within months, in many cases as I've noticed through friends of friends, selling off expensive items before they're fully broken in, now whom in their right mind, writes off stuff, before they've honestly heard them showing their full potential?, or worth?.

I believe once again, in listening to every component in isolation, tells us how we should go about voicing it ( them ) with the proper isolation devices | gauge as well as flavoring of the power cord ( where some want pure silver, or pure copper, yet if done correctly?, silver plated copper works wonderfully ), each component should then ideally be matched synergistically with others which have a sense of unity and respect towards the other, more so offering a means of playing together collectively as a whole, as in team work, or the brotherhood one established while serving in the Armed Forces, as in bonding in a time where one depends upon the other to know the true meaning of having one another's back. It's only when this type of bond holds true, that some of us ( myself included ) find ourselves reconnecting with the structure of notes and the beauty which resides deeper down in our very core, that can't be put into mere words, as it's as I often term it...-, something that's heard and felt underpinning our very existence on Mother Earth, to be connected, one merely needs to understand and know " their sound ", and never allow others around you to sway you from what type of musical playback, regardless of the medium speaks to you, it's then that we've allowed ourselves to lose ourselves, as well as our way, as temptation being what it is, you'll more often than not find yourself going laterally or backwards at best, before realizing where you went wrong, and I'd only when one is willing to admit ( claim ) said mistakes and own up to them, where we've t9 also be willing to say ourselves, it's okay to go full circle to a moment in time where one was much much happier listening to their music collection, as opposed to be swayed by the cost, or appearance of the boxes in front of them, which are sometimes merely there for show, or worse yet, bragging rights to express visitors, where in some cases said systems remain on display as if in an art gallery, like in look but don't touch, and don't you even thing about powering it up and listening, as this merely shows some are drawn into the appearance of having their shit together, yet in truth are clueless as a bat, or better yet, a valley girl type.

When is enough, enough?, it's not hard to figure most of this shit out on our own, it merely comes down to having the willingness to get off one's ass and get out to shops | shows | friends or associates homes, and listen to establish a point of reference, and then know " your sound " achieve it, and stop reading BS that only confuses some of us mor3 than others, it's called growth, as well as wisdom, how much more can someone in the 50s or 60s expect to learn?, when they should've figured it out for themselves decades ago.

Designer Labels | Clothing | Cars | HiFi Gear | Cabling Looms, need not apply. I'd far rather help a neighbor that's about to lose their home than waste money on High End or Ultra High End shit, even then..., I see guys exchanging this very very expensive shit within 2-3 moths, which tells me, they're clueless as well, fucking clowns.

I'm out, Roger that, copy, all that other military jargon. Semper Fi.


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