Discount Drive

MEMBERS: SALE ENDED January 18th, 2010, FYI

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There. No more misleading stuff. Problem solved!

BTW- I was a HUGE customer of Sonic Craft previously, and can produce receipts which show over $750.00 in purchases over a twelve month period last year. Thus, my sadness and frustration at being treated so dismissively when I pointed out their misleading ad herein. I've got absolutely no bone to pick with them. Hell, I was gonna drop another $185.00 on parts if they hadn't acted like such weenies about their deceptive ad. Instead of Sonic Craft, Mike Percy got the business, and I am sending Mike the check for the $185 today, in fact. (Percy is great!)

The fact Sonic Craft left up the deceptive subject line and only added their message (that requires you to open their post, of course), possibly shows a certain amount of desperation. Let's hope our retailers are healthy financially and widely supported by the audiophile community in these tough economic times, such that they need not resort to trickery to lure customers. I regularly shopped at Sonic Craft and showed great customer loyalty. I was not accorded the same in return, sadly. Thus, my pursuit of this issue. As of now, with my posting herein I am fully satisfied and consider the matter closed.

Honestly, I was very saddened by all of this. I had really liked Sonic Craft. I spent a lot of money there. I wanted to support them. I actually try to spread my purchases around (some from Percy, some Sonic Craft, and Locus Design Group, etc.), so as to support as many of the smaller retailers and individual businesses as possible. This whole affair was very saddening to me, in the final analysis.

I want to especially thank The Bored for dealing with this. These ARE tough times, and the fact you guys actually did something about this was really appreciated. SC is an advertiser and pays you a nice monthly revenue for their advertising. Criticizing them and asking them to fix the problem (with the attendant risk that SC would get upset and possibly leave the site, however unlikely that was) showed commitment to principles of fair play. Bravo! It's just sad SC didn't quite get the message, but this post will set the record straight. Let's hope the economy picks up soon, so everyone can benefit and keep the high-end, and its small retail outfits, healthy, happy and staying in business. That would be nice.

AA ROCKS!! Best audio site extant!

Thanks again!


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