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Well then....

if you can argue that your preferences are based on your subjective perspective on what's accurate and what's not accurate how then can you consider both amps, "good" SS and 45 SET, as being "good", in the same breath as you reveal your preferences.

Personally it would make much more sense to me if you claimed that you preferred the accuracy of reproduction due to bass linearity provided by 45 SET amps over solid state amps if at the same time you did not pay lip service to SS devotees by claiming both amps are "good".

Truthfully I think magazine reviewers have an obligation to realize that their subjective preferences aren't shared by everybody and the only fair thing they can do when they review a product is put it in the best light possible - and to do a negative review on a component really can't be justified except in the most extreme cases. But why individual audiophiles have to be so PC is beyond me.

Give me rhythm or give me death!

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  • Well then.... - Don T 22:23:57 07/23/03 (0)

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