Tube DIY Asylum

getting the bottom octave back (if you want it)

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Use either Grid or full Grid leak bias on the second valve. The 750 Ohm resistor alone is reflected up to the anode as 750 * Mu or theoretically 60k.... Bridge out (for fun) the cathode resistor on the output and use a 20M Gridleak resistor, plus a 2M7 before the coupling Cap (or just re-adjust the RIAA).

Other than that and the 417A it looks very interresting.... I almost made something similar myseld, but decided to save my shots for a fully LR/LRC equalised WE 396 & we417A phonostage, so I'm just building a little "drilled up" version of the EAR 834P.

BTW, if you drop all that cash on Teflon Cap's, do try a pair of S&B 103's for around $ 200 the pair. In my setup you have to wipe the EAR MC-3's off the wall in small chunks after a "shootout", but that just me and WTFDIK....

Ciao T

Ciao T

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