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I use a late-2011 Macbook Air as a workstation for Purevinyl and it is limited to High Sierra based on age and hardware. I have two interfaces, one is a firewire TC Impact twin, the other a USB, Tascam UH-7000. I have two tables, one dedicated to 78's, a tuner and a tape deck going into the interfaces and different profiles in Purevinyl for each interface. This setup allows me to use room correction filters on all of my analog sources and has functioned extremely well for the last couple years. Until last week.
Catalina has broken a lot of software and drivers. The requirement to be 64-bit as well as all of the new security patches has obsoleted a lot of good applications and peripheral hardware, inclusing Purevinyl. Rob has been woking on a new executable that will run on it for some time and it clearly is no easy project. However, up to this point you could just forego the updates and keep on your older OS and everything worked. But Apple in their infinite loopiness just released a major security path for High Sierra that bricked both of my interfaces. Since both are now discontinued products, I can just forget about new drivers rightnow. Fuck Apple. Lets just put it right out there: Fuck Apple and their "security updates." They have absolutely killed the love from so many creatives with this kind of bullshit. Like could they have tested the USB and firewire busses with /ANY/ peripherals? DO they even care? Push everyone to USB-C/Thunderbolt?
JFC, so I thought my tascam had catastrophically failed due to a bad USB transceiver and I bought another NOS unti off ebay only to discover that I now have two unuseable, but not damaged units. I had to partition my drive and do a clean install of High Sierra without updates and magically that brought all the interfaces back online. So, lesson here: quit buying Apple. As bad as MS has been over the years, this is simply unforgivable. Thanks for costing me $400 for nothing Apple. /rant off
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