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Has anyone any experience, or good references, regarding Hi-Fi at altitude?My home is at about 9000 feet. I'm having trouble getting satifactory sound with any of the speakers I'm auditioning. The highs/mids are compressed or dull, and I can't seem to get adequate volume. This has been consistent with various speakers/electronics/room treatment combinations. Equipment will sound great in the showroom (at about 4500 feet), but disappoint when I get it home.
I've found no references to data on altitude vs. SPL or freq response, but it makes some sense that there could be an impact. Any ideas or suggestions?
Follow Ups:
The attenuation of sound in air is influenced by both humidity and atmospheric pressure, and is frequency dependent. Higher frequencies are affected more than lower frequencies. This is unrelated to the load which is presented to the driver, which is an entirely different issue.Bottom line: you'll have to turn up the treble. Where do you live?
(Please say "in the Alps"!)
Search Stereophile's web site. I've seen something written by John Atkinson discussing this issue but I can't remember where. It may have been in the 3 part article he wrote on speaker testing.Whatever it was, I'm sure it was on-line.
You were right, David - thanks:http://www.stereophile.com/asweseeit/590awsi/index.html
John Atkinson, May, 1990:
"As might seem intuitively obvious, all speakers get quieter with altitude, conventional moving-coil woofers and tweeters pretty much in direct proportion and planars by an amount which will vary with frequency and with the exact ratio between their own diaphragm mass and the air load."
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