Tube DIY Asylum

A big thank you to Thorsten, Bottlehead, and everyone else who helped!

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This phono stage design has gone through many iterations and I am very thankful for the top expert help I have received. Good designs are simple, but the details of the design and its implementation took a lot of good people giving inputs. Thanks to Doc B and the folks at Bottlehead for publishing "Groove Thang" which started it all, with elements that topped my more conventional approach. Thanks to DrM for taking it a few steps forward and introducing me to the higher quality sound of unbypassed cathode resistors. Thanks to Dave Slagle for advice on the autotransformer step attenutator that this phono stage has to drive. Of course a big thanks to Thorsten for the tips that really sent this thing cookin': the idea for the transformer attenuator, grid leak bias, 3.18 usec time constant, biased up RIAA capacitors, and whatever else I may add to it later. Wow! I got my money's worth on this board! I am an extremely happy camper.


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