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Posted on July 14, 2009 at 04:54:50

Posts: 14
Joined: March 27, 2009
I would like to disable(out of circuit) loudnes, balance and the Blend Switch in my dynaco pas. If someone could explain the steps to me to make it would be fantastic.(please try to use simple words, since I do not undesrtand to much too much english).
very thanks.


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RE: HELP WITH DYNACO PAS, posted on July 14, 2009 at 05:05:52

Posts: 181
Location: US
Joined: June 5, 2007
I've done this by followed this instruction from GP49. Very easy to do.

To bypass the blend switch and the balance control:

Remove the wire from the tape monitor switch to the blend switch.
Remove the wire from the balance control to the volume control.
Install a new wire from the tape monitor switch (where you removed the old wire) to the volume control (where you removed the old wire).

You do not need to physically remove the blend switch and the balance control. You may wish to leave them in case you want to convert it back, later (for sale or whatever).

You need to do this to both channels. If your PAS still has the stock wiring, it will probably have RED wires for the right channel and GREEN for the left channel. Do not get them mixed up, in any case.

To disable the loudness contour switch:

Unsolder the wires to the FOURTH terminal on the volume control...the one that isn't among the three that are grouped together. You need to do this to both sections, front and rear, of the control. Tape the wires aside so they won't touch any other wiring; it doesn't matter if they touch the chassis. It is not necessary to physically remove the switch. You may wish to leave it there in case you want to convert it back, later.


RE: HELP WITH DYNACO PAS, posted on July 14, 2009 at 11:18:18

Posts: 14
Joined: March 27, 2009
Hello and thank you very much for your help.
If it does not matter for you I say to you the steps that I am going to follow in order that you should confirm to me that I am doing correctly, excuses, though the instructions are clear I am very inexpert in electronics.

LOUDNES DISABLE: at VC lug 8 arrives two cables and at VC lug 4 arrives two cables. Then the only thing I have to do is disconnect them (and to cover them in order that they do not do contact with the chassis) is it OK?.

I disconnect the cable that goes of BS leg 10 to MS lug 2,
I disconnect the cable that goes of BS leg 9 to MS lug 5,
I disconnect the cable that goes of BC leg 2 to VC lug 1,
I disconnect the cable that goes of BC leg 5 to VC lug 5,
and finally,
I connect the cable that goes of MS leg 2 to VC lug 5
I connect the cable that goes of MS leg 5 to VC lug 1,
Is it Ok.
Sorry and very thanks for your help.
best regards


This drawing should illustrate how to ......., posted on July 14, 2009 at 17:13:49
Joe Curcio

Posts: 1261
Location: Northern CA
Joined: October 10, 2001

bypass the blend & balance and loudness sw


RE: HELP WITH DYNACO PAS, posted on July 14, 2009 at 22:13:33

Posts: 181
Location: US
Joined: June 5, 2007
That should work. Check out the picture provided by Joe Curcio. You can do it.


RE: HELP WITH DYNACO PAS, posted on July 14, 2009 at 23:22:05

Posts: 14
Joined: March 27, 2009
Very thanks.it is perfect to me!


RE: This drawing should illustrate how to ......., posted on July 15, 2009 at 08:21:20

Posts: 382
Location: No Cal
Joined: April 21, 2009
Joe, what is the point of retaining the two 4.7KΩ resistors in the loudness contour circuit, even if the 0.1uf capacitors are shorted across?

I've found no benefit to doing that, and a better linearity to the stock Dynaco volume control if the loudness circuit is simply snipped off the loudness tap of the control.

Easier, too. No soldering way down on that switch!



RE: This drawing should illustrate how to ......., posted on July 15, 2009 at 09:01:28
Joe Curcio

Posts: 1261
Location: Northern CA
Joined: October 10, 2001
If the resistors are kept, the pot retains (approx) the tracking of the original Dyna pot. I find that without the resistors, the first 40% or so of the pot rotation provides nearly all of the volume range.


RE: This drawing should illustrate how to ......., posted on July 15, 2009 at 10:50:23

Posts: 382
Location: No Cal
Joined: April 21, 2009
Hmmm. I've found the linearity to be better without!



RE: This drawing should illustrate how to ......., posted on July 15, 2009 at 11:03:03
Joe Curcio

Posts: 1261
Location: Northern CA
Joined: October 10, 2001
Note that I didn't claim keeping the resistors was more linear (I'm certain that without the log curve is followed) but rather that most find that the resistors result in better distribution of the volume range across the foll rotation of the control.

If you search some of the posts in the dd forum, you will find several posts from folks who have omitted the resistors who have raised the squashed volume range as an issue where is was resolved when the resistors were added.


RE: This drawing should illustrate how to ......., posted on December 5, 2020 at 18:06:33

Posts: 1
Location: San Francisco
Joined: April 15, 2015
How would you wire in the resistors if the entire loudness switch is eliminated? I understand how it's done with the jumpers. But would the resistors simply be wired into the output leads on their way to the balance control? I'd prefer to have the greater range of control the resistors provide, but I want the whole switch and caps out of the circuit. Does my question make sense?


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